The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Motochika took the paper and looked back to Nana, "You cannot say such things after how friendly she was with everyone. You treated her with the same kindness she showed us. She was the first I have ever known not to sneer when looking upon me or the men." He stated before opening the letter and reading it to himself. He recognized it as Akihime's writing, so there was truth to Amaya's words.
Nana's shaking grew more violent, and she tightened her grip on the gun. "And if she comes back, he returns as well!" She snapped at Motochika, the crew on deck falling dead quiet. Nana had never yelled at Motochika before, she was usually a quiet mannered person after all. Nana's near hyperventilation breathing was the only sound except for the sea, tears forming in her eyes.
Motochika frowned and moved towards her, "Nana, listen to me...Ishida will do no more harm to you...I swear it...Akihime is apart of our family, she's one of our own...we protect our own, remember?" He told her gently, "The moment my eye lands on Mitsunari, my anchor will cave in his rib cage. He will do us no harm for as long as I draw breath. Aye?"
"And what if he takes you from me?" Her voice grew small and fragile, just like she had over the passed months. "I don't think I could do it... I-I can't.." She shook her head, letting her tears fall down her face. "I would be able to help with protection if you need such, I have a-" She cleared her throat. "Friend who would be more than willing to help do so as well."
He shook his head, "I have no need. Ishida may be swift, but he still lets his emotions rule his judgement. He is an easier foe than given credit."
"I meant for your lady friend, she seems to need the piece of mind, and plus, there is no such thing as too much security." She said. "Think about it." Nana shook her head, turning and heading back into the infirmary, not ready to even consider it.
Motochika gave a heavy sigh before turning to Amaya, "She'll come around. Inform Akihime that plans will be made to free her soon and to keep in touch when she can." He said.
Amaya nodded. "I'll do my best to do so." She said, then dissapeared to tell Akihime he news.
Nana was back in the infirmary, sitting on a bed by the open window, tears falling in heavy streams down her cheeks. "It, uh, I can feel it moving." She muttered, wiping away the tears on her cheeks. "It's been kicking more lately... I think it's going to be coming soon."
"I can't do it, I can't." She shook her head. "He'll come back, I know it." She whispered. "I just want it out, and I want to forget all of it."
"And we will." He cupped her cheek gently, "We'll get Aki back without so much as a stirr and be long gone before Mitsunari even notices. There's no way for him to follow us if we put bombs in his vessels~"
Nana let out a weak laugh, but it only brought fresh tears to her eyes, moving to press herself against Motochika's chest. "I want a drink so badly.." She whispered.

((Wanna bring in Mego?))
Megohime held Masamune's pipe in hand, inhaling deeply, then letting the smoke slowly curl out of her nose and mouth. Her expression was bored, and she looked like her mind was a thousand leagues out, sighing heavily.
"I'm bored of drinking and smoking, and sucking your dick isn't as exciting as it used to be." She said, a few snickers from Masamune's nearby crew could be heard.
"Yeah, well, I'm going to go see if any of my toys can pleasure me any better than you can." She said, getting up and heading down the hall, ignoring he sounds of whooping and whistling. Entering the bathroom on the far end of the hall, she closed and locked the door, moving to the barred window and feeling along the top of the window sill for the small knife blade she hadpockets a while back, and working on the screws until she gotten three out, carefully moving the barred panel aside. Slipping out the window, she quietly pushed the grate back into place before hurrying off down the alleyway toward a bunch of trashcans. Quickly changing into some street clothes she had lifted off Masamune, zipping up her hoodie and jogging off down the street.
Masamune sat with a bruised pride before going to pull her from the bathroom. When he received no response or any acknowledgement, he busted the door and was furious to find her gone. Fire exploded from his throat before moving to bark at his men to find her.
Megohime felt joy flutter in her chest as she jogged down the dark streets toward freedom. Laughter bubbled up from her chest as she imagined the look on Masamune's face when he found her gone, he had probably torched the bathroom. After running for a while, she slowed to a walk, her breath coming out in cloudy puffs as she wandered aimlessly, eventually making it toward nicer streets.
((Send Kojurou after her~!))

Megohime hadn't realized when she had crossed into Toyotomi's territory, for she hadn't seen the outside world in nearly twelve years. Stopping when she saw a large palace, staring up at one of the windows, where something caught her eye; someone was standing just inside the window gazing out. Bars kept the person from opening the window and from where Megohime could see, the person was a woman.

The woman noticed Megohime and pressed against the window to try and see her better. She hesitated before waving slightly, giving a small smile.
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