The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana was jolted free just enough to fire two rounds at Mitsunari, but the smell of antiseptics suddenly flooded her with images of her time in the lab, both being experimented on and experimenting on others. She sunk to her knees, frozen in a state of memories that would've been best left forgotten. Nana was left kneeling on the ground, shaking hard and staring at the gun in her hands, armor crumbling from her body.
Nana was unresponsive, staring at the gun with a blank face. Akihime was dragged out onto the deck, unseen amongst the wave of chaos, and onto Toyotomi's ship - only Ren noticed. "Aki-chan!" Ren was shoving his way through the crowd, trying to get to Akihime desperately.
Ren jumped from the Fugaku and ran along the metal planks that connected the two ships, raising his weapon and charging Mitsunari. "Let 'er go!!"
Mitsunari turned his head and stared Ren right in the eye before a mirror image shot out from Mitsunari's body and cut Ren across the abdomen as he passed the lad. Akihime shrieked and thrashed about.
Ren grunted in pain, dropping to his knees in shock and using his club to prop himself up. Blood spilled from the wound on his chest, but the pirate pushed back to his feet, spinning and aiming for Mitsunari's head, he wasn't about to let Akihime be stolen away.
The mirror image blocked his club, the transparent clone surprisingly solid. It shoved Ren back as Mitsunari tossed Akihime at some troops to be held while he dealt with the pirate rat.
Ren stumbled back before charging again, his club hefted over his head once more. "I won't let you take her..!"

"Captain! Ren's onboard Toyotomi's ship, and he's engaing Ishida!" Some of Ishida's men had made it back aboard their own ships, others had simply been slain, but most of Motochika's men remained.
"Ren, just forget about me, please!" Akihime cried. Mitsunari twirled his sheathed blade and smashed it into the side of Ren's head without moving a muscle - or so it seemed; he moved so fast that no one could see a twitch.

Motochika rushed to board Toyotomi's main ship, "Ren!!"
Ren was sent tumbling, ear ringing and blood dripping from his split ear. "I... Won't do that, yer my friend, and yer apart of our crew... I don't abandon my family!" Ren struggled to his feet, breaking out in a dead sprint toward Akihime, trying to at least get to her. The metal planks retracted as Motochika approached them, denying him access to the ship.

((Aaaaaaand beat the shit outta him!))
Ren tried his hardest to get away from Mitsunari, but he was much faster. The poor lads nose was broken and gushing blood, and with each blow landed on his stomach, blood would be forced from beyond his lips, splattering his own face. His eyes started to grow glassy and eventually his struggles grew weaker and weaker, a wet gurgling noise emmiting from the young pirate. In the struggle the young man's shirt - which had already been cut - had been torn open, revealing broken and bruised ribs.
"Mitsunari, stop." Ishida's foot halted just above Ren's skull, frozen solid. Akihime tried to keep her voice steady, loose tears spilling down her cheeks. "Come here." She ordered and he obeyed, her hypnosis too powerful to ignore. He stood before her and she swung her left arm in a hard left hook straight into his jaw. It was enough force to knock him free of her control but was quickly bound by it before he could retaliate. Akihime stared up at him with a glare. "I want you to take your men, return home and never bother me again." She commanded. Mitsunari's eyes held a struggle but he obeyed, ordering his men to return. Akihime and a couple of Motochika's crew rushed to Ren and carefully carted him back to the Fugaku. Motochika had Amaya pinned under his anchor, barely leaning against it and it was almost like a small elephant was on her chest.
To Ren it looked like he was staring through a dark tunnel, watching the scenes around him blur, voices echoing in his ears, but nothing made any sense at all. "Someone tell Lady Motochika, and help her prep for surgery!"
Amaya was too weak to move, using an incredible amount of energy when she froze the waters around the Fugaku, watching as the Toyotomi ships departed, leaving quite a few of Toyotomi's men behind, including herself. She wheezed softly as she tried to breathe with the anchor on her chest, eyes slowly moving to look at the pirate captain; the best she could do at this point was breathe small puffs of cold air.
Akihike rushed off, calling for Nana's aid.
Motochika leaned down slowly and.reached out, "That eye of yours looks interesting." He dug his fingers into her eyesocket before ripping out the glass like eyeball.
A scream was torn from Amaya's body much like her eye had been, tensing hard as blood streamed down from the now empty socket. The glass eye was completely silver and reflected like a mirror, a small pinprick where the pupil should've been giving it the appearance that it didn't have one at all. The optic nerve had gone with the eye, which was also silver in appearance, the entire organ ice cold, but yet somehow not frigid like ice. She ground her teeth in agony, glaring up at Motochika with her single half-blind eye, which was not silver like the other, but instead it's natural organic organ.
While Nana prepped for surgery, she requested assistance, making sure everyone had scrubbed themselves clean before beginning the surgery to try and save Ren.
Motochika mused over the eye before looking down at Amaya, "Thank you for this gift." He stated and gripped his anchor tight before swinging it up to bring it down on her and smash it to bits. But before he could, a black.blurr and snatched Amaya away, vanishing quickly off into the distance.

