The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Send her away." Masamune ordered. Kojurou stood and shook his head, "I cannot in good conscious send a child out if she has no where to go." "Take her to the orphanage then." Masamune huffed. Kojurou shook his head and signed to her that he would feed her before holding out his hand.
The girl took Kojurou's hand, following him to get food, waving goodbye to Masamune. "Wow, look at you, big scary gang leader." Megohime scoffed before heading back to the bedroom.
The little girl seemed to pay no mind over the conversation, the tone, nor the hostility. Her slippers scuffed softly on the floor, finally noticing the leaf in her hair and swatting it out.
Kojurou brought her into the kitchen, ignoring Masamune as he asked her what she would like to eat. Masamune soon grew irritated and left in a huff, smoke bellowing from his mouth.
When Masamune left with smoke billowing from his mouth, the child turned and grinned at Kojurou, letting small puffs of smoke float from her mouth. "Baked sea bream?" She asked, wanting Taiyaki.
Kojurou nodded and began to cook, trying to figure out how she could be the child of his lord. Repressed memories surfaced and sparks danced across his arms and fingers, body tensing.
While Kojurou cooked her meal, the hatchling sat on the floor, playing with the dirty slippers on her feet as she waited.
A small tug came at Kojurou's pant leg, the little girl now on her feet and looking up at him. "I have to go to the bathroom." She signed.
She entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her, taking only a few minutes before coming back out, hands still dripping wet and slightly soapy.
She gave a small nod, turning back and entering the bathroom, drying her hands before coming back out. "What's your name?"
She bowed her head in return. "Hanbei sensei told me I don't have a name, but he says my title tag is 11034." She looked a bit sad about her lack of a name, but seemed to take rejoice in her tag number.
"You can do that?" Her eyes widened slightly, looking at him in awe. "Yes please!" She signed quickly, her cheeks flushing with excitement.
Minehime grinned a toothy smile and nodded happily. "I like it, thank you, Kojurou!" She signed, smiling widely.
Minehime took the plate of food and moved to the small table in the kitchen, putting the plate on the table before climbing up on the chair, and sitting down. She signed a thank you to Kojuroubefore she started to eat, sitting in silence as she did so.
After finishing up her meal, and washing her plate, Minehime scampered off to find Masamune. As the child made her way through the main hall, the gang members steered clear of the kid, watching her with a confused look or even irritation. Moving over to Masamune, Minehime sat by his feet, signing. "Papa, can we go to the market?"
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