The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He grinned and turned, whistling loudly. Two tigers, gold and white, sauntered from around the corner and laid down beside him, rumbling lowly. "Go ahead and pet them, they're very docile." He told her.
Minehime's face lit up, and a wide smile broke out on her face, getting to her feet and running over to the two large cats, dropping to her knees and hugging both of them, though with some struggle. The cats didn't seem to really care, letting out a soft murp noise, as she snuggled between them, happy to just pet the cats.
Minehime sat petting the Tigers happily, lazing about as the child pet, and even laid against the great beasts.

((Bring Masa in~?))
Shingen perked when he heard the rumble of an engine and made a noise, knowing exactly who it was. He was less than surprised when Yukimura came flying through the door and Masamune was storming towards Shingen and his tigers. The massive beasts circled Minehime protectively, growling warningly, but Masamune only breathed a large plume of fire at them, his eye a thin slit.
Yukimura went flying passed Shingen, slamming into the wall with a grunt of pain before collapsing to the ground. Minehime stiffened with fear, moving to hide behind Shingen, knowing she was really in trouble this time.
"Greetings, Dokuganryuu. What brings you here?" Shingen asked. Masamune pointed to Minehime cowering behind him, "Bird brain told me she gave him gems in exchange for passage here to Kai. I did not give permission. I've come to reclaim her." He stated, voice strained. Shingen gave an understanding nod, "That's fair. She was a very polite guest to have, so be lenient with her." He replied before turning to Minehime, "It seems you have to return home now, little one. He doesn't seem very pleased, so just do as he says and don't fight back, understand?"
Minehime kept her grip on Shingen's leg, looking to Masamune, who was trembling with rage, before looking back up at Shingen. Her pupils were wide ovals, but she nodded her head, moving away from him and moving over to Masamune. Her head was down, and she stopped half way to wave goodbye to Shingen before moving to Masamune's side, not daring to look up at him.
Minehime winced when he grabbed her hand, stumbling after him, giving the tigers one last look before following Masamune outside. "Hurting hand..!" She whined, Masamune's claws digging into her hand.
"Your hand won't be the only thing hurting in a second." He hissed before sitting on his motorcycle and pulling her over his knee, giving her rear a couple good swats with an open palm.
Minehime stiffened with each hit, and tears welled in her eyes before she started to cry, throwing a tantrum and nearly spitting up a wad of molten rock on his bike, tears rolling down her round cheeks.
"You melt my bike and I'm grounding you for a week solid, little hatch." He signed angrily before perching her in front of him and riding back to Oshuu.
((He's improving~))

Minehime was quiet the entire ride home, holding onto the bike the best she could so she wouldn't fall off, but Masamune still had a tight grip on her, ensuring her safety.
((He is~! There are still somethings he can't properly sign but he's getting there~))

It was nightfall by the time they reached the estate. He parked his bike and set her down, "Room. No more running away. Got it?"
"I didn't run away, I was making friends." She signed at him, cheeks stained with tears and an angry pout on her face.
"But I don't have any friends." She signed, clearly upset. "Everyone's too old to play with me."
"You have Hidemune." He told her, "Why didn't you just come and ask me? Or tell me you were alone? It would have been better than hurting papa's feelings."
A soft knock came at Motochika's cabin door, where he was being prepped for the surgery for getting his new eye. "Cap'n?" It was Ren, the pink-haired boy poking his head inside. "Could I, uh, have a quick minute?"
Nana was checking the response of light in Motochika's blind eye, which was none at all, checking his pulse and other vitals. "Um.." He looked a bit embarrassed, glancing at Nana who looked up at Ren. "I'll give you two a minute, you're ready to go, just meet me down in the infirmary when you're done, I'll have everything ready to go." She said, then left the room.
Ren closed the door behind him, scuffing his boot on the floor nervously, clearly uncomfortable. "I-I wanted ta know... How ta... Please a lady." His face grew more and more red with each word, the poor lad looking near miserable. "I mean... I-I know the basics 'n all... But I don't know really.. How to, you know.."
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