The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Motochika gently wiped her tears away before moving around the med bay for anything that would help; ointments, pain killers, numbing agents, he hunted for everything. He would make up for letting something so horrible happen to her.
Nana didn't move from her bed, wheezing softly as she breathed, her tears continued to drip down her face, but she remained as unresponsive as ever.
Motochika helped her take some painkillers and applied antibiotics to her wounds, murmuring sweet nothings in hopes they would help soothe her.
The more Motochika touched Nana, the more tears she shed, but she still let him apply the ointments to her skin, and wrap up her ankle. She would need help getting to the bathroom to wash up however, not responding when Motochika asked if she could walk. Once in the bathroom; Nana sat on the sink counter as he ran her a bath, staring at the cold marble floors.

((She gonna be a mute for a lil bit ; v ; ))
((Poor Nana T^T ))

Motochika made sure the water was warm before turning it off and moving towards her, "Nana, I'm going to have to undress you now...don't worry, no harm will come to you, I swear it..." He told her gently as he gently tugged at her shirt.
Fresh tears poured down her cheeks and she shied away slightly when he removed her shirt, but other than that, put up no struggle at all.
Motochika frowned and continued to assure her that she would be fine while he steadily and patiently removed her clothing and helped her into the bath, staying by her side to help her should she need it.
Nana sat in the tub, the water gradually turning red from the blood that had crusted on her body, but still no efforts to even move were made. Leaning against the side of the tub, her eyes stared down at the water, face emotionless and eyes half-closed.
Nana shifted ever-so-slightly, her head pressing against his hand, but she didn't look up at him; she was crying again, but this time she was shaking.
Nana was completely unresponsive for the next couple of days, laying in the dark in Motochika's cabin, never once leaving the bed unless Chosokabe moved her on his own; eating was out of the question, she barely even drank what little water Motochika was able to get down her throat. She was a horrible mess, she either slept all day and night or didn't sleep at all, and she was dropping weight fast.
"Nana, please, you have to eat..." Motochika was a worried wreck, never leaving her side unless he absolutely had to, "You're fifty pounds lighter than you need to be, you'll get sick and I'll lose you. I don't want that.."
Nana's face was pale, and her cheeks sunken in; almost every bone stuck out and she looked like a bag of bones. Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she slowly turned her head, meeting Motochika's eyes for the first time in almost a week. "....I'm pregnant..."
His eye widened in horror and rage, "Pregnant...w-with...?" He clenched his fist hard and shouted in anger, punching the wall of his cabin so hard it dented the metal. "He's dead! I'll hunt that son of a whore down and rip out his throat with my bare hands!!"
Nana curled into a ball, shaking her head. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." She started to sob, gripping her hair and tugging hard. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, please... Don't hate me.."
He calmed down quickly, not wanting to see her like this. "Nana, no...hush, love, I don't hate wasn't your fault...none of this was your fault..." He told her gently, carefully taking her hands into his, "Cease yer cryin''ll be ok, I swear it..."
"I don't want to have the baby, not his... But I-I can't kill it..." She looked up at him, her eyes torn. "I want to get rid of it, I want to so badly... But..." Her lower lip started to shake. "I want it out of me... But I can't do it.."
He frowned; he was just as conflicted. He didn't want her to carry Mitsunari's child any more than she did but it was an innocent and had done no wrong except try to live. He ground his teeth in frustration but gave her hands a squeeze, "I know you won't like it, because I sure as hell don't, but you carry it full term and as soon as it's born, we take it to port and give it to someone who will care for it. Would you be willing to do that?"
Nana closed her eyes, blinking away her tears. "... Yeah." She nodded, holding onto Motochika's large, sturdy hands. "Just promise me... I don't have to see it..." She whispered.
"You don't even have to give it a passing glance, Nana...and I promise I will help you through this..." He kissed her head gently and held her, "I'll be here for you always.."
As the months passed, Nana's belly began to swell, still struggling to eat and do simple things. Nana mostly stayed in the infirmary, checking up on Ren, making sure he didn't get any infections. Nana sat down on the infirmary chair, charting down Ren's improvements, ignoring the large belly she now had, nibbling at the breakfast Motochika had brought her hours ago.
Motochika would come in every now and again to check on her between barking at the men, even making sure Ren was ok and trying to help him with his amnesia. "How's every thing goin'?" The Ogre asked as he stepped in around lunch as usual, "Any improvements?"
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