The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime woke after him having to shake her a few times, making a soft noise and rubbing her eyes before sitting up quickly, a startled look on her face once she saw who was in her room again.
She made a face, taking a moment to process what he had said, still half asleep. "I'm always here, Papa said I could stay, he even let me grow a garden." She signed, stifling a yawn. With closer inspection, not a single scratch or bruise could be seen on the girl, and other than her wrinkled pajama's from her restless tossing and turning, she looked fine.
"But everyone is nice to me here, all of the women let me try on their makeup, and they do my hair. Most of the guys avoid me, but other than that, everyone's really nice!" She signed.
Minehime slumped forward in bed, body lax as she lay unconscious, not even having time to register what Hidemune had done before she lost consciousness.
Hanbei was awaiting Hidemune's return, jotting down notes on the other children in the facility. All of them sat in beds or in chairs with multiple I.V's stuck in their arms, faces showing no emotion, and eyes devoid of life. They made no noise, and didn't move an inch, but we're completely awake.
Hanbei looked up, a smile gracing his lips when he saw Minehime. "11034, perfect, and she wasn't harmed I presume?" He immediatly took the sleeping child from Hidemune, moving over and handing her to a doctor. "Get her sanitized and ready for treatment, she's already four weeks behind." They nodded and left, Hanbei checking on the other children.
"She callee Date 'Papa'." He said, trying to remain indifferent, "But she maintains the story that they caused her no harm."

((Except for when Masa punched her~))

Hanbei stopped checking on a young boy, looking up at Hidemune, a dangerous look in his eyes. "And you believe otherwise? What are you implying, Hidemune-kun?"
Hanbei was silent for another moment, the sound of a door opening breaking the silence. The doctor returned with Minehime, scrubbed until her skin was red, hair damp and dressed in hospital scrubs. Laying the girl on the bed, Hanbei moved over and put Minehime's hands into the cuffs, tightening the straps and moving to grab the needle to put an I.V in her arm. "You're still here?" Hanbei glanced over his shoulder at Hidemune, before sticking the needle into Minehime's arm, securing it with a piece of medical tape and starting the drip.
Hanbei started Minehime on the IV drip all the other Elite Children had already been started on. In the morning, Minehime had awakened, but hadn't even tried to get up, no even struggling against the restraints. Her eyes were glassy and her face expressionless, eyes unfocused and staring up at the ceiling, needle marks on her arms. She laid completely still, the doctor on shift changing out the IV bag to a fresh bag, pulling out two needles from his pocket and injecting both of them into her arm; a booster and a steroid.
The doctor finished up checking Minehime, turning to leave, then seeing Hidemune. "Sir, I don't think you're supposed to be in here, can I help you?" He bowed his head; none of the children even acknowledged the doctor or Hidemune, all sitting around like empty shells of people.
Hidemune frowned before scowling, "I hope you can forgive me." He said before taking out his silenced 9mm hand gun and shooting the doctor in the head.
The doctor immediately collapsed to the ground, both the front and back of his head a bloody mess; but again, the children showed no emotion, in fact they didn't even turn to see what had happened.
The alarms weren't raised until Hidemune had made it out the front gate, someone having found the murdered doctor and sounding the alarm, informing Hideyoshi and Mitsunari of the missing Elite.
Hidemune got lucky, leaving Toyotomi grounds without being caught, now all he had to do was make it to the Date estate without being killed.
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