The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Three if you want anymore gems ever again." She signed and stuck out her forked tongue, a giddy grin on her face.
Minehime stared at him for a moment, wiggling her tongue a little at him. "Fine, but I get to choose which ones." She puffed out a cheek, turning to face Ieyasu. "Thank you for letting me stay here, tell Tadakatsu I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye."
She nodded and smiled, turning and taking Masamune's clawed hand, giving it a small squeeze and smiling up at him.

((Should we drag in Hide~?))
Minehime had been home for a few days, and after covering her walls with all of her drawings, she finally hit the hay. But around three in the morning she woke up to the sound of the latch on her window jiggling, and after sitting up and running her eyes, she watched as the window slid open, and a figure crawled inside. Reaching for her lamp she clicked on the light, staring at the person before her with a tired expression before signing. "Who are you?"
Minehime nodded, glancing to the closed door across the room, she looked to the teenager again and made a face; did he know sign language? Should she try to speak out loud? "wuh-wuh... wHy diD y-yOU..." She grew irritated trying to talk, having not done it much, she didn't know how loud to talk, nor how to make proper pronunciations. She also had a bit of a stutter, speaking aloud always made her nervous. Reaching for her crayons and a sheet of paper, she wrote out her question instead, her writing neat: "Why did you come here so late? And why through the window?"
Taking the crayon back from him, she responded. "Why? He's asleep with his girlfriend, and he doesn't like to be woken up early. Are you one of his friends?"
Minehime made a face, flipping the paper over to write on a clean side. "Why would I want to leave? Papa promised me I could sleep with him tomorrow night." She wrote, smiling as happily as a tired child could.
Panic fluttered to life in her chest when he started to pull her toward the window, and reaching out for the nearest thing she could get her hands on, she grabbed the cord of her bedroom lamp. Yanking hard, she pulled it from the table, it crashing to the ground and Minehime letting out an ear-piercing scream.
Minehime struggled harder, trying to fight her way away from the teen who was trying to take her from her home. Tears pooled in her eyes and she turned, biting down hard on the teens hand, needle sharp teeth sinking deep into his flesh.
Minehime took the chance to escape when he froze, shoving away from the kidnapper and scrambling over to Masamune, holding onto his arm tightly, blood dripping from her mouth. Standing beside Masamune, the child held a striking resemblance to the gang leader, only her skin was darker, and her scales lighter.
"What in God's name...? I thought you couldn't breed?" The teen asked. Masamune snorted out smoke, "I can't. You got five seconds to get out of here before I charr you. One-." The teen shot forward in a flash and ran his zatoichi through Masamune's abdomen.
Minehime's eyes widened, her heart dropping into her stomach, her entire body feeling numb. Masamune's blood had splattered onto her cheek and was starting to run down, dripping onto her night gown before she let out another ear-piercing screech, attacking the teen and knocking him off his feet. Tears fell down her face in a steady stream as she clawed and pummeled him, screaming and screeching like a banshee, waking the entire estate.
Minehime was still thrashing even after she was pulled from the intruder, her dagger like nails covered in blood. Megohime stood outside the room in the hallway, frozen in place as she looked at Masamune, a sword stuck through his stomach.
The next morning, Masamune had been patched up and the intruder thrown into the Brood Room, Minehime gluing herself to Masamune's side, busying herself by coloring.
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