The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime stared up at the woman before moving closer, crossing the street, and motioning for the woman to come down to meet her.
Megohime scowled softly, staring up at her for a moment more before giving a small wave; she couldn't stay in one area for too long, otherwise one of Masamune's gang members would be after her. She was wearing his crest on her back after all. Turning she gestured to Date crest on her back before turning around and drawing her thumb across her neck, then heading off in a jog.
((Oh, but she'll be back~))

Megohime jumped out of her skin everytime she heard a motorcycle pass, pulling the hood up and tucking her hair away, walking down the street, enjoying the fresh air and freedom.
"Megohime-dono." It was Kojurou; his voice was as calm as ever, "It was a very unwise idea for you to leave like that. Masamune-sama is destroying the estate looking for you."
Megohime slowed to a stop, turning to face Kojurou. "Let him. Kojurou, I haven't been outside in twelve years, all of you get to come and go and be outside while I'm stuck inside all day and night. I just want fresh air that doesn't come from a barred window, and I want to see the stars that aren't hidden by dirty windows. Let me have this one night of freedom. Please."
Kojurou's expression did not change, but he let out a soft sigh, "Find somewhere to stay for the night and I will come for you in the morning. Do not expect Masamune-sama to be pleasant when you return."
Megohime relaxed slightly, a small smile crossing her face. "Thank you, Kojurou, thank you so much." She said, then hurried off down a dark alleyway and was gone.
Megohime enjoyed her night out, wandering the streets and looking in on the store windows, bumming cigarettes and even a couple drinks. Once morning came, she sat on the street corner Kojurou had stopped her at, waiting on the curb with her coat zipped up to her chin.
Megohime took a deep breath, standing up and moving toward Kojurou's bike. "How... How mad is he? Does he know where I am?"
"He won't stop breathing fire. But no, I didn't tell him where you were or that I even found you...which led to a small bit of scorching, but I'll live..." He answered in his usual even-tempered tone.
"I'm sorry, Kojurou." She said, getting onto the back of his bike and holding onto his shoulders. "Is there any chance that you would let me leave?" She asked quietly.
He shook his head, "He purchased you. The only way for you to be free is if someone else bought you and then let you leave. And Masamune would never give you up."
Megohime took a shaky breath, nodding numbly. "Yeah, I know."
Once back at the hideout, Megohime got off the bike and walked toward the front doors, pushing them open and entering, waiting for Masamune's wrath.
"Masamune-sama. I found her." Kojurou called. A blur of blue rushed through to the entrance, stopping in front of Megohime. His eye was a thin slit, exhaling so much fire, he nearly caught her on fire. "Where the fuck have you been. I did not give you permission to leave."
Megohime took a small step back as to not get caught on fire, keeping her gaze down. "I wanted one night of freedom, one night . You never let me leave; even if I had asked, you would've just laughed in my face. I want to go places."
"No. Hell no- FUCK NO!!" He snapped, "You are never to leave! I don't want anyone on the outside to see you or have you! You're mine! I OWN YOU!!" He was livid, spitting embers as his body shook to control his rage for Kojurou's sake.
"I AM NOT A TOY!!" Megohime screamed in his face, the airpressure dropping and the air in his lungs being sucked out, keeping him from both breathing fire on her, and trying to yell over her. "I am a PERSON! I want to go outside and look at the shops and watch the birds on the street and feel sunlight on my skin, I fuck you all day, why the HELL would I want to go out just to fuck other men!?" She snarled, then froze, releasing her fist so Masamune could breathe again. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't... I just want.." She shook her head, hot tears in her eyes.
Masamune coughed hard before a growl rumbled like angry thunder in his chest. "Masamune-sama, I must advise you to think rationally before-" Kojurou was cut off by Masamune grabbing Megohime by a fistful of her hair and throwing her across the estate, breaking the sliding doors as she went. He darted after her and grabbed her by the throat before she hit a beam and snapped her spine, holding her up off the floor.
Megohime's face was covered with small cuts and bruises, tears falling from her eyes. "I'm sorry." She choked out. "I'm so sorry... I just want to be free.." She tried to calm him, struggling to meet his eye as she reached out to gently touch his cheek. "Just... One day.."
"Don't fucking touch me." He sneered, tightening his grip on her throat, "You want to be free, I can put you in the fucking ground for the worms, then you'll be free. How does that sound?" He dropped her hard and clenched his fists tight, body quaking. "If you ever leave this estate again, I will gut you with an honest to God smile on my face and proceed to paint the walls with your very blood."

((I hope this is ok... >~> ))

Megohime dropped to the ground and coughed hard, gagging a bit. "Please... I only want to go outside... Please let me go.." She begged.
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