The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana stirred when he dropped his anchor, eyes opening slowly, looking around groggily before she saw the IV in her arm, and then the large figure looming over her. Her eyes went wide, clawing the IV from her arm, she tore the blanket off of her body and scrambled to get away from the man whom she mistook for Hideyoshi.
Nana froze and stared at Motochika, hot tears coming to her eyes before she practically tackled Motochika, latching onto him and pressing her face against his chest. "Motochika..!" She tried to choke back sobs, shaking from both her crying and her weakened state.
Nana's knees gave out from under her, holding onto Motochika's coat. "Are you really here..? Am I really alive..?"

Megohime's attitude had been on a roller coaster for the past week, but it was nothing out of the ordinary for her. Today she actually sat on Masamune's lap as opposed to as far as she could get from him, by his feet. Running her fingers through his hair, she allowed him to rest his arm around her shoulders, with his hand down the front of her kimono. "Your men are unusually... Handsy, what kind of thing are you planning?" She seemed agitated, eyeing the biker gang.

Ren had been teaching Akihike basic defensive stances and how to get out of a hold, respecting her want to avoid inflicting harm, but he at least wanted to make sure she could get away if captured. "Ok, review. If yer grabbed from behind, 'n yer arm is pinned to her back, what'dya do?"
"Nothin' too important or for you to worry about, doll." He answered, "They're excited, is all."

Akihime bit her lip, "Stomp on their toe and break their nose with the back of my head?" She asked hesitantly.
"If they're excited enough to think they can play grab-ass with me, then it is my business." She ground out, gripping a handful of his hair before giving a rough tug, then letting go. "If they touch me again, I'm going to collapse their lungs." She hissed, then continued to caress Masamune, hands groping him gently. "Do something or I will." She muttered sourly.

Ren smiled and nodded. "Good! Do ya wanna try it out?" He asked, the warm sea breeze ruffling their hair.
"Who's been grab-assin'? I'll make sure it stops real fast." He stated.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to cause you harm, Ren-san..!" She replied quickly
Megohime scanned the gang members with malicious garnet eyes, raising her hand and pointing at a man with shoulder-length hair, who appeared to be in his late twenties. "Him, maybe a few more, I don't really remember who else, they all look the same to me." She spoke lightly, turning her attention on Masamune, gently running her fingers along the scales under his good eye.

"I'll be fine, promise!" He reassured Akihime with a wide grin, waiting for her approval.
Masamune's eye turned to a slit and he inhaled through his nose before spitting a small fireball at the one Megohime pointed out, the small fireball swiftly engulfing him and leaving him a smoldering pile of ash.

Akihime frowned and nodded, standing up, "O-Ok.."
A smirk that embodied cruel hatred twisted Megohime's blood red lips; using her thumb to wipe away a small ash from his lip. "No wait, that's not right, I think he was bald..~"

Ren waited until she stood before he grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back gripping her other shoulder and moving behind her.
Masamune's eye moved to her, "Excuse you?"

Akihime inhaled sharply and slammed her heel onto his toe before tossing her head back and hitting him right on the nose.
"It was an honest mistake, I'll be extra sure to find the true culprit next time." She faked an ashamed tone, but it was clear by the smirk on her face, and by the poisoned honey dripping from her words, that she was flat out lying.

Ren let go of Akihime, stumbling back before falling onto his rear, holding his nose. "Ow, ow... Yer heads a lot harder than I thought.." He said with a grin, blood dripping through his fingers.
Masamune slapped her so hard, she fell out of his lap. "Go clean up the ashes."

"Ren-san, gomen!" Akihime moved over quickly, pulling out her handkerchief and offering it to him.
Megohime landed hard on her knees, holding her red cheek with a heavy scowl; by that time all of Masamune's men had their attention on their boss, the room dead silent. Megohime spit at Masamune's feet, glaring up at him in defiance.

Ren shook his head and pushed her hand away gently, wiping his nose off on his sleeve. "No, no! That was good! Great actually!"
Megohime locked eyes with Masamune, slowly lifting her arm and pointing her finger in the direction of where the deadman's ashes lay, the wind in the room stirring before the ashes were violently blown in all directions, dispersing the mess. "Happy?" She asked coldly, letting her arm hang in the air for a moment before dropping back to her side, ashes fluttering down like rain.

"But yer moves were awesome!" He praised, wiping his nose once more before standing. "Yer gettin' better!"
Just on the coast, a woman crouched in a tree, binoculars in hand, teeth grinding against eachother. "Pirates have her.." She bit her lip so hard it bled, dropping the binoculars and leaving in a hurry to report back to Mitsunari that their princess had been taken by scoundrels.
"I was under the impression your little gang here liked killing, but I guess all you do here is sit around with your thumb in your ass." She sneered, standing up and brushing off her robes.

((Ready to have Mitsunari-fuckface-mcfuckboi explode?))
Megohime gasped and grunted as she was kicked repeatedly, trying to crawl away, only to be kicked back down. She finally had enough, she felt as though her ribs were going to break; throwing up her arm she clenched her hand into a fist, something happening within Masamune. His chest felt heavy, the air being sucked front his lungs, making it feel as though his lungs had collapsed in on themselves; Megohime trying desperately to stop the beating.

Amaya had returned to Mitsunari, reporting before him with her head lowered. "My Lord, I have grave news of Akihime-dono's whereabouts. She is currently aboard the ship known as the Fugaku, the vessel belonging to the one known as the Pirate King."
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