Akihime watched, chest tight, "Please make it, Ren...please don't leave me..." She whimpered.
Amaya didn't struggle against whoever had grabbed her, she couldn't. She squinted, trying to focus on the face of the one who had saved her, but could only make out the vague shape of a man. "Who are you?"

"Captain! Nana's called for you! She's in patchin' up Ren, she says she needs your help!" A crew member called from the infirmary doorway. Nana had to cut open Ren to first get his lungs stitched up so he could breathe again, and after the battered lungs had been fixed to the best of their extent, a tube was inserted into Ren's throat to help him breathe, his jaw broken and unable to have a tube inserted into his mouth and down his throat. Most of Ren's organs had either ruptured or been punctured by broken ribs, but Nana's second job was to stop the internal bleeding that came from he lads badly ruptured stomach.
"Just a curious little bird with a shiny object." The person answered.

Motochika moved over to the infirmary, stepping in quickly and towards Nana, "What do you need?"
"I asked who are you, not what are you." She growled, the sound of feathered wings beating against the air finally registering. "You're the gutter crow from Takeda's territory." She scowled softly.

Nana glanced up. "Organs." She said bleakly. "Some of his are to damaged to fix, they're already dying and I don't think I can do anything to stop them." Nana continued to work as she spoke, frowning heavily. "His lungs were both punctured and had collapsed, and one of them is only working at around fourty percent as we speak. He's going to need an entirely new liver and spleen, both too damaged to salvage." Ren lay on the operating table, face broken and bruised, skin pale and eyes sunken in. "I can keep him alive for about a week, maybe if at all - I'm sorry Motochika." She took a shaky breath and continued to work, the life support Ren had been hooked up to keeping him breathing and his heart beating.
"Yes, ma'am.." He answered slyly.

Motochika frowned heavily and looked over when Akihime let out a pathetic wail. "This is all my fault...!" She sobbed. Motochika moved over and held her tight, assuring her that Ren would be ok. "He's a strong little barnacle, he is. This isn't your fault, don't blame yourself." He told her, "I'll send word to a few men I know who deal in these things and he'll be right as rain."
Amaya scowled even more, wishing that he would drop her into the ocean below and let her drown, but he seemed to be taking her somewhere, and she had no choice but to comply.

((Whenever you wanna bring him into get them!))
((The organs~))

Jin sat behind the counter of her shop, flipping through a book boredly; another slow day. Barely glancing up when the bell on the door rang, signaling someone had entered; she continued to read. "If you're here to shop, the food is half off today, if you're here to rob my shop, I'll shoot you." She jerked her thumb toward the shotgun on the wall behind her, oblivious to the Orge who had just lumbered in.

When Amaya woke, she made three realizations; she was resting on a bed in a room, neither of which she found familiar, two she had an IV in her arm that was more than likely a simple saline solution, and three, the same man who had saved her was sitting across the room, going through the weapons and tools she had on her person. Instead of speaking and showing she was awake, she watched him, to the best of her ability anyway, a soft frown on her face.
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