The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime nodded. "Yeah, you probably should have done a little more research before just taking anyone." She said, rubbing her head.

Ren returned her kiss, this time a little more heated, running his hands through her hair.
He rubbed his head, looking about the ground as he thought. "Oh..."

"Hey, now, take that elsewhere!" Motochika said firmly, making Akihime blush hard.
Megohime didn't even bother to look over at Matabee, a bored expression on her face. "So, if you're not gonna let me leave anytime soon, mind getting me some cigarettes?" She said, her tone almost a mocking sneer.

Ren's face flushed as well and he pointed at Motochika with his jug of sake. "Cap'n it would've been private if you weren't gawkin'!" He teased, grinning widely.
((You wanna do anything else with Aki~?))

As soon as Matabee left, Megohime got to her feet again, scouring the room to try and find something to use as a weapon, or something that would cut through the chain. Megohime found a screwdriver she was just barely able to reach, working at the color and trying to pry it open, but the best she could do was pry apart one of the chain links. Keeping the screwdriver in hand, she moved quickly to the door, trying the handle to see if it was unlocked.

((I figure he won't like that~))
Megohime slowly wiggled the screwdriver between the door and the doorframe, yanking it hard to the side and breaking the lock, making a minimal amount of noise. Opening the door a crack, she peeked out before opening the door completely, and dashing for the front door.
The guards hauled Megohime to her feet kicking and screaming, Megohime scratching, kicking, and even biting at the men as she was dragged back into the empty room. "Don't fucking touch me!! Let me go!!" She snarled at them as one fixed the chain back to her collar, and the other retrained her hands, struggling to get her wrists locked into the cuffs welded directly against the wall. Once she was locked in place, the gaurds moved back, after taking the screwdriver of course.
Megohime pressed herself against the wall, as if she could try to escape him, shifting uncomfortably; the cuffs were put lower on the wall than they should've, forcing Megohime to kneel on the ground. She sneered at Matabee, spitting a wad of saliva at his eye.
Megohime froze, fear in her eyes and her body feeling numb for a moment. "What do you want, an apology, Little Man? Fuck you, I've worn heels bigger than your cock." She hissed, but still tried to move her hand away from the knife. The guards in the room looked rather uncomfortable, exchanging glances with one another before stealing a glance at Matabee.
Matabee stared into her eyes, keeping eye contact with her as he slammed the blade on her finger, severing it from her hand without batting an eye.
Megohime screamed in agony, writhing and thrashing as blood gushed from were her finger once used to be, tears blurring her vision and her stomach threatening to empty its contents. "F-Fuck!" She ground her teeth, agony shooting down her arm, but she said nothing more. She understood rather clearly now, that she shouldn't upset this man; with a single glance he looked like a jittery junkie, but he was no coward.
When her wrists were released from the wall, Megohime collapsed to her hands and knees, holding her injured arm to her chest as she cried in pain. After taking a moment to gather herself, she did her best to tear a strip off of the sleeve of her robe, wrapping up the stump of a finger; breathing through her teeth to try and ease the pain, she wrapped up her hand tightly.

Minehime had come trotting inside the estate, a small box in hand, and a smile on her face. Moving over to Masamune, she set the box on his lap before signing. "A nice man gave me this, he said it wasn't for me, but he said I could give it to you." What Minehime hadn't noticed as the small amount of blood seeping through the bottom of the box.
Minehime obeyed, moving back quickly and moving behind Hidemune, holding onto his shirt sleeve and watching Masamune with a concerned look. Once Masamune opened the box, the stench of slightly rotting flesh hit his nose, inside was a severed finger. The finger was slender and pale - clearly a woman's - and the finger nail was painted a familiar crimson red color.
He closed the box quickly, fighting the vomit that pooled in his throat, "F-Fucking Christ..." He was shaking, trying to control his anger in front of Minehime.
Minehime looked up at Hidemune in confusion. "What's wrong with Papa?" She signed to him, getting the feeling whatever was in the box was not a good thing. "Did I do a bad thing giving him the present?"
Even though Minehime couldn't hear him screaming, she certainly could feel it; she looked down at her shoes, shaking slightly. "I don't know, he didn't look familiar and didn't tell me his name." She signed to Hidemune, hands shaking so much her signing was sloppy.
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