The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"He's regaining some memories, but it's slow.." She said softly, looking up from her paperwork, chewing on a carrot. "Everything else is healing nicely."
Ren frowned softly, shaking his head. "I- I don't remember anyone by that name.." He frowned heavily. "I'm sorry, I just can't.."
"Worry not, lad, you'll recall soon. We won't force ye." He told him. He looked to Nana and pet her head gently, "You haven't finished breakfast yet?"
Nana looked down, shaking her head slowly. "No.. My hunger has still evaded me.." She spoke quietly. "Every time I eat, I feel sick." She said, setting down her carrot.
"Take your long as you eat, I'll be happy..." He told her, "I have to get back and make sure the men don't sit about with their dicks in their hands. Take it easy, both of ye."
Nana nodded, picking up her roll and taking a bite of it.

((Wanna have Mitsunari beat Aki~? He is allowed to hit her in this one!))

Akihime cried out, falling hard to the floor after Mitsunari backhanded her. He grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and punched her hard in the face, busting her lip and causing her eye to swell up quickly. "Did you really think you could avoid us for long, you stupid whore!? What did you tell them!?" "I didn't tell them anything! Except maybe the fact that you're always choking on Hideyoshi's disease ridden co-!" She was cut off by another punch, Mitsunari grinding his teeth.
Amaya ground her teeth and clenched her fists, jerking every time Akihime was struck. "M-My Lord please, if you strike her anymore, she won't be able to go before the public."
This made him halt, shaking hard because she was right. He threw Akihime back hard, causing her to smack her head against the ground and become dazed. "You will be confined to your room at all time. Your balcony will be locked unless we need you to speak. Amaya will be by your side at all times and your room will be barred and guarded. If you do manage to escape again, I will break your legs." He seethed. He sounded under water, Akihime trying to focus her gaze on him. "Go...fuck yourself..." She groaned. Mitsunari growled and kicked her hard in the stomach, causing her to throw up a bit before he stalked away.
Amaya moved to Akihime, helping her up and steadying her. "Let's go to your room immediately." She said softly. "No more words, let's go." She said, hurrying her off to her room.
"We'll get you a new one." She muttered, hurrying her into her room and sitting her down on the bed while she got supplies. "You said you ran; I thought you had been taken, why did you do it?"
"I couldn't do it anymore, Ama...I couldn't bare the guilt of hurting those people every day and lying to them about what we were doing. I thought about just killing myself, but I'm too much of a coward to even do I just ran away...I didn't mean to cause you any grief..."
"Those pirates could've killed you." She muttered as she moved over and began to clean the blood off of Akihime's face.
Amaya applied a salve to Akihime's lip, frowning. "Pirates kind? I find that hard to believe." She muttered

((Anything you wanna do?))
"... None that I can see, no." She muttered, finishing patching her up. "I'll have to take you to the doctor tomorrow for your tooth."
"Thank you, Ama.." She said gently, rubbing her cheek near her missing tooth. "Where you beaten while I was gone...?" She asked softly.
"No." She said, packing the medical kit back away. "Rest now, your father will more than likely want to have a word with you."
That was a thought Akihime did not enjoy. But she had to accept it and wait just in case Yoshitsugu did make an appearance. "Could you get me some cold water for my tooth...? I'd do it myself, but.."
Amaya nodded, heading for the door but stopping. "That woman, the one Mitsunari traded for you," She looked at Akihime over her shoulder. "I've heard rumors she's with child, and it is not the Pirate Kings."
Amaya turned her head away. "My sources say Mitsunari has fathered the child, but no one will truly know the truth." She said softly before leaving to get the water.
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