The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

For the next few days, Minehime would leave new rocks on Masamune's desk in his room, sometimes a mixture of obsidian and lava, and sometimes plain old obsidian. No more holes were chewed into his clothing and Minehime even got new clothes - thanks to Kojurou. Wearing her frilled yellow dress, Minehime drew on a piece of paper with some crayons, some of the prostitutes hanging around the young girl and fawning over her, and even braiding her hair.
((Kawaii desu.))

Masamune scowled softly, unable to really find a problem with Minehime now that she was puking up precious stones for him that he could easiy pawn off. He grumbled and puffed out smoke in irritation.
Minehime perked when she smelled her fathers smoke, standing up and trotting over, holding out the crayon drawing to him. "For you, Papa!" She grinned; the picture was, of course, of a dragon.
"It looks like a drawing for you, or of you." Megohime blew her smoke away from Minehime, letting Masamune's pipe hang between her lips.
Minehime made a face, but simply left Masamune, going back to coloring.
Days blurred into weeks since Masamune's child had arrived and she had colored about a dozen pictures a day, usually dragons, but she slowly stopped spitting up more stones for him, eventually stopping altogether; she wanted him to take her pictures, and if he wasn't going to, she wasn't going to give him anymore stones.
Masamune grew impatient with the lack of precious stones until he finally just snapped and grabbed her roughly by the arm, "Where the fuck are my stones?!"
She winced and frowned softly, reaching into her pocket and pulling out folded up piece of paper, holding it out for him. "You never take any of my drawings, please take one?" She signed.
Minehime felt sad, then anger bloomed at the base of her neck. "B-BEcauSe I MAdE it FOR You!!" She struggled to say, yanking her arm out of his grip.
Minehime gripped her paper hard, crumpling it in her hand before her entire body started to bubble, her skin rippling and her body expanding quickly before the person who stood before Masamune was no longer Minehime. Masamune faced a mirror image of himself, only this one had both eyes, and they were also slitted. Letting out a silent scream of anger, the false Masamune let out a small stream of fire, smoke curling up from his nose. The anger that Minehime showed in Masamune's form was a near exact replica of his own rage, only there was a sadness to this one.
Masamune's rage flew over the handle and he began punching her; over and over, relentlessly wailing on this poor child who dared take his form.
Minehime immediately reverted back to her original form, tears streaming down her cheeks as she tried desperately to crawl away. A hand grabbed Masamune's wrist as he pulled his fist back to hit the child once more - Megohime standing behind him. "I think I could go for a drink, what about you?" She asked, eyes shifting to look at him, holding a calm anger and disappointment. When Megohime stopped Masamune, Minehime took her chance to run away, leaving to hide under the kitchen sink, leaving her drawing of Masamune and herself behind.
Minehime was hidden under the sink for hours, waiting for Kojurou to come into the kitchen, sniffling and rubbing the lumps on her head, cheek bruised.
She shook her head, fresh tears falling down her red cheeks. "He hates me, he hates me." Minehime started to sob. "I shouldn't have been born!"
"Don't say such things," He signed, "you are a delight to have around and the girls love you. Masamune..." He paused to think, "Masamune just isn't very good at expressing his emotions. If he hated you, sweetheart, he would have killed you. Now, do you want a treat? Some mochi perhaps?"
She nodded, wiping her tears away with the back of her hands, before crawling out from under the sink and wrapping her arms around Kojurou's waist. She hid her face in his shirt, sniffling and signing. "Can I sleep in your room tonight? It's really empty in my room."
After scarfing down the food Kojurou made for Minehime, the young girl sat half-asleep at the table, having to be carried off to bed, falling asleep quite easily - only in the morning, she wasn't sleeping in the bundle of blankets Kojurou had made for her on the floor by his bed where she had eventually wormed her way to, and the blankets were cold, showing she had been gone for quite a while.
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