The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I can read your lips." She signed, then let out a soft sigh, picking up her drawing and folding it before pushing it into her dress pocket and getting to her feet. "G-Gonna go... OUtsidE." She said, having practicing speaking. Leaving she headed down the hall toward the Brood Room, standing up on her tip toes and opening the small latch on the door. A folded up paper fell into the room, the latch closing, leaving the captured teen alone: the picture depicted Masamune and the intruder, the intruders head between Masamune's pointed teeth.
((Das so kyute~))

Masamune examined the picture and smirked faintly, picking it up and heading to pin it on the refrigerator. He looked when he saw Kojurou smirking knowingly at him and the Dokuganryuu grumbled, embarrassed, and stalked away.
Minehime was checking on the small garden Kojurou helped her start, watering the small bean sprouts, snap peas, and a couple of other wild flowers she couldn't remember the names of. Setting down the watering tin, she moved over to examine Kojurou's garden, staring in awe of the perfectly planted rows of leeks, and the many different types of squash, as well as a few young pumpkins. The tomatoes weren't quite ripe yet, but she liked when they were a little green and sour, so she picked one from the vine and pocketed it.
Minehime looked up when she felt Masamune's footsteps, nodding yes to his question, moving over and taking his hand, flashing a grin up at him.
Minehime watched the men as they mocked Masamune, looking up at her father and making a face. "I don't get it, what's funny?"
Masamune was barely beginning to understand sign language but still had no idea what shebwas saying, but he could tell by her facial expression that she didn't like them laughing, "They're laughing at me because their big boss dragon is totting around with his hatchling." He said slowly so she could read his lips.
Minehime frowned, not understanding why something like that would be funny, and it made her angry. Why were they laughing? Why were they laughing at her and her father, they weren't doing anything silly, or anything wrong - it made her very mad. Smoke rose from her nose and she looked as though she was thinking about setting a few of the men on fire.
Minehime still looked a little upset as she ate her teacakes, smoke rising from her nose as she ate, grumbling softly.
"But why? That's stupid." She signed, finishing the last of her tea and munching on another teacake. "Why doesn't he just kill one of them?" She seemed irritated, pupils a bit smaller than usual, and more in an oval shape than round.
"I know, I just don't like it.." She signed, looking at the ground.

((Should we have Hide escape then come back?))

"Boss!" Masamune glared when one of the newbies rushed in, "That spy kid isn't in the Brood Room anymore!" Masamune's eye slitted and he spat fire at the man, watching him go up in flames quickly.
((Poor guy~))

Minehime could smell smoke, smoke from her fathers fire, and she got up from the desk in her room and made her way to where Masamune was, peering into the room.
"Papa, what happened?" She asked, entering the room and walking around the burnt corpse on the ground.
"Oh..." She made a face, a bit of panic in her chest.

((Shall we move ahead a little or just skip to him coming back?))
Minehime had found her home with Masamune, her main job was making sure her room was tidy and the garden weeded when Kojurou was too busy, but occasionally she spit up a few precious gems for Masamune to sell. She had been living with the gang for nearly a year now, and she was due to turn ten in a few months. Minehime had always been curious as to what had happened to the boy who tried to take her from her home, but she hadn't seen any sign of him since that night. Minehime had left her window open - again - the hot summer air making everyone uncomfortable, even the hatchling; sprawled out on her bed, bed cover kicked off onto the floor and legs tangled in the sheets, she slept soundly. Messy brown hair stuck out at all angles, the youngster having wicked bedhead.
She was shaken gently in her sleep. The teen from a few nights ago came into her room, left side of his face burned from the scalding water of the Brood Room.
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