The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I'm his daughter." Minehime signed, able to read their lips, but just barely. Yukimura blinked, then looked up at Sasuke. "I... I don't know sign language."
Sasuke trotted around before finding a small notepad and a pen, talons clicking against the ground as he made his way back to her, "Here you go!"
Minehime took the pad with a nod and began to write, smiling softly before showing the paper to the two with a happy smile. "Date Masamune is my father." Yukimura stiffened in surprise, looking to Sasuke. "Daughter..!?"
"I didn't even know he could have children." Yukimura whispered behind his hand, looking nervous. "Why is she here, anyway?"
Yukimura suddenly panicked. "You took her!?" He looked around, expecting Masamune to come crashing through the wall at any second. "You have to get her back, you have to tell Lord Shingen!" He moved to grab Minehime, but she was nowhere to be seen, having wondered off. Minehime had found her way to where Shingen had been relaxing, her sharp nose able to smell out the gang leader; now hiding behind a pillar, she watched him, her pupils slits.
Sasuke squawked loudly in alarm and took off into the air in search of her. The Tiger of Kai looked over to where the small child had been hiding and made a low noise, but did nothing except watch her.
Minehime chewed on her lip, wanting to go and great the great gang leader, but his size easily squashed her courage. Burping up a small puff of smoke, she gave Shingen a small wave.
Minehime came trotting over when he waved her over, looking rather excited that he didn't ignore her. Still holding onto the paper and pencil, she wrote down her greeting. "Hi, my names Minehime."
Minehime turned the paper pad around scribbling down another answer before showing it to Shingen. "I'm from Oshuu." She wrote, taking a seat in front of him, crossing her legs.
She made a soft noise, setting the paper on the ground before writing out her response. "Sasuke said he would let me see you; and I don't have a mom. But papa is back in Oshuu."
Minehime pressed her pointed fingers together, averting her eyes, and signing out of nervousness instead of writing. "I didn't really ask him, but I'm going to go back before sun down."
Minehime looking like a scolded puppy, head down as she signed once more. "I just wanted to make more friends."
"As understandable as that is, young one, it was not wise to just wander and leave without telling him." He stated, but it wasn't meant to sound harsh or scolding, his expression and movements were gentle and concerned.
"Are you gonna call my dad?" She signed, still looking a little worried. I didn't mean to do a bad thing."
She nodded, agreeing to his conditions. "But I really wanna know something first." She looked excited. "Do you really have tigers?"
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