The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana groped around the bed for her shirt, finally finding it and pulling it back over her head. "Please forgive me, Motochika, I've been nothing but a burden."
Back at the Date estate, Minehime had been tagging along with Kojurou, Hidemune being locked back in the Brood Room - not functioning of course - while Masamune was gone for business, leaving Kojurou in charge of both the estate and Minehime. Minehime tugged gently on Kojurou's sleeve, looking up at him. "Were you born in a lab too?" She asked.
"I was captured," Kojurou thrashed and screamed, fighting as hard as he could against the doctors as they strapped him down. "They did horrible things to me every day, every conscious moment was hell." He punched a doctor hard in the face before they forced a large needle into his neck. "No!! Stop!!". Lightning danced along his shoulders, body shaking.
Minehime made a face, stepping back as lightening sparked at Kojurou's feet. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." She signed quickly.
One of the sparks shot up toward an electrical socket, shorting it out and sending sparks raining down on both Kojurou and Minehime. In the blink of an eye, the fire hard started, spreading quickly through the main entraince, thr fire spreading to the ceiling. As the fire spread, all hell broke loose, the gang members and prostitutes scrambling to put out the fire, but they barely put a dent in it, so instead they filed out of the building, no one wanting to be burned alive; Minehime was no longer at Kojurou's side, the child gone.
Kojurou did a head count, chest heaving with his heavy breaths. He froze when he couldn't find Minehime or Hidemune. "N-No.." He looked back to the burning estate with terrified eyes.
The entire building was in flames, the windows shattering to make more room for the roaring fire, the muffled sound of engines approaching. Jin got out of her car, looking at the building that was spewing black smoke and massive flames. "What the hell happened here?" She had just returned with Masamune from making a large shipment move.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Masamune was breathing fire, stomping towards Kojurou. The Right Eye actually looked terrifide, "M-Masamune-sama...Minehime..." He stopped and Masamune exploded, decking Kojurou so hard, he knocked him down. Masamune rushed into the estate, looking around. "Minehime!!" "HEY!!" Hidemune pounded on the Brood Room door, "Let me the fuck out!!"
The young girl was no where to be seen, and by this time, everything was on fire. Heavy smoke filled the room and already the second story was starting to crumble down, threatening to collapse under its own weight. If the fire didn't already kill Minehime, the building collapsing sure would.
Masamune freed Hidemune and quite literally threw him out the window to safety. He continued to look for Minehime, calling and shouting for her, forgetting she couldn't hear.
Still there was no sign of Minehime, the smoke only getting heavier, and the second floor starting to collapse around Masamune. Suddenly an unseen force knocked him backwards, dragging him outside as the building collapsed in on itself, Jin having pulled Masamune from the fire just in time. Though it took her twice the amount of energy to pull him from the building when she couldn't see him, he had still been pulled to safety, Minehime however, was still inside.
It took hours to get the fire out, having to use some of the neighboring fire hydrants to help kill the fire, and once the fire went out, nearly half the men helped Masamune begin his search for Minehime -or rather her corpse.
Just a few steps from where Masamune was digging, the soft sound of thud, thud, thud could be heard from under the rubble - approximately where the kitchen had once been.
The sound continued, the soft thud, thud, thud on metal. Once Masamune dug down nearly a foot through the ashes and debris, he unearthed the sink that had been in the kitchen, most of the stone counter top still standing with it; it was Minehime's storage for all the trinkets she found, and occasionally her hiding spot.
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