The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Masamune struggled to breathe before throwing the sake jug tied to his sash at her, hoping it would be enough to force her concentration off him.

Mitsunari scowled heavily and stood, "Prepare the ships. We're going after them."
The jug collided with her forehead, knocking her off balance with a pained gasp, air flooding into Masamune's lungs. Megohime sputtered and tried to open her eyes, but she had been drenched in sake, and it had leaked into her eyes, burning like mad. "B-Big boss!" A few of his gang members lurched forward, some to check if he was ok, few because he had practically shattered the sake jug over Megohime's head.

"Hai." With that command the woman disappeared, getting ready a mass number of ships to take the Fugaku and retrieve Akihime.
Masamune held up his hand, coughing and wheezing and exhaling fire. "I'm fine. Get this bitch to the nurse, and when she's done there put her in the Brood Room." He stated. The Brood Room was a small area Masamune had made for interrogation purposes. It was built like a sauna but was completely incased in metal and hot water and steam was forced through holes at the top; this made not only touching water painful but the walls and floor painful as well. If Masamune was angry enough with the person he was interrogating, the waters would be forced in at a boiling point. And the thought sounded very tempting at this point.

Mitsunari moved to prepare, gripping his zatoichi tightly.
((Does Kojurou condone this??))

One brave soul stepped forward, nodding and helping Megohime up, heading off to the infirmary to get the gash on her forehead stitched up. After being cleaned up and being cleared for a possible concussion, Megohime was dragged to the Brood Room kicking and screaming, having to be forced into the small metal room that could barely fit three people. There were no chains or places to sit besides the floor, and already the room was hot enough that she was sweating and found it hard to breathe; so doing the next best thing, she pulled off her robe and bunched it up before using it as a cushion, growling lowly when hot steam and water was nearly dumped directly onto her.

Within the hour, a fleet of over thirty ships was ready to set sail, Amaya having given a rough coordinate of where they were to go, waiting on Mitsunari to board the ship.
((Not at all but he can't tell Masamune no, only that he's thinking irrationally~))

Megohime was locked into the near air tight room and left there as the hot steam and boiling water poured into the metal room.

Mitsunari boarded with his light armored chest plate as well as his arm and shin guards. "Set sail now. We have to catch up."
((Silly Kojurou~))

Megohime did her best to avoid the boiling water as it was poured into the room, but found it harder to do so when hot steam was blasting her in the face, and the floor searing her feet. A scream escaped her, but was quickly muffled, when boiling water was poured directly onto her back, skin covered in red splotches from first degree burns. She panted heavily, feeling like she was getting less and less air by the minute, and drenched from head to toe in sweat.

"Hai. Set sail!" Amaya ordered the crew of the main vessel, signaling the other ships to do the same as they set off into the open waters after Akihime.
The water and steam eventually stopped, the door opening and a few men moving to help her out.

The shios sailed in the direction Amaya said to go, hoping to get to Akihime.
Megohime didn't bother putting her robes back on, pushing passed the men with a scowl on her red-splotched face, moving down the hall to the master bedroom where she slammed the door behind her and went to take a cold shower.


Nana had recooperated back to a sober state back on the Fugaku, the drugs all but out of her system, but the side effects were still strong - temporary blindness, flaring migraines, and ringing in her ears accompanied by distorted vision. The seas were calm and most of the crew were lazing about, enjoying the cool, sunny weather; even Nana joined the crew outside, taking a seat beside Akihime.
Nana smiled softly. "Much better, thank you." She answered, enjoying the breeze. "Captain!!" One of Motochika's men called from the crows nest, looking a little panicked. "It's Hideyoshi's Navy, and they're closing in fast!"
"Ring the bell! Man the canons! Let's go, dammit!" Motochika hollered, walking out of his cabin as everyone jumped to their feet. Motochika moved to Nana and Akihime, "Go to my cabin and sit tight. If ye have to, there is a trap door under my cot that'll lead off the ship and into a small submersible that you two can use."
Nana wanted desperately to argue that she was going to stay and fight, but she was in no condition otherwise to fight. Nodding, she took Akihime's hand. "Be careful." She said, leading Akihime back into Chosokabe's cabin, closing and locking the door behind them.

Ren readied the canons, loading one and aiming before moving to the next one and doing the same. "Canons are almost ready Cap'n!"
Amaya crouched on the railing of the ship, eyes closed as she focused her energy. "Amaya-dono, the ships have all come to a complete stop and are within firing range, as you've asked." Amaya only made a noise of acknowledgement, opening her eyes and standing. "Mitsunari-sama, I'm freezing the waters now." She said before jumping overboard. It seemed as though it took her longer to hit the water, moving at an almost slow motion pace. As soon as her foot touched the water, ice crackled over the water and froze the top of the sea in a matter of seconds. The ice spread for miles, creeping up the side of the Fugaku and even freezing one of its main engines, already dealing a weakening blow.
The Fugaku jerked at the sudden cold, not liking it one bit as she jarred the men and the canons. "Easy! Easy!" Motochika called, scowling heavily.
The Fugaku shuddered violently once again, harpoons being fired into the sides of the massive ship, the smaller Hideyoshi vessels being able to slowly pull themselves closer to the Fugaku as the lines were retracted, while the Fugaku was frozen in place. Within no time the Fugaku was being boarded, military officers crowding onto the larger vessel, weapons ready.
"Shiiiit!" Motochika growled as he started swinging his anchor around, knocking Hideyoshi's men overboard, "Let's go!! Defend the Fugaku, for fuck's sake!!"
((Just throw Mitsunari in whenever~))

Motochika's crew let out a monstrous roar, rushing into battle to defend the Fugaku. The crew and Hideyoshi's men were almost evenly matched, Motochika's crew using more wild methods and having overwhelming numbers, but Hideyoshi's men didn't seem to fall as fast as they should've.
Soon, Motochika's men were being either slain or pushed off the ship, the only thing seen was a streak of purple. Mitsunari was making his way through the ship, scanning the area.
When the door to Motochika's cabin broke open, Nana jumped to her feet, a pistol in hand and armor like plating growing from her skin. "Akihime-chan, please get the hatch open and get inside." She brought her gun up, looking around for whoever was the one to have broken open the door, but saw no one.
"I'm not leaving you, Nana-dono!" Akihime protested. She was absolutely terrifide, knowing exactly who was in the room, "Mitsunari-dana, stop! Don't hurt anyone, please!"
Nana jolted at Mitsunari's name, but kept her gun raised. "Akihime, open the hatch now!" She snapped, backing toward Akihime, not letting her focus stray for a second.
Mitsunari appeared in a shimmer, making Akihime stand before Nana protectively, "Dana, please!" "Silence." Mitsunari hissed, "You will return with me. These pirates will not hold you captive any longer." "I'm not a captive, dana! I want to be here! I can't hurt and lie to people anymore!" She whimpered, "Please, just go and leave me in peace...!"
Nana felt her body go cold when Mitsunari appeared, hand trembling, frozen in place by fear. Her mouth went dry and she found herself unable to move, gun still aimed at Mitsunari, but she was unable to fire.
"You will turn around and you as well as your men will leave and you will never bother me or these sailor ever again." Her voice was hypnotic and Mitsunari felt his musckes twitch to comply with her demands before he ground his teeth and in a flash had grabbed her by her hair. She cried out and grabbed his wrist, trying to break free.
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