The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana shook her head, looking like she was about to pass out. "C-Can't... Lost too much blood, you need to... Need to get a transfusion going.." Her words started to slur together, eyes closing before she started to mumble incoherently. "What's wrong with Nana-san?" Ren asked from the doorway, pale with fear, his ability reaching out as he saw Nana dying. Fear struck Chosokabe first, making his legs freeze up before it slowly spread to everyone else. "Is she gonna... Is she gonna, ya know...die?"
"Not if I have anything to say about it. You, bird, hop to it!" Motochika snapped. Sasuke nodded and went to quick work to save Nana, starting the transfusion first.
Nana was still partially conscious as Sasuke set up her transfusion, her unfocused gaze on Motochika the whole time.
Sasuke was hard at work trying to keep Nana alive while he delivered the baby. He had to preform a c-section, cutting Nana open after numbing the area to get to the baby. He was shaking, stressing about the short window Nana had left while he worked.
Ren helped in anyway he could, keeping the gauze pressed firmly to Nana's open stomach to keep her from bleeding. When the baby was removed it didn't cry, but it's arms and legs twitched slightly, gurgling softly.
The child started to cry, writhing in Sasuke's grasp. "Nana-san?" Ren looked to Sasuke. "Um, bird man? Nana's blood bag is nearly empty, and her bleeding isn't slowing." He called, sounding jittery.
It took hours to get Nana sewn up, more blood transfused, and her vitals stabilized. Still unconscious, the small woman looked even more frail than she had ever before, her breathing slow and shallow.
Motochika hovered by her side worriedly. "Will she be ok?" "She'll be fine. She just needs rest. Make sure she eats something when she wakes up." Sasuke instructed.
The morning was running slow at the Date's hide out, most men either fast asleep, or nursing hangovers, but when Masamune came out, the bar lights were on. The sound of glasses clinking could be heard, but no one could be seen behind or at the bar, but someone was definitely there.
Masamuje scowled and moved over slowly, gripping one of his six swords he kept at his side, "Oi," He called, "Show yourself before I start poking around with my claw."
There was no response, only the sound of a jar being unscrewed and the faint scent of cherries. A small shape - no person - sat in the corner with their back to Masamune, eating all the cherries out of the jar, just scooping them out with their hand.
When Masamune shoved the persons head, they dropped the jar of cherries, staring at the spilled food before looking back up at Masamune. It was a child, with shaggy brown hair that looked like it had never been cut, small scales on her cheeks and shoulders, and when the child smiled up at Masamune, sharp teeth could be seen. Blue eyes stared back up at Masamune and the child was dressed in what looked like hospital scrubs with white slippers; the child was a mess, covered in dirt and other questionable stains, a leaf sticking out of her hair, the kid could only be seven or eight.
"Wh-What the shit?!" He jumped away, eye wide, "Kojurou!!" "Hai?" The Right Eye appeared and stared at the small child, "I thought you couldn't reproduce?" "Megohime!!"
Megohime came around the corner, rubbing her temples and slowly trudging her way toward Masamune. "What? Can you not be so loud so early in the morning?" She growled. The child got to her feet when Kojurou came over, moving back to the fridge and rummaging through it for any more food, but all that could be found was olives, pickles, and more cherries. "Woah, ok, I'm not babysitting this midget." Megohime said, looking to Masamune when she saw the child. "When did you have a kid anyway? I thought you hated kids."
"I do! It isn't mine! I can't breed!" He stated, "Get it out of here!" Kojurou sighed and moved towards the child, holding out his hand, "Come, I will take you home."
"Well, I didn't fucking pop it out, you know both of my ovaries had been completely removed. You even had your doctors confirm it!" Megohime said.
When Kojurou held out his hand, the little girl looked up at him, blinking as she stared at his hand then up at his face. She then made a few signs with her hands - sign language: "No home to return to, I want to stay here with papa."
The child's eyes immediatly fell on Masamune, pointing to the Dragon Gang leader with clear certainty.
Kojurou looked to Masamune, who was almost hiding behind Megohime, "She says you are her father." "Lies!!" Embers sputtered from Masamune's mouth.
The little girl looked from Masamune, then to Kojurou, tugging on his sleeve before making a few hand signs. "Is Papa mad at me?" She looked upset, azure eyes trained on Masamune. "Did I do something bad?"
"A hospital, the man who visited me told me that I was made special from Papa's DNA. She signed, then made a face when her stomach rumbled. "I'm hungry."
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