The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"The Pirate King?" Megohime echoed, not batting an eye at the mention of rape, it being nothing new to a prostitute. "You hung out with the Pirate King?" She looked Akihime up and down. "Are you a prostitute?"
Megohime brought her eyebrow up, but shook her head. "Then what do you do? Why would they lock up some girl in a tower?"
"Oh come on, I don't think you have to worry about a first class prostitute running her mouth about some young girl in the attack." She said, looking over Akihime's things before slumping down in the chair across the room.
Megohime laughed. "Yeah, but only as Date Masamune's own private whore." She said, pulling at the baggy t-shirt she wore. "You think these clothes are mine? I palmed 'em so I could come out here again without being half naked."
Akihime laughed softly behind her hand, "Um...well, as long as you don't tell Masamune-dono about who you're now friends with.." She said and took a breath, "I'm the...spokes girl for Toyotomi Pharmaceuticals. I...lie to people everyday so they can buy our medicines."
"That's my 'gift'...I can persuade people to do whatever I want; just by talking to them, they do whatever I say to the letter." She replied. She then shook her head, "It feels more like a curse though, for the purpose of which it is used."
"Then don't use it." Megohime shrugged. "Don't use your powers when you speak, or better yet, tell the people to do the exact opposite of what Monkey man is telling you."
"Then leave." Megohime said, pulling out a pack of cigarettes she had gotten along the way, putting one between her lips and lighting it. "You can talk people into doing anything you want, can't you?"
Megohime blew the smoke she had inhaled out of her nose, making a noise of disappointment. "Fine, fine." She waved her hand to disperse the smoke. "So besides lie, what do you do for fun?"
"Seriously? That's it? All day everyday?" She made a face. "Why don't you come out with me, an hour at the most." She offered.
"C'mon, I bet you've never even seen the streets beyond your window." Megohime grinned lopsidedly. "It'll be fun~"
Akihime made a noise and stood, "I suppose...if I left a note..." She said, moving to her vanity. She scribbled a quick note to her friend: "Ama, snuck out to get some air. I promise I will return. Come find me if you wish, I won't struggle. Love Aki." She turned to Megohime and nodded, "Ok."
"Cool." Megohime stood and cracked open the door, glancing out before heading out down the hall nice she saw it was clear.
Megohime made it down to the grounds without a problem, but then the watch on her wrist began to beep. "Shit." She looked to Akihime. "You have to go back, and so do I, but maybe next time." She said, waving before starting to leave in a jog.
Akihime stood dumbfounded before hearing the grounds security dogs start barking, growing scared and trying to hurry back inside without getting caught, "AmaifyoucanhearmepleasehelpImadeahorriblemistake."
"Why would you try to leave with that whore?" Amaya seemed to appear out of nowhere, grabbing Akihime by the wrist and hurrying upstairs the back way.
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