The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"But she's not, I couldn't find her anywhere." He said with a frown.

Nana had been taken right off of the Fugaku, a bag pulled over her head and hands bound behind her back. She was taken from the ship, and hauled onto onther boat, then brought back onto land and taken somewhere by car. When the bag was removed from her head, she was kneeling before someone. Squinting from the bright light, she made out a large figure sitting on a throne before her, and a thin one just beside that. Her eyes went wide when she realized where she was. Before Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Ishida Mitsunari.
Fear made Nana's body go numb, her mouth dry. "Hideyoshi..." By reflex she lowered her gaze, entire body tense. "Why..? How..?"
"He's not an it!" Nana was even suprised with herself when she barked at Hideyoshi, lowering her gaze again. "He's a human being, what you're doing isn't right." She said, but this time more quietly.
Mitsunari gripped his chair tight and refrained from tackling her and beating her. Hideyoshi scowled faintly, "It is to better humanity."
"You're wrong..!" Nana brought her gaze up, still scared out of her mind, but this was something she couldn't keep quiet about. "Almost all of the medicine I tested did much more harm then they'd ever do helping people! And you say you want to help humans, but all of the subjects you forced me to work on we're innocents plucked right off the street! You're a monster!"
Mitsunari's body personified his rage, gripping his chair tightly, "You...!" "Calm down, Ishida." Hideyoshi ordered, and Mitsunari obeyed.
Nana's eyes went wide and she lunged forward at Hideyoshi, trying to strike him. "You bastard! You can't do this!" She spat in his face.
Nana clenched her fists, listening to what he said, and not moving an inch. "You can't do this, this isn't humane, none of this is right..!" She growled out.
Nana kicked and struggled, panic making a scream rise in her throat, the same fluttering panic raising in her throat she experienced when she worked under Hideyoshi.
Nana felt her panic growing in her chest, trying to pry the collar off of her neck as she dragged down to the labs, her dirty clothes pulled off of her by a few of the female guards, being scrubbed down and sanitized before being put into clean scrubs, dragged to a metal lab table and being strapped down. Nana hadn't felt panic like this since the time she started working for Hideyoshi, struggling against the thick leather straps around her wrists and ankles. "You can't do this! Stop!"
Nana closed her eyes tight, trying to slow her frenzied breathing and drown out the sounds of the machines. The smell of the lab made her felt sick and she desperately tried to focus on what the ocean looked and sounded like, but when she felt a needle enter her arm she had to bite back a scream, trying to shake free of the needle.
Nana eventually fell quiet and still, shivering from time to time, she finally opened her eyes looking around slowly with a soft grunt. The colors around the room seemed to bleed from the objects they belonged to, her vision slowed down and making her surroundings blurry. "Motochika..." She murmured, pulling at the restraints.
They glanced to each other, not knowing that the fisherman had become the formidable Pirate King. They all assumed she and Motochika had gone their seperate ways after the escape.
Nana closed her eyes, opening them slowly in a blink, except she had lost consciousness for almost three hours. Mitsunari now stood over her, except he seemed so close, uncomfortably close. When she blinked again he seemed to have jumped back a few feet, face distorted. "Here to try some of the m...medicine..?" She struggled to say, mouth feeling like it was full of cotton.
"I sthoght... Thought you'd be too busy cramming the apes cock down your throat.." She mumbled, trying to swallow the lump in her throat.
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