The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Motochika was still slightly damp, having swam all the way there, huffing and panting. "I have a special order."

Sasuke played and fiddled with all the shiny and pointed things in her weapon bag, pupils growing and shrinking curiously.
"I don't make the food, so I can't make you anything." She said, though she seemed to have paused momentarily when he said special order. "Buy something or get out."

Amaya's hand twitched when she attempted to sit up, unable to do anything more. "If you're planning on stealing them, I'll cut your fingers off."
Motochika moved closer and dropped a rather large coin purse on her counter. "You can get me things. Things I can't rightfully acquire on my own. Can you help me? I'm short on time."

Sasuke looked up quickly, pupils retracting, "Sorry."
The bag of money caught Jin's attention immediately. Setting her book down she picked up the bag and stored it in the floor safe, pressing a small button under the counter she spoke aloud. "Itaku, we have a customer." "Hai." A man's voice could be heard over some sort of speaker, a door sized panel of the far wall popping open to reveal a hidden doorway. "I don't sell women - or men - if that's what you're looking for, just letting you know ahead of time." Jin said as she moved to the door and opened it, motioning for Motochika to follow as she headed down the staircase.

"Where am I?" She demanded, trying to pinpoint her location, but the room she was in only had a shuttered window, and the shutters were closed up tight. "Why did you bring me here?"
"No, no, nothing like that." He replied as he followed her, "A friend of mine is dying, he needs new organs. Almost all of them, to be specific.."

"I'm nursing you back to health. Chosokabe went to town on you." Sasuke replied.
Jin made a noise and continued down a narrow hallway, stopping outside of a metal door and opening it. Inside was like a refrigerator, cold as ice and storing many different sized boxes. "You'll have to be a little more specific. Wanting every organ a human has inside of them will cost you an arm and a leg, and that pouch of money you gave me won't be enough to cover it all." She turned to him. "What organs do you need?"

Shame made Amaya's cheeks flush as she recalled when Chosokabe had gotten his hands on her, punching her so hard she was sure at least four ribs were broken, and the back of her head still throbbed from him slamming her so hard against the frozen waters that she actually broke through the ice. "I could've made it back on my own, I just over exerted myself." She hissed lowly.
"Lungs, liver and spleen are the major ones.." He answered.

"You're missing an eye." He stated firmly, "And he was going to squish you."
Jin rummaged through the boxes, pulling out silver canisters of all different sizes. "Lungs, liver, and spleen." She held three canisters, two a medium size, and the third a bit large.

Amaya made a noise of annoyance, closing her remaining eye, the other having been wrapped up to avoid infection. "Why did you do it?"
Jin pushed the canisters into his hands, sealing up the boxes behind her with a simple flick of her wrist, not having to even bother with turning around. "Just don't go spreading word around about me, I already have enough squawking birds."

"What do you think?" She mumbled. "I've only met you once, why did you save me?"
"You don't know me." She growled out, finding frustration and embarrassment in the fact that a near complete stranger had saved her hide.
"Quit playing with those!" She hissed, tensing up slightly, then coughing hard and cringing in agony; frost slowly spreading over her skin.
Amaya wheezed once the frost slowing, before slowly receding. "Dying." She ground out, a bitter smile cracking her face. "I overdid it freezing that much water.." The cold could be felt radiating off of the woman, lips blue and skin pale. "Pretty much, all of my internal organs are freezing... Don't know why I'm telling you this though.." She muttered.
"Only if you have a first rate hospital on hand." She said, struggling to swallow, a small shiver running through her body. "How can you do anything..?"
"You pick up a lot of things when you've lived as long as I have." He answered as he dumped different herbs and roots into a slowly boiling pot.
"As long as you have..?" She echoed, shaking slightly, eye watching his every move. "You look early thirties at most.."
Amaya wheezed out a cough, which could've been easily mistaken as a laugh, if it hadn't been for the scowl on her face. "Thirty isn't old..!" She hissed out, a look of pain crossing her face. "I know you're having a mid-life crisis and everything, but can you at least try to help me?"
He looked over quickly and pointed to the boiling pot, "It isn't ready. If you can keep up the willpower to live just a little longer, I can help."
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