The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime's head throbbed and she rubbed her forehead, crawling to the counter to get her towel, ears ringing as she gropped around for her towel.
Megohime muttered a thanks and pulled the towel around her shoulders, but not before a flash of red gashes and what looked like large lettering on Megohime's back could be seen.
Megohime pulled the towel back up, keeping her eyes fixed on the floor as her stomach burned with shame. "It's nothing..."
"But it's what I am, isn't it!?" She snarled at him, glaring hatred over her shoulder at him. "I'm a whore, not a person!"
Masamune made a face, "Well, yeah, you're a whore...that's what you do...but you are a person..." He said. He then groaned, "Geeze, the kid is making me soft."
"No!!" She stood on wobbly legs. "It's what I was forced to do! This isn't the life I chose!" Tears brimmed in her eyes. "I'm not a person, I'm an object - a possession, your possession." She clenched her fist. "I want to be free, I don't want to be trapped in a cage until you need me. I want to leave!"
"Because I want to be a person, someone who can go and do as the please, walk freely and enjoy every moment doing so!" She said. "And if I cannot be free, than I'm truly sorry Matabee didn't kill me when he had he chance."
Megohime clenched her jaw, leaving the bathroom to get dressed, coming back in only to gather a few things. "I'm not leaving forever... I just need some space..." She said, then left the bathroom again.
Megohime scoffed, finishing packing up, and heading out in street clothes. She glanced at Masamune as she headed for the door, watching Minehime sign to him before handing him a drawing of yet another blue dragon. "At least she's gotten better." She thought, pushing open the front doors.
Minehime beemed brightly, crawling up onto Masamune's lap, and sitting with him, watching everyone in the establishment. "Can we.. Go look at the street shops?" Her speech was a little off, her pronunciations a bit odd, but she was learning how to speak, and was improving greatly.
Minehime jumped down from his lap, excited to go out and window shop, going to first bush her hair, which always seemed to be a mess.

Back on the Fugaku, Nana was packing away the new medical supplies they had gotten after docking at one of the ports on their route, and after making sure the sickbay was in order, she went into the bathroom and locked the door. Pulling out an orange bottle with small white pills inside, she worked at the cap, unscrewing it and shaking out two pills; then all of them spilled into her hand, and Nana collapsed, hitting her head on the sink as she went down.
The loud thud wasn't really noticed by anyone except Akihime, who had entered the sickbay to check on Nana, "Nana-dono?" She knocked gently, frowning worriedly, "Daijoubu?"
Nana didn't answer, the bathroom eerily quiet other than what sounded like a slight struggle, and Nana retching.
Akihike tried the doorknob but panicked when it was locked. She rushed out, screaming for Motochika, who moved into the sickbay and.broke down the door.
Nana lay on the ground, her entire body tense, convulsing violently. Her eyes were rolled back into her head, and her lips were tinged blue - an unmarked container of pills lay scattered on the floor beside her.
Nana had a nasty bump on her forehead, saliva pooling on the floor as she convulsed, wheezing and breathing irregularly.
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