The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Motochika towered over both of them and Akihime shook harder. The Pirate King looked to her and gave a gentle frown, "Did they rob you of your virtue, lass?" He asked. She shook her head quickly, "N-No, sir..." "Where do you live?" "I ran away. I was being used to destroy lives and I-" "Say no more. You can stay with us until you wish to leave." He told her.
"Really!?" Ren looked almost excited. "Why don't I take ya somewhere to wash up?" He offered Akihime, not letting go of her hand. "We don' really have our own rooms, but I think we can set you up somewhere private." He said, but stopped. "If that's ok?"
Ren gave a firm nod and led Akihime off to the showers, chasing out the men who were occupying the showers, then turning to Akihime. "I can stand watch outside." He offered.
"Don't worry about it! Cap'n always says to help anyone 'n everyone in need!" He said, moving aside to let her into the bathroom.
Ren perked, sitting against the door. "Ren desu, it's nice to meet you, Aki-chan." He said softly, smiling.
"I've been on this ship even before Cap'n was a Cap'n." Ren grinned. "He worked his way all'a way from a fisherman to the Pirate King. Ah! Sorry, what about you, where did you come from before... All'a this?"
"If ya don't wanna say, that's fine by me, lots of us here on the Fugaku've come from near and far for all sorts of reasons. Most've the fellas here aren't too bad, just a little rough around the edges. I think you'll fit in mighty fine, you seem strong."
"Ah!" Ren jumped to his feet. "I forgot to get you some! There should be some yukata in the cabinets to the far right." He instructed. "We can find something in your size after we get some food; I think I can smell dinner, you're hungry, right?"
Ren took the lead on the way to the dinner, chattering on about his adventures as a pirate in Motochika's crew.
Once they reached the kitchen, Ren grabbed two plates, filling both with enough food to feed four men. Finding a place to sit, Ren placed Akihime's plate down on the table for her, plopping down into his seat and digging into his food. "So what do you like to do for fun, Aki-chan?" He spoke, muffled by the food in his mouth.
Ren swallowed a mouthful of rice. "Oh, I can't really read that great, words always look funny 'n jumbled." He waved his hand dismissively. "What do ya read?"
"Poems and fiction