The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Masamune drummed his fingers, a few weeks had passed since Minehime disappeared and not returned, making the Dragon Boss irritable with everything.
Megohime, having to take the worst of Masamune's rage, had been putting on Masamune's pipe, blowing the heavy smoke into the air. "If you're so worried, go out and find her."
"I suppose you're right, a little girl like her would get plenty of buyers." Megohime stopped, glancing at him. "Oh, you meant the whole, puking up gems - yeah that too." She waved her hand.
Megohime shrugged. "All I'm saying is there's an unprotected little girl out on the streets by herself and anyone can pick her up; I just hope for her sake she goes to a brothel and not come crack house under forced circumstances." She muttered loud enough for Masamune to hear.
He shot up and grabbed his swords, "Kojurou! We're going out!" "Hai." Kojurou followed after his lord as he exited the estate to look for Minehime.
Megohime made a noise, getting up to see the garden, frowning softly.

Minehime munched on a tea cake, smiling happily as she sat beside Ieyasu, pushing the last bite into her mouth before washing it down with tea. "Thank you for the tea, Lord Ieyasu!" She signed.
Ieyasu smiled and signed fluidly, "It's no trouble, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Tadakatsu is usually too busy to enjoy these things with me, so I'm glad to have the company."
Minehime's cheeks flushed, happy to be sitting and enjoying a tasty snack with. Brushing the crumbs off her mouth, she signed more. "Where is Tadakatsu? His tea has gotten cold." She frowned. "He's gonna be hungry."
Ieyasu only smiled more and waved his hand, "He's tending to the grounds, making sure no one comes in or does the estate harm. He'll be all right, he usually eats when he gets the chance to."
She nodded and looked out the window. "Can we go outside for a walk? It looks like it's gonna rain, and I wanna go outside before it does." She signed, turning to face Ieyasu again.
Minehime took his hand and hopped out of the chair, following him outside into the humidity, looking up at the sky, still having to share her eyes from the sun even though it was covered by the clouds.
Minehime walked with Ieyasu along the path, holding onto his hand as they did so. After about ten minutes of walking, the first few drops of rain started to fall, and one of Ieyasu's men came jogging down the path toward him. "Ieyasu-sama! You have a visitor!" He reported, bowing.
"Date Masamune and his Right Eye." He reported, making Minehime perk. "It's Papa!" She signed, before hurrying off back to the house.
Minehime burst through the doors and nearly tackled Masamune in a hug, smiling widely, but blinking away tears. "Papa! What are you doing here?" She signed.
Masamune only stared before looking to Kojurou, who translated. Masamune sighed and crouched before her, grumbling small embers before slowly raising his hands and signing sloppily, "I sorry I pained your feels. Come to nest with father." Ieyasu chuckled softly and Kojurou fought his smile.
Minehime smoked so wide her cheeks hurt, and she nodded, signing in return. "Only if you promise to hang all the pictures back up on the wall."
When Kojurou translated, Masamune huffed and asked Kojurou to take over, "He has one picture still pinned to the wall, if that will be good enough?"
Minehime frowned and crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head. "Three pictures." She signed, not looking like she would budge anytime soon.
"Three...?!" Masamune hissed when Kojurou translated. He spat out a couple embers before crossing his arms, "Two." He stated firmly, holding up two fingers.
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