The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

When Masamune knocked, Minehime stopped, able to feel the vibrations. Crawling toward the dcabinet doors, she pushed it open as far as she could, sticking one of her fingers out through the crack, and wiggling it at Masamune. Her hand was smudged with soot, but other than from what Masamune could see, she didn't have a single burn on her.
He felt his chest tighten and he reached out, hooking his finger with hers. Everyone started digging madly to move enough rubble to get her out.
Soon Minehime was able to squeeze out from under the sink - holding her leather bag of treasures of course - and nearly knock Masamune over when she hugged him. Her yellow dress was stained black with soot and had some holes in it, and she was missing a shoe, but other than being covered from head to toe in soot, she was perfectly healthy. Grinning up at Masamune, she dragged one of her fingers down his cheek, smearing more soot on his face with a giggle.
"You said a bad word!" Minehime signed, but she was still grinning as widely as ever. "And the house is gone."
Minehime stuck her forked tongue out at Masamune, then paused. "Hidemune?" She asked, worried he hadn't made it out of the fire.
Masamune nudged his head to where Hidemune was. The teen was cleaning up where Minehime's room was, pulling out some destroyed toys and her melted tea set with a frown.
Minehime made her way across the rubble by crawling, kicking off her remaining shoe, only finding it to be an annoyance. Moving closer to Hidemune, she looked around for anything that was left, frowning mostly out of the fact that her drawings were gone. "Are you okay, big brother?" She asked him.
"I'm just glad you're ok." She signed, hugging him so tight she could've nearly cut off circulation.
After a few weeks of non-stop construction, the estate was back up and safe to dwell in once again, and although all had been lost, one thing remained after the fire - Masamune's chair, protected by the hardened lava that had encased it. "Jeez I'm gone for a few weeks, and I hear that the estate burned down." A familiar voice sounded, a woman with long, raven colored hair standing with her hands on her hips. "I hope you know that you're going to have to replace all the dresses that you ruined."
Masamune looked over and smirked lightly, making his way towards her. "Surprisingly, it wasn't my fault this time." He stated, "But yeah, I was planning on replacing all your stuff when you returned."
"And how did you know I wouldn't just leave?" She asked, acting offended and turning her nose up. Megohime looked healthy, her wounds now scars, and she was sporting normal street attire.
"I gave you the benefit of the doubt." He replied, "Plus, if you didn't come back, I wouldn't have to waste any money on shit I wouldn't need."
Megohime glanced at him, looking as though she might strangle him, but then she just laughed. "You're still such an asshole." She shook her head. "Honestly, I'm glad to be back." She said softly.

Minehime had been watching a rather large and strange looking bird from her window for quite some time, and everytime he flew past she always tried to get his attention, tapping on the window or even unlocking it and opening the window. Finally she opened the window, and set out a few of her most shines treasures, watching the sun's light catch on them and reflecting in all different directions.
"I'm glad you're back, too..." He told her, "None of the other girls will come near me." He joked.

The large strange bird perched on a branch not far from her window, entranced by her treasures. He cocked his head, eyes trained on them, feathers ruffled.
Megohime shot him a look that said not funny. "And if I'm only staying on one condition." Her face was flushed pink and she cleared her throat. "I don't want to be the prostittue you bought, I want to be your girl."

Minehime had ducked behind the bed, peeking over the edge and watching the man-bird with slightly dilated eyes, waiting and watching to see what he would do.
"My girl?" He repeated, "You mean, like a mate?" He asked.

The man-bird, Sasuke, moved a bit closer; wanting to take the shiney treasures to the love of his life, Amaya. "Maybe if she gets these, she'll like me.."
Megohime's face flushed red. "Don't say it like that, you make it sound like we're dogs or something; but yeah, like a girlfriend." She muttered, glancing at him.

When Sasuke's hand got too close to Minehime's treasures, she jumped over he bed and grabbed Sasuke's hand, nearly falling out of the window in the process, beaming in triumph.
"Dragons have mates." He told her, like it was an obvious concept she wasn't understanding, "You want to be my mate, then? Or girlfriend, wife, significant other, I don't give a fuck..."

He squawked loudly in surprise and fell backwards, flapping like a startled ostrich.
Megohime scratched the back of her head in frustration. "Well, yeah fine, but you still have to ask." She said stubbornly, seeming rather flustered about all of it.

Minehime refused to let go of the man even though she was pulled through the window, in fact, she didn't seem to mind at all. Landing on the ground before him, she ruffled the leaves from her hair, grinning in triumph that she had caught the mysterious looking bird.
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