The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"No, no, I'm not saying that you should leave; it's not safe for you here." She said, standing. "If anyone catches you on castle grounds they'll more than like want to lock you up, and not in the prisons." She rubbed the back of her neck. "I just don't want it to be my fault if you get hurt." She muttered. "They'll put you back in the labs."
Sasuke's feathers ruffled and he made a noise, "Yeah, you're right...maybe I should high tail it.." He said, moving to the window. "Expect another trinket soon!" He grinned and flew off quickly.
She watched him fly away quickly, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Yeah, I will.." She whispered to herself. She wanted him desperately to stay, to have some sort of outside contact other than Akihime or the other guards, but she didn't want to endanger anyone.
After a few weeks, Akihime was back to what she was told to do; lie to anyone who came screaming at the Toyotomi door and soothe everyone so they would leave and continue to worship the Toyotomi crest. It strained her mentally to do so but she didn't want Mitsunari beating her again.
Amaya stood by Akihime's side every moment she got, making sure she was ok, trying to keep her moral up and make sure she was safe from Mitsunari.
Amaya's empty eye socket hurt when Chosokabe's name was mentioned, but she continued to help Akihime out of the horrid, large gown she was forced to wear. "It really wasn't a place for you, My Lady." She said softly.
"I guess I just didn't get the same welcoming." She muttered, helping her out of the corset. "I still find your tales of gentle pirates to be... Insanity. Forgive me, I just have a hard time believing it."
"It's all right.." Akihime let out a heavy breath when she was finally free of her corset, "If I had the chance to show you, I would..."
"Well, it's not like I can be a go between with you and Chosokabe." She mused, putting away Akihime's clothing.
Amaya looked taken aback. "He, uh, doesn't like me all that much." She said, looking rather nervous.
"White flags are beautiful things. Motochika will listen if you announce a parley, it's pirate code." She said, looking the happiest she had been in weeks.
"It doesn't mean he won't still try to take out my other eye." She muttered. "Alright fine, but I can't be going every-other second, twice a week." She whispered.
Amaya still wasn't one hundred percent on running messages to Motochika, but she had already accepted Akihime's request, and she was already on the waters edge. Taking a deep breath, she broke out in a run, able to make it across the water by momentarily freezing the water beneath her feet, heading for the Fugaku.
"Cap'n! That harlot what challenged you from the Toyotomi is running across he water towards the ship!" The man in the crow's nest called. Motochika ground his teeth, raising his hand to prepare open fire.
"Shit." Amaya stopped in her tracks, creating a more permanent platform she could stand on, not having made it as close to the ship as sh had wanted too. Sucking air through her teeth in annoyance she brought her arm up, letting the white flag unfurl in her hand, standing and waiting for her answer.
"Cap'n! She has a white flag!" "Hold!" Motochika dropped his hand, furrowing his brow, "Fire a flare, signal that she can approach, but stay wary." The man on the crow's nest nodded and grabbed his flare gun, plugging one ear and ducking as he shot a blue flare into the sky, allowing her to come aboard.
Amaya let out a sigh of relief, letting the flag go, watching it sink beneath the waters surface before heading onboard the Fugaku. All of Chosokabe's crew had gathered onboard, everyone's glare glued to Amaya as she made her way toward Motochika, her empty eye socket hurting more and more with each step closer to Motochika. "I've come on Akihime-sama's behalf, seeing as she couldn't be here in person."
"Akihime!?" The crew gathered closer but Motochika signaled for them to halt, scowling, "How can I trust you, ye vile snow harpy." He glowered, "You have been less than kind, aiding that bastard Ishida." Just saying his name made Motochika want to punch something.
Amaya ground her teeth at the insult, but held her tongue. "I may be under the Toyotomi flag, but I have been barcoded and collared like all the rest of his slaves." She tried to keep her tone even, exposing the metal collar around her throat by tugging down the high-collared neck of her shirt. "My only job is to make sure Akihime is safe, and when I spotted her on your ship, I assumed the worse and did my job; I tried to keep her safe. I see now that she was safer with pirates than with the Royal Guard." She said bitterly. "I'm proposing to you a plan to retrieve Akihime and return her to the safety of the Fugaku.
Amaya brought her hands up in a show of surrender before carefully reaching into her sleeve, pulling out a small, folded piece of paper, and holding it out for Motochika. "We can't have her writing every time due to the lockdown she is currently on, but she'll still try her best to vouch for me." She said. "And a scrap of paper with scribbles on it is supposed to give you a free pass?" Nana's voice could be heard from behind Motochika, Nana standing in the doorway to the infirmary with a gun in hand, cocked and ready to fire, but not aimed. "I've paid the price of betrayal twice before, I will not do it again for someone we hardly know." The poor woman was shaking, wearing a heavy coat to try and hide her swollen stomach, but it didn't help much.
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