The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime was up early, well earlier than usual, blowing on her morning tea to cool it before taking a sip. "How's parenthood?" She asked without looking up.
Megohime let out a snort of a laugh. "Check Masamune's room, he's still asleep - I got him really drunk - but I did find something rather surprising in bed with us when I woke up." She reached into her sleeve and tossed something at Kojurou - a good sized hunk of a clear gem, the size of a small orange.
When Kojurou entered, the room was quiet except for the occasional snore from Masamune, a small lump under the covers beside Masamune. A couple more of the clear gems littered the floor, varying in size, but none bigger than the one Kojurou held, the smallest being the size of a marble. Minehime lay curled up beside Masamune, sleeping soundly, Masamune's hand nuzzled against her cheek - and a deep red stone the size of a walnut in his hand.
Kojurou sighed softly and moved closer, going to try and move Minehime out before Masamune woke up. He carefully moved Masamune's hand and gently scooped up Minehime, taking her out of the room.
Minehime didn't stirr as Kojurou lifted her from Masamune's bed, her pajama's wrinkled and twisted, showing she had been struggling to sleep soundly and must've tossed and turned for quite some time. The exhausted girl must've been up half the night creating all of the gems that were scattered in Masamune's room, snoring softly.
He carried her off back to his room and laid her in the small nest her had made, covering her with the blanket and allowing her to sleep in some more.
Later on that day, Minehime had been slinking around, scurrying back and forth from the kitchen to Masamune's room. First she collected all of the stones she had made the night before, piling them on Masamune's desk before taping all of the pictures she had made for Masamune across his room all over the walls. Slinking back out, she returned to the kitchen, were she resumed making gems and hiding them under the sink, waiting for Masamune to wake up.
Minehime stopped moving when she felt the vibrations from Masamune's yelling, setting down a dark hunk of rock and closing the doors to the sink, moving out to the main hall to see what was going on.
The door behind Masamune creaked and Minehime peered inside, looking utterly devastated before slamming the door and running out into the main hall once more. Smoke came from her mouth and noise and her chest swelled as she took in a large breath, then regurgitating a massive amount of molten lava across Masamune's throne, then storming out the front doors.
When Kojurou exited the establishment, Minehime was no where to be seen, the alleyways leading to the main streets empty and only a few passerby's on the main road; she must've changed form.
Megohime was forced to sit at the bar since the place she usually sat was covered in hardened lava, looking to Kojurou when he entered. "Couldn't find her?"
"Well, talk to Masamune about it." She shrugged, turning her attention back on her drink.
"I don't know, maybe because he was making some serious cash off of the rocks she puked up?" She shrugged, stirring her drink. "He's made more off those rocks than he'd ever make selling me off."
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