The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Although it didn't seem possible, Ren's face flushed even more. "I-I'm's just askin' is all..! You and Nana always seem ta get along so well and when ya two..-" He cleared his throat. "Please teach me how to pleasure a woman?" He asked quietly, eyes begging.
Ren nodded and plopped down in the desk chair, looking to Motochika. "Like what?" He asked, still looking rather flustered.
"Well, every woman is different. Nana likes it when I run my hands along her hips and sides. Aki-chan seems like the gentle-sensual when you two are together and things begin to escalate, try just running your hands over her and kissing her gently along her neck or shoulders. Or ask her what she likes. Gentle touches and kisses generally tend to get good reactions." He explained.
Ren nodded, fidgeting in his chair and rubbing the back of his neck as his listened - a couple of images flashed through Motochika's head, ones that should rather be kept private, but Ren was nervous broadcasting again. Able to transmit thoughts to others, the lad was capable of sending messages in the forms of pictures, and would often openly transmit them without control or noticing he had done so. "But what if things get more... Heavy? I've never actually been with anyone." He admitted.
Motochika coughed and tried to block them out, "If things get more heated then here's what you need to do.." He said before beginning to explain the different ways of pleasuring a woman.

((Because Kippy is lazy and doesn't feel like explaining things! XD))
Ren had several more, rather intimate free-floating thoughts before their talk was finally over. "Thanks, Cap'n." Ren bowed, face still flushed as he ran off to do gods know what.
Nana was waiting in the small operating room they had on board, sterilized and ready to begin surgery; Motochika's new eye sat waiting on a small metal table beside the operating table, the silver and black mechanical eye looking rather impressive.
Nana laughed amusedly, motioning for him to lay down on the table as she filled a syringe full of anesthesic. "The doctor will see you know~" She teased, making sure there where no air bubbles in the syringe.
"Of course~" She answered, kissing him on the cheek gently, checking for the vein in his arm after he had laid down. Once finding the vein, she injected the entire syringe into his bloodstream, finding it hard to give him any form of painkiller or anesthetic to knock him out due to his high tolerance. "It shouldn't take long to start working, so just relax until it does." She said, setting the needle aside and running her fingers through his hair, moving it out of the way of his face.
Nana busied herself with checking all of her medical tools as she waited for the drugs to kick in, and when they finally did, she could tell. Motochika looked pretty out of it, and he had been quiet for some time. Moving over, she tested Motochika's consciousness before fully putting him under, and beginning his operation.
It took ten hours, but she removed the dead eye, and had put in the mechanical one, having to disconnect and reconnect each and every nerve, implant the eye and make sure it would function. Hooking him up to saline, she waited for him to come to. A cotton patch over his new eye until it had healed.
Nana smiled softly and moved over when she heard Motochika speak. "Yes, however you should give your eye about a week or so to heal, and it'll probably still be sore after for a while, but it should be working perfectly."
She kissed his forehead, petting his hair. "It wasn't any trouble at all." She said softly. "Why don't you rest a while longer?"
((Right now~))

Ren had confronted Akihime that same night, asking her if she would like to have a small drink back in her room, since Akihime had her own room, Ren thought it'd be better to have some more privacy. Sitting with his cup in hand he sat awkwardly beside Akihime, face flushed, but he had hardly touched the alcohol.
"Do ya wanna make out?" Ren blurted out, face turning as red as a cherry. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way, I just-"
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