The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime kept her head lowered, feeling as though it was her fault her father was angry.

Back at the estate Megohime was being held, the raven haired woman thrashed and struggled, her head being forced into a tub full of ice cold water, clawing at the hand that held her underneath the waters surface. Her lungs ached and she felt faint, if she had to hold her breath any longer, she'd fall unconscious, wanting desperately to take a breath of air.
As soon as Megohime was brought up for air, she gasped and sputtered, air flooding into her lungs before she was plunged back into the water. Megohime was tired, they had been drowning her on and off all afternoon, and it only seemed to get worse and worse. Eventually she weakened while thrashing, head still underwater as she fell still, finding it useless to fight.
The two men dropped Megohime like a sack of potatoes on the floor, the woman slowly crawling into a sitting position as they left to report to Matabee, locking the room up behind them. Megohime moved away from the bathtub and laid on her side, coughing up small amounts of water and breathing shakily, closing her eyes.
Megohime had been beaten, whipped, forced to stand and kneel on broken glass, and electrocuted. She had been deprived of sleep and food, but was given water to make sure she didn't die from dehydration. When Matabee finally entered, she jumped slightly, moving away from him as far as she could reach with one hand shackled to the wall, the other free so she could wrap up her wounds with strips from her dress.
Megohime didn't dare to try and hit him or move away, but she did flinch when he touched her, tears welling in her eyes as she heard the scissors cut through her hair. It had been over a week, and still, there was no sign of Masamune at all, but she didn't expect anything different, she was just a whore after all. Once he left again, she started to to cry, slumping against the wall, keeping as quiet as she could.
((Aw Mego...))

A couple days passed and Masamune recieved another package. Opening it, he was furious to see a thick clump of silken black hair. Kojuroubrose an eyebrow. "An admirer?" He asked. Masamune exhaled fire, "No. This is Mego's. I'm gonna find the sonofabitch, and I'm going to end him."
More days went by, and more beatings followed, Megohime hung from the rafters in the room, her wrists tied above her head and to the metal beams. She had been stripped of her robe and her back was wiped until it was a bloody mess. Tears stained her cheeks, numb with pain; the backs of her thighs and even her sides had been wipped until bloody. Her feet barely touched the ground and her head was hung in defeat and shame, not even bothering to look up when the door opened.
Megohime closed her eyes tears falling fresh from her eyes, her stomach flipping with dread. "Please.. Just kill me... He isn't going to do it... Just, stop, please..." She begged, just wanting everything to be over.
Megohime grew angry, chest swelling with despair: why wouldn't he just do this for her? She was a prostitute, she was only worth as much as what someone was willing to pay for her. "He won't..! He wouldn't..."
"You're infatuated with him." She swallowed the dry lump in her throat. "Why? Were you in love with him, and he didn't return your feelings? Are you bitter because he didn't want your cock?" She asked, her hands starting to turn blue from being tied over her head for so long.
Megohime let out a scream of agony everytime the whip bit into her flesh, tears rolling down her cheeks, stiffening with every blow. She clenched her fists, grinding her teeth and squeezing her eyes shut, trying to block out the pain.
Megohime struggled against Matabee, gripping his wrist to remove the pressure that was on her scalp. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please!" She begged. "Just let me go! Don't hurt me anymore!"
Megohime bit her tongue, doing as he ordered and falling silent, well, as silent as a crying person could. When they got close to the hot irons, Megohime could feel the heat of the fire, and her body ached, only able to guess what he was about to do.
Megohime began to wail and scream, struggling in pure agony as her flesh was burned, eventually being rendered unconscious from the pain. Where the words "WHORE" had been written, had actually closed up a few of the open lashes, leaving the letters irritated and raised even more than they should've been.
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