The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Ren was on crows nest duty, and luckily, the crows nest of the Fugaku could hold about four people, so both Ren and Akihime sat comfortably in the nest. Ren had remembered some of from when he had first met Akihime, but there was still some blurry spots. "Wait, so you drank how much?" He let out a snort of laughter, grinning a crooked grin. "There's no way!"

A knock came at Motochika's cabin door and Nana poked her head inside, spotting Motochika and entering. "You haven't come down for your check up." She said, moving over to the oil covered pirate, black grease smudged on his face and covering his hands as he worked on a part for one of the engines. A small smile grew on her face, the corners of her eyes crinkling, moving over and gently running her fingers through his hair. "You're going to work yourself sick." She said in a scolding manner, but it was gentle.
Akihime blushed and rubbed the back of her neck, "I-I did...I drank a whole jug of sake...and then ended up throwing it all back up into the ocean.."

Motochika only grinned, "Ogres don't get sick~"
Ren only laughed more, nearly falling off the edge of the crows nest. "Ya still have a ways to go, but even I can't drink an entire jug."

Nana placed her hands over his to stop him, resting her head on his shoulder. "And that's because they have sirens to kept them from getting sick." She said softly. "Take a break? I would feel much better if you let me make sure you aren't getting sick."
"Th-Thank you..." She muttered shyly. She cleared her throat and smiled softly, "So how well do you remember me now? I'm sorry I'm always asking.."

He gave a fake sigh as well as a pout, "Fiiiiiiiiine.."
"I remember when we found ya, and when you were with us.. But the part where you were taken is gone, I can't remember a thing about it." He said, looking down at his hands.

Nana pulled him from his chair gently, guiding him over to the bed and sitting him down. Sitting down beside him, she laced her fingers with his, resting her head on his chest. "Well your heart is certainly as strong as ever." She said, laughing softly.
Akihime smiled sadly, flashbacks of Mitsunari stepping on him over and over filling her head to the point where her vision was blinded with tears. "Y-You were in a coma....i-it was my fault..."

He grinned and held her hand, "Aye, cuz you help keep it that way."
Ren tilted his head, leaning closer and wiping away Akihime's tears. "How could it be yer fault, cap'n said it was that Ishida bastard. Plus, from what I hear, you were aching real bad to get back here to see me." He smiled softly, cupping her cheek gently.

Nana brought Motochika's hand up to her lips, kissing his knuckles gently. "And your lungs sound as powerful as ever." She teased slightly, closing her eyes, enjoying the warmth of his body heat.
She hiccuped and leaned gently into his touch, "Because I wanted to care for you like you did with me...I care about you so much, Ren..."

"They have to be if I wanna keep yelling at those sons of bitches outside." He chuckled.
Ren let his forehead rest against Akihime's, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "I care about ha too, Aki-chan.." He whispered.

Minehime was finally up and about, but still confined to her room in case she got sick again, so she made due having tea cakes with Hidemune.
She sniffed and held Ren close, as if afraid of losing him again. She closed her eyes and tried to keep from crying any more.

Hidemune munched on tea cakes and drank tea silently with Minehime, cheeks a light pink.
((What should we do with Aki and Ren now~? :> ))

Minehime poured Hidemune more tea, then signing. "Can I do your hair?"
((Just start something up!))

Minehime nodded, moving over and standing behind him, pulling half of his hair into a pigtail, before doing the same to the other side. Though rather short, they still held, Minehime grinning happily before going to find the make up some of the prostitutes had given her, first putting on a bright pink colored lipstick on Hidemune, then starting on the blue eyeshadow and the dark pink blush.
Minehime finished up and sat back down, smiling happily, and munching on another tea cake.

((Should we move ahead a little for the AkiRen and Mego thing?))
Hidemune blushed and sighed, eyes widening when the door opened and Masamune stepped in. The dragon boss only stared silently, judging.


Megohime stirred from her sleep, groaning from the pain throbbing in the back of her head. The last thing she remembered doing was sitting down by herself with a bottle of her favorite wine, but everything else after that was missing, and Megohime had never blacked out when drinking before. Sitting up slowly she rubbed her head, pausing when she noticed something was around her neck. Blinking, she felt the metal around her neck, panic rising in her chest; it was a collar.

Motochika's crew had made a rather large haul, and with no casualties, so as a reward, they had broken out the sake, even Nana joined the party this time. Ren held his own jug of sake, but had barely touched any, simply enjoying everyone's company, especially Akihime's. Sitting beside her, he held her hand, fingers laced with hers and a soft blush on his face, letting his knee rest against hers.
Megohime got to her feet, looking to find the person that the voice belonged to, finally spotting the person standing on the other side of the room. Glancing around she found the collar she wore connected to an overly heavy chain, which was cemented to the floor and looked like it would let her roam to about the center of the room. "Who the fuck are you?" She seemed more irritated and inconvenienced than frightened, but she had to clench her fist to keep her hand from shaking. "Why the hell am I here?"

Ren nudged Akihime with his shoulder, looking over at her. "What's wrong, Aki-chan, you've hardly touched yer drink, are ya not feelin' well?"
"Goto Matabee.." He answered, a lanky man stepping into the light.

"I'm fine...I just don't feel like drinking." She smiled and squeezed his hand gently.
Megohime furrowed her brows, looking the man up and down, before bringing her hand up and squeezing the air before her hard, glaring at the man as she tried to rip the oxygen from his lungs; but nothing happened. Megohime's eyes widened slightly and she tried again, only to find the same result: she had seemed to have lost her power.

Ren smiled softly, gazing at Akihime, tuning out the sound of laughter and chatter around them. Closing the small gap between them, Ren kissed Akihime gently, cheeks flushed as the boy kissed Akihime on the lips.
"Yes, that collar will keep you from using your power." He told her, then gave a knowing shrug, "Obviously."

Akihime's eyes widened briefly before closing, returning his kiss gladly.
Megohime ground her teeth, moving forward to try and physically strangle him, but the chain stopped her just short of him, fingers an inch from his throat. "I'm gonna cut you like a rotting fish!" She snarled, rage burning in her eyes. "Why the HELL am I here?!"

Ren cupped her cheek, pulling Akihime closer, holding the kiss a moment longer before slowly moving back. "Uh... I'm, uh, sorry 'bout that..." He whispered.
Megohime stared at him, her face expression confusion, then some sort of humorous look. "Oh you..." She let out a dry chuckle, turning and moving away from Matabee, heading back to the wall so the chain wasn't so tight. "I think, I think you have the wrong idea." She sat down on the ground, leaning against the wall. "I'm a whore." She said slowly, in a condescending manner. "He bought me at a brothel, and when he wants to, he fucks me. I'm not his wife, or, or his girlfriend. I'm a whore." She started to laugh. "Oh, this is too funny, you think he gives a shit about a whore?"

Ren let out a soft laugh, resting his forehead against hers once more. "Well I'm glad." He said.
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