The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya made a noise, hurrying Akihime back into her room, and closing the door before anyone saw Akihime out in the hall.

Back at the Date estate, Megohime had slipped in through the bedroom window, stripped off her street clothes and had changed into her silk robes, hoping she had made it back before Masamune noticed. Opening the bathroom door she stepped out, running her fingers through her hair one last time.
Megohime let out a heavy sigh, quietly entering the dark bedroom and moving inside, slowly laying beside Masamune as to not wake him.
Amaya had been meeting with Chosokabe for weeks, planning Akihime's escape down to each little detail to make sure nothing would go wrong; now Amaya stood in wait of Sasuke, window wide open for him, pacing nervously.
Amaya moved over to the window, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling Sasuke inside. "Good, you're here early, we should move out as soon as we can, hurry. Akihime is upstairs, in the room directly above this one."
Amaya made a face. "Sorry, just give me a minute, wait here." Amaya hurried out of the room, being gone for only a few moments before she returned with Akihime. "Alright, let's go."
Akihime looked a little nervous, "H-How am I...?" "I'm gonna fly you there. Chosokabe is waiting at the docks." Sasuke said. Akihime looked to Amaya, "What about you?"
"I'll be right behind you two on foot, but if we're gonna move, we need to move now." She said. "So we should get going before Mitsunari finds out."
Akihime nodded and moved toward Sasuke after he had wiggled out the window. "Take hold of my talons and hang on tight." He instructed. She nodded and reached out, grabbing his ankles and being pulled through with a loud gasp, Sasuke taking off as quickly as he could.
Amaya jumped from the window, hitting the ground and rolling before jumping to her feet and running as quickly as she could after Sasuke.
Ren looked up at Motochika, making a face of slight confusion. "Cap'n... I have memories of this girl, I mean, I got them back... But I still feel as though they're not real, that I don't know her really." He said, looking down at the ground. "Do you think less of me that I can't remember someone that's supposed to be so dear to me..?"
Soon, Sasuke appeared at the dock and set Akihime down before the two. "Have a good flight, lass?" Motochika teased. Akihime smiled and giggled, "I could have had better." She replied. She looked to Ren and frowned faintly before bowing, "Ohayo...Ren-san..."
Ren gave a meek smile and waved. "Hey there, Aki-chan, it's good to, er, see you again." Motochika's walkie talkie cracked and one of his crew members voices could be heard. "Aniki! It's Nana, somethin's wrong! The instructions we found say labor shouldn't last as long as it has!" Nana could be heard screaming in pain in the background. "An, uh, Cap'n? There's a lot of blood.."
Motochika cursed loudly, "We need to leave." He ordered and hauled everyone aboard, barking for them to set said as he rushed to see Nana, "Nana!!"
A few men stayed with Nana to make sure she was alright, but she looked pretty rough. Sweat plastered her hair to her head, her skin a sickly pale color. Blood soaked the sheets beneath her, the child remaining un-birthed. "Mo-Motochika, I don't feel great... The baby re-really doesn't want to come out... I think it's a b-breech." She swallowed hard. "And the blood.. I don't know- I don't know why there's so much blood... It could be anything... Placental abruption... Ruptured uterus, torn cervix.."
"It means.. The baby needs to be turned... Before I can-ah!" She death-gripped the bed, writhing for a moment as her body tried to push the baby out, only forcing out more blood. "I need someone to turn the baby..!" She whimpered. "You have to do it, you're the only one who's been in her the longest besides Ren.."
"I can help!" Sasuke said, stepping up, "I can't really help with the bleeding, but I can help with the baby! We need to cut you open, if that's alright? Do you have any anesthesia?"
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