The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"She's seizing!" Akihime panicked and rolled Nana onto her side, putting a one of the pillows under her head and holding her jaw firmly, lifting her head to open her airway.
After another minute of seizing, Nana slowly stopped convulsing, gradually coming back into consciousness.
Nana still seemed confused, dazed and a bit startled as she tried to sit up, her arms and legs still tense. "Motochika..?" She asked for him, looking like she had just been brought back to life.
Nana still wasn't completely able to sit by herself, still out of it as she began collecting her spilled pills. She looked a bit panicked, knowing Motochika had seen them and probably suspected the worst; trying to return every pill into the bottle, her hands shook, nearly dropping the bottle.
Motochika snatched Nana's wrist, causing her to drop the bottle. "A-Aniki, she needs those!" Akihime reached for the pills but Motochika's boot slammed down on her hand. White hit pain surged through her and she wailed, biting her lip. "So you knew?! And you aided in her suicide attempt?!" "S...Suicide...? A-Aniki, that's not-" "Don't lie to me!!"
"Motochika stop this!" Nana snapped at him, her voice strained and slightly slurred, as she was still recovering from her episode. "Let Akihime go right now!" She pulled at his hand to get his attention off of Akihime and onto herself. "I'm epileptic, not suicidal..!" She seemed hesitant to tell him, but it had to be done. "I need those pills so I can regulate my episodes, not kill myself!"
Nana frowned softly and took Motochika's hand, gently prying it from her wrist and holding it. "I didn't want to have to tell you... I wanted to keep it from you and not worry you. I didn't want to scare you." She said, shaking her head. "I'm sorry I kept it a secret from you.."
He didn't really know what to believe, but he knew Nana well enough tk know she wouldn't lie to his face. "I want the bottles marked and labbed from now on. And don't keep secrets from me anymore."
Nana nodded. "I promise, no more secrets." She said, turning to Akihime. "Akihime, are you well enough to collect my pills off of the floor? I'm still a bit out of sorts." She asked.
Nana moved out of the way to rest against the wall, closing her eyes; she felt rather sore. "I'll check out your hand once I'm back on my feet." She promised, clenching her fists - if she hadn't involved Akihime, she never would've gotten hurt.
Nana gave a jerky nod, opening her eyes and looking at Motochika, trying to figure how he was feeling. "Akihime, could you give us a minute please?"
Nana moved away from the wall, crawling to Motochika and closing the distance between them, resting her forehead against his chest, holding onto the front of his coat. "Motochika, I'm so sorry that I hid this from you.."
Nana let out a short laugh, pressing closer to him before letting out a breath. "Could you help me to the bed? I want to rest for a while, just until I've regained my strength." She said softly.
"A rest in the cabin sounds nice, I can't stand bing locked in the sickbay all day." She said, resting her head against his shoulder; she was so small in his arms, much smaller than him, which made carrying her rather easy.
Nana hooked her thumb around Motochika's own thumb, smiling softly. "Will you lay with me? I don't want to be alone right now." She requested, hoping he wasn't sore with her still.
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