The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He kept mainly to the alley ways as he was taught as to not rouse suspicion from passersby. He managed to get to the estate easily enough but sneaking in was now a challenge. Minehime had only been gone a couple days but Masamune had the groujds swarming with his gang to guard it. Hidemune hissed and figured the safest way was through the front door. He approached carefully, making sure they could see he had Minehime and announced that he was returning her. One ran off to tell Kojurou, who told Masamune, who immediately demanded Hidemune enter.
Every gang member and prostitute was dead silent as Hidemune entered, Minehime in hand, all waiting for something to happen. Most of the members expected Minehime to pop to attention when she saw Masamune, but she didn't even look in his direction, staring blank-faced up at the ceiling, a dead look in her eyes, and over a dozen needle marks in her arms. It was almost as if she was dead.
Megohime let out a scoff. "Nothing my ass, it looks like you made her a junkie." She muttered, and she was right. Minehime didn't look like herself, not at all, and with all the bruised needle marks, drugs certainly had been involved.
"It was Hanbei! Do you think I would knowingly cause a child harm?! I wanted to take her here because I believed you were using her for sex!" Hidemune snapped. Masamune exhaled a plume of fire in his rage, "You fucking twat! Kojurou, take Mini to the infirmary while I deal with this shit." "Hai." Kojurou took Minehime gently and walked away.
While the doctor checked out Minehime, the child remained in the same doll like trance, even when the doctor took blood and hooked her up to a saline drip. "It's probably some form of sedative, but I'm going to run a few tests just to make sure I don't overlook anything." He reported to Kojurou. "But from what I can tell now, it doesn't appear to be any form of hard street substance, and there's no sign of abuse, it's more likely that they tested an unknown designer drug on her."
Kojurou bowed his head in thanks before turning to the door when he heard a struggle. Masamune was pounding on Hidemune, smashing.his fist.hard into the teen's face. Hidemune tried kicking and struggling but the dragon was heavier and much stronger.
No one tried to step in and stop Masamune, in fact, quite a few men were cheering Masamune on. Images suddenly bombarded Kojurou, Minehime strapped down in a laboratory, image after image of faceless doctors sticking her full of needles, testing different drugs on her, and the poor girl crying. Minehime's face turned into Kojurou's own face as the images continued, the Right Eye a child once more, shocked until he was foaming at the mouth, being cut open, and much worse.
Kojurou's chest felt tight as his eyes widened, sparks dancing across his body. He was only twelve when he was taken to be tested on, his genes spliced and spliced again, mixed with different things and drugs that made him sick or angry or suicidal. The pain burned fresh and his body ached, more sparks moving from him to the floor. It was like he was there again and it made him feel fear for the first time in years. The sparks turned to actual electricity before it exploded off him, the entire estate going dark. Kojurou remembered finally getting free and rushing to escape, but something stopped him. A small boy, no older than six, watched and stared at Kojurou with a blank deep blue reptilian eye. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked, seeing the same child staring at him with concern, "M...Masamune-sama..."
The images cleared and the first thing that greated Kojurou was the smell of heavy smoke, and the darkened estate. All the light bulbs had shattered, nothing electrical working. "Shit..!" The doctor could be heard from inside the infirmary, exiting. "Most of the machines blew with the power, I don't have any means to know what was in the kids system or what to give her to treat it."
The doctor made a face, looking at the beat up teenager, then looking to Masamune. "It's really up to you, Boss, I have the equipment, but to be honest I have no idea what's wrong with her."
The doctor nodded, showing Hidemune where everything was, before clearing out, leaving Hidemune with Masamune to watch him.
Minehime was mostly unresponsive to Hidemune, unless given a command, but when the early hours of the morning rolled around, she began to get violently ill. Retching many times before she finally emptied the contents of her stomach, which was hardly nothing at all, she broke out in a cold sweat, vomiting many times.
When Minehime was finally able to stop vomiting, she lay on her side, breathing heavily and shaking slightly, staring off at the wall. Tears had filled her eyes from the pain, but she was still dead silent, except for when she leaned over the bed quickly and retched up on Hidemune's shoes, her shaking becoming more violent before settling down again.
Minehime was sick on and off all throughout the night, eventually falling asleep from exhaustion, only to wake in the morning and be sick once again. She had lost color in her face, but her eyes looked a bit clearer, and she was able to stomach some chicken broth.
Minehime took a few days to nurse back to health, and on the third day, she was responsive, but still rather foggy, spacing out often. "I don't feel good, Papa." She signed, a soft frown on her face.
She nodded, resting back on the pillows for a moment before looking up at Masamune once more. "Why won't anyone tell me what happened, or how I got sick?" She asked him.

((Why don't you cook something up for Ren and Aki~?))

Nana had been making sure none of the crew members on the Fugaku were ill, checking every man until she had given them all a clean bill of health. Her eating habits were nearly back to normal, but her night terrors still frequented her, causing dark bags to form under her eyes.
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