The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Without a word, Amaya left Mitsunari's presence, going to nurse her broken ribs.

((Wanna go back to Ren and Aki?))
((Yiss prease!))

Akihime sat beside Ren while he laid in his coma from the beating he took from Mitsunari for her. "Ren-san...onegai...wake up...I feel awful for what happened to you.."
Ren didn't stirr, the newly implanted organs keeping him steady for the time being, but he was still on full life support. The young mans head had been shaved, a newly closed wound around the top of his head; at some point he took a bad turn when the swelling in his brain reached a critical point.
Ren's knuckles were bruised and scraped up, the rest of his arm in a cast, the poor lad worse for wear, and more than likely not going to wake for some time.

Megohime sat at the vanity, brushing the tangles from her hair, still angry over Masamune having thrown her into what could almost even be called a boiler.
Megohime finished brushing her hair, and after touching up her make-up, mostly making sure that it hadn't been smudged, she stood. "I'm going to get a drink." She said stiffly, heading to the door.
"No." With that, she slammed the door behind her, heading out to the bar for a stiff drink and maybe to bum a cigarette or two.
Megohime's drink run ran much longer than it should have, bordering on the line of 'did she make a run for it?'. The usual background noise could be heard from Masamune's room, though muffled, the sound of laughing women - prostitutes - and the occasional noises of pleasure a few rooms down. A heavy feeling began to grow in the dragons gut, something wasn't right.
As Masamune made his way down the hall, he stepped on something sharp; one of Megohime's hair pieces. The broken clip lay on the ground outside of a bedroom, and from within noises could be heard, just barely audible. It wasn't abnormal for the sound of grunting, accompanied by the sound of a bed creaking to be heard, but the sound of soft wheezing and gurgling could be heard; raspy and forced. A red flag wouldn't usually pop up if it had not been for the hair clip and the fact that Megohime had been missing for quite a while.
Masamune's pupil fluctuated before he spat a spitfire at the door, watching as a small hole burned before the entire door went up quickly in flames and disintegrated.
Inside the room was one of Masamune's own gang members, on top of Megohime with his pants around his ankles. Megohime's nose had been gushing blood, heavy bruising under and around her eye, the man being far too rough, each thrust making Megohime wheeze; but the violent act didn't stop there, the man had his hands clamped tightly around her throat, cutting off her airway. When the door burned down suddenly, the man stopped all movement, head snapping to see what had happened, and when he saw Masamune, he tended hard. "B-Big Boss!" He looked from the blue-faced Megohime underneath him, back to Masamune. "Sh-She seduced me! She wanted it!" He immediately let go of her, stumbling backwards off the bed, trying to desperately pull his pants back up around his waist. Megohime's robes had been undone, and as soon as she was released, she rolled onto her side, wheezing and hacking hard as she gasped for air.
Masamune's pupil slitted as he stared his gang member down. "Did she touch you? Grab you, hold you, any physical contact?" It soujded like a weird question but he was less than kidding.
The members eyes darted back and forth, trying to come up with some sort of answer. "When she passed me in the hallway, she- she grabbed me below the belt." "I didn't touch him...!" Megohime hissed out, wiping away the trail of saliva. "Shut up you lying whore! You made the first move, not me!"
Swallowing hard, the gang member made his choice. "She went after me first!" He said, this time a little more forcefully. "If anything, you should be beating her for being a loose whore!"
He looked incredibly irritated and spat fire again, only burning the poor idiot instead of killing him. "Get your shit and get to the room, Megohime. Now."
Whilst the gang member was screaming in agony, Megohime held her robes closed, stumbling toward the door. "I didn't touch him." She hissed out, limping slightly.
Megohime entered Masamune's room, entering and moving to the bathroom to wash off, pulling her clothes off and starting up the shower. "Can this at least wait until after my shower? I want to get the stench off of me." She said quietly.

Nana was below deck, checking on Ren and then heading into the lowest floor to check on the medical supplies after covering Akihime up with a blanket. Shuffling through the medical supplies, Nana sat on the ground, bags under her eyes.
Masamune stood in the middle of the room, exhaling fire, "Hurry up."

"You ok, Nana-san?" A couple of crew members approached her cautiously.
Megohime took her time, scrubbing her skin as hard as she could, mostly between her legs until she felt she had been thorough enough. Stepping out of the shower dripping wet, she rung out her hair, moving to stand before Masamune, though a good few feet away from him. "I told you, I never touched that slob."

Nana didn't even bother to look up, brushing the hair from her face. "Checking the supplies, will you send word to Motochika we're running low on oxygen tanks? We'll need to pick up some more." She said, digging through the boxes, back to the men.
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