The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya's strength returned to her over the next few days, nearing full health within three days of drinking Sarutobi's elixirs and rest. Her irritation had grown, over him often being perched just above her when she woke, to annoyances like him piling various things on her, usually something shiny. "I said I'm fine..!" She yanked away from his prying examination, huffing in frustration. "I can stand, I can walk, nothing's wrong with me."
Amaya pushed the trinkets that had been piled on her, standing with a slight struggle, dusting herself off. "Thank you for taking care of me, and saving my life, but I must go." She bowed her head to him.
"I have a job to do." She covered her mouth, letting out a small cough, cheeks red. "Goodbye." She bowed her head, then disappeared in a plume of fresh snow.
"Hhmm..." He made a noise and stared at the trinkets he had gathered for her over the past few days before scooping them into a small pouch and trotting out of his tree house.
It took a while for Amaya to return back home, and when she did, she headed straight for the throne room, taking to her knee once before Mitsunari. "My lord, please forgive my delayed return, I was - caught up in other business."
"What other business could be more important than trying to bring Akihime back home!?" Mitsunari snapped at her, "Where the hell have you been!?"
"I..." She lowered her head even further. "I was mortally injured. I needed time to recuperate, please forgive me my lord."
"Excuses. You know full well to return here regardless of your current state. You could be dying and you're still required to return." He told her.
"I could not move sir, there was nothing I could do..!" She clenched her fists. "If I had not been saved, Chosokabe would have slain me."
"Yes sir, I understand." She said. "With your permission, I'd like to take my leave now." She asked, not moving.
"... Yes sir, I understand." She stood slowly, facing Mitsunari, eyes downcast as she awaited her punishment.
Mitsunari stood and moved towards her, staring down at her hatefully before punching her hard in the jaw and knocking her down to the hard marble floor.
Amaya gasped as she hit the floor, catching herself before her head hit the floor, pain shooting up from her elbows. She felt a knot swelling in her cheek, and she could hear her heartbeat in her ears, Mitsunari standing over her. "... Please don't..."
He ground his teeth and kicked her hard in the ribs before stepping on her head and pressing it into the floor. "Do not back talk me, woman."
Amaya wheezed and gasped in pain, having to fight the urge to grab Mitsunari's boot. "F-Forgive me... M-My lord.." She forced out through the pain of him stepping on her head.
She nodded the best she could. "I understand, sir.." She rasped, a small tremble of fear running through her body.
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