The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}


Early in the morning, around the time Akihime was supposed to be awoken, there was only silence in her bedroom. After being called multiple times with no response, the maid entered and saw her room empty with her balcony window open. "Amaya-dono!!"
Amaya entered in a blur immediately, looking around before moving out onto the balcony, scowling heavily. "Alert the grounds keepers, start a search for Akihime-sama immediatly." She ordered, leaving quickly to alert Mitsunari and Hideyoshi that Akihime had been kidnapped. "Lord Hideyoshi, Lord Mitsunari, Akihime-sama is no longer on the castle grounds." She reported, eyes downcast as she bowed before the two.
Amaya frowned softly, averting her eyes. "My deepest apologies, My Lord, I came to get your approval to depart immediately on a search and retrieval mission." She said, lowering her head slightly.
"H-Hai..!" The woman instantly disappeared. Amaya scouted the areas within the city, then outside of the city, moving as fast as the woman could.

((Should she run into Sasuke crossing Takeda's turf~?))
Akihime rowed the small fishing boat as fast as she could, hoping to get as far away from home as she could. She was shaking and crying softly, scared out of her mind. She abandoned her only friend in the world to be free and it weighed down on her heart like a bag of bricks. She looked around to see where she was before a ship sailed by her and harpooned her tiny boat. She screamed and tried to dive overboard but a net was thrown over her. "No, no, let me go, please!" She cried. But the pirates descended swiftly and brought her aboard. She was thusly knocked unconscious and thrown into the crew's quarters to be dealt with by the men until the captain could decide what to do with her.
((Also you know Ren is like, 17-18, right?))

Amaya skirted the buildings by the marina, moving through alley ways and even hopping over moving vehicles. By now she had finished sweeping through Toyotomi's turf and was moving ever closer to Takeda's turf. Without slowing she hopped the large chain link fence into their territory, continuing on in a sprint, fabric mask pulled over her nose, eyes sharp as she turned the corner towards the innER parts of the city.

"Cap'n!! We spotted those sea rats over to the NorthWest! They've crossed into our territory and have been there for some while!" Ren called down from the crows nest, high-tech looking binoculars still pressed to his face. "I think they've grown the balls to actually attack one of the local fishermen!"
A massive black shadow flew over her and talons scrapped across her back, knocking her down. A lanky man covered in feathers black as night and leather gear landed before her, taloned feet digging into the ground. "You don't belong here."

Motochika looked up and nodded, "Good eye, Ren! Get the men ready for battle!"
Amaya tumbled to the ground, but rolled, jumping to her feet and spinning to face her attacker. "I'm just passing through, and I haven't done anything to bring attention to myself, now if you'll let me pass." She ground out, short on time and now wounded.

"Aye!" Ren rung the hell in the tower, cupping his hands around his mouth. "Prepare for battle ye bastards! We got rats on our turf!" He shouted.
"I know everyone in this turf. You aren't any of the Takeda, so you don't belong here." He told her.

The crew sprung into action, roaring and cheering as the canons were being prepared.
"Like I said, I'm just passing through." She ground out. "Now move out of my way." She pulled off her glove, hand glinting in the faint light, covered in ice to create a clawed ice glove.

The Fugaku was upon the smaller ship as quick as a whip, harpoons piercing the side of the ship to keep it from going anywhere. Motochika's crew boarded the ship, the Pirates attacking the other crew and raiding the ship.
Amaya scowled and charged forward, annoyed with the man's nonsense, aiming an attack for his neck, but it was a bluff. Dropping to the ground, she slid under his legs and jumped up, taking off down the alleyway and further into Takeda's territory.

Ren made it downstairs, smacking away the enemy with an oversized club and bursting through the door of the crews living space. A wild grin was on the lads face as he entered, finding the looting to be the best thing to have happened all week.
Sasuke flew after her, keeping an eye on her until she was off Takeda land.

"Stop, get away from me!" "C'mon, poppet, one las' go 'fore I die won' hurt ya none~" "Leave me alone! I don't want this!" A young woman was trying to fight off a particularly large fellow, her clothes torn around her bust as she tried desperately to keep herself covered while fending off her attacker.
Ren stopped immediately, staring at the man trying to force himself on the poor woman, the feeling of ice water running down his spine making him stiffen up hard. Just as the man was about to grab Akihime, a loud scream erupted from behind the man, a sickening wet thud sounding from behind him. The man was slammed into the wall hard, head caved in. Ren shook as he yanked the club free from the man's crushed skull, the body falling to the floor in front of Akihime. Ren dropped the large club and pulled off the shirt he had on, leaving him with only wrappings around his chest and abdomen and pants. "Here, ya can wear this." He tossed his shirt to Akihime, head turned away and eyes averted out of respect. "Are ya hurt? Can ya walk?"
Ren stole a glance and when he saw she had the shirt on he held out his hand. "C'mon, I can take you somewhere safe, this ship'll probably be sunk soon." He said, picking up his club with his other hand, and hoisting it over his shoulder.
Helping her to her feet, he led her up onto the deck, easily avoiding the remaining fights, he led her onto the Fugaku. "Cap'n!!" Searching for Motochika, he spotted Nana, who was patching up a few of the crewmates, her own hand wrapped up. "Nana-san, it looks like they were- er keeping this woman locked below deck, she's a lil' scraped up, but says she's okay. Can ya check her out?" Nana looked up from stitching up one man's forehead. "A woman?" Nana frowned heavily but nodded. "Let me just finish up here; is Motochika still on board the other ship?"
Nana gave a warm smile, nodding. "Aye, Motochika. You may know him a little better as the Pirate King." "The cap'ns an amazing man, you gotta meet him!" Ren said, searching desperately for the captain.
"Aye! Oh! Cap'n!" Ren took Akihime's hand and moved over toward a large man with wild, silver hair. "Cap'n, I found a woman, she's a little beat up, but she's ok!"
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