The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana rolled onto her stomach, trying weakly to crawl away from Mitsunari, her breathing ragged. She spat out a mouthfu of blood, shaking hard in pain. "Don't... Touch me.." She ground out quietly.
"Silence." He said gruffly and grabbed her by her shirt, giving a firm tug and watching it rip and tear from her body. He tossed it off her before starting on her pants next.
Nana's heart dropped and a scream was torn from her throat. Clawing at the ground to get away, she kicked at Mitsunari desperately with her good leg, but soon found no effect. Twisting around like mad she gripped her belt as hard as she could, trying with all her might to keep on her pants. "Stop!"
"Hold still, dammit." He growled before using his sword to cut the belt and enough of her pants so he could just rip them off her hips. "This is what happens to women who turn their back on Hideyoshi and disrespect him like you have."
Fresh tears came to Nana's eyes, struggling just about as hard as she could and then some, but he still overpowered her. "Stop, please stop! I'm sorry!" She started to sob, shaking her head. "Please I'm so sorry..!"
"No, sorry will not save you. So just accept it and you will be allowed to leave." He told her sternly before he began forcing himself on her. He was not gentle or merciful with this, as was expected of him, but he didn't care. The more she screamed and the more she cried, the harder he was allowed to beat her.
After Mitsunari was finished with Nana, the battered and bruised woman lay on the cold floor, shaking and crying softly. "Motochika... Motochika, please save me.." She wept, curling up into a ball.

((Should we send Chika the audio?))

Mitsunari redressed and turned to leave, ordering that the audio be prepared to be sent out and that Nana be taken care of before they were to depart.
"Captain!" One of Chosokabe's men came running, a large envolope in hand and a nervous look on his face. "You have a letter! It's from the Toyotomi!"
"A letter from them? Give it." Motochika held out his hand so the pirate could hand over the envolope, taking it and walking off to his cabin with it.
Inside the envolope was a single audio tape, and as soon as Chosokabe put it into the audio player inside his cabin, and hit play, Nana's screams played through loud and clear. She was in agony, choking on her screams in between sobs. "Stop! Please! Please stop!" She was begging someone, but who was unknown, and as to what was being done to her was unknown.
Motochika tensed hard, eye widening as he was completely consumed by rage. He forced himself to listen, hoping to catch any recognizable sound as to who was hurting her and what they were doing. "Sorry will not save you." Motochika flew into a frenzy, smashing the audio player with his fist. "ISHIDA MITSUNARI!! I WILL SLAY YOU WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS!!"
Nana had been in and out of consciousness for the past hour and she had absolutely no idea where she was. A thick black sack had been put over her head and tied around her neck so she wouldn't be able to remove it - not like she really could anyway with her hands bound behind her back. Her broken ankle still throbbed like mad, rather swollen and stiff, it had been left untreated, it not being anything life-threatening. She could feel the sea rocking beneath her, and for a moment she thought she was back on the Fugaku in bed, but just like the past four days, she had been locked up and left alone in her cell. She had a pair of scrubs on now, but blood had stained and crusted in the crotch of the pants, and still even continued to do so. Her body was heavy and she felt numb, all except for the heavy hole that felt like it had been punched through her chest, leaving her mostly unresponsive to anything else that had happened over the past few days.
"Chosokabe Motochika." It was Mitsunari's voice, calling out over the waves, "If you wish to have your sea viper returned to you alive, you will hand Akihime to us within the hour." "Damn you, Ishida! I'll have your head on a pike!!" Motochika shouted in return, "Akihime came to us willingly, this bullshit you spew of us kidnapping her is unsound!" "Just give her back, and you may have Nana." Mitsunari stated unamusedly.
Nana barely registered Chosokabe's voice, still feeling as though she no longer belonged to her body, her consciousness drifting, allowing her to see herself laying unmoving on th ground. An eerie calm gripped her and refused to let go, making even her thoughts hard to manage.
After a while, Motochika brought out Akihime - who had looked like she had just finished sobbing hysterically. "She has agreed to return to you. Now, return Nana!" Motochika hollared. Mitsunari handed Nana to one of the soldiers and he dragged her to the Fugaku after a plank was set between the ships. They dropped Nana and Motochika moved quickly to catch her while the soldier and another took hold of Akihime. As they escourted her back, Akihime took one last glance at the people she had grown to call her family, her chest tight with sorrow.
Nana was limp and light in Motochika's grasp, her chest still rising and falling as she breathed, but she made no acknoledgement she was alright, making no noise at all. When Akihime looked back at the ship, something was shining in the sunlight: and IV drip. A drowsy looking young man stood on the deck of the ship, leaning against the pole of an IV drip. "Cap'n, what's goin' on? Who is that..?" The boy had wobbled closer to Motochika, a confused look on his face.
Akihime's eyes widened and she began struggling, "Ren! Ren-san!!" She called. Motochika removed the sack from Nana's face, looking up when Akihime started hollaring.
Nana's face was covered heavily in bruises, her lip split deeply, and a nasty black eye making the side of her face swollen. Her nose was crooked, and welts covered most of her face, but she was alive. In fact, she was awake; both of her eyes were open, but they looked completely lifeless, like her soul had been ripped from her body and all that remained was a living doll. Ren stared ahead at the screaming woman, face blank. "Who are you?" His brows furrowed, not at all recognizing Akihime.
The color drained from Akihime's face as she felt her heart being ripped from her chest by his words. "R...Ren...san..." Tears poured down her cheeks before she could even stop them. She was shoved on to the ship and into the brig, Motochika taking Nana to the medical bay to see if there was anything he could do as Mitsunari and his men sailed away.
Nana stared blankly up at the sky, her head resting against Motochika's chest; Motochika hadn't gotten Nana back, he had gotten back a shell of what she once was.
((Noooooo Nana ;^; ))

He laid her down gently on the bed and cupped her cheeks, looking her over, "Nana? Can you hear me? Please, love, speak to're safe now.."
Her once storm gray eyes were darker, and she never looked up at Motochika, her eyes staying on the far wall. Tears slipped down her cheeks when he touched her face, everything hurt, everything hurt so much, his touch reminded her of Mitsunari - her mind going back to when he was beating her - if only the thoughts registered. Still completely unresponsive, she shed tears silently, not uttering a single sound.
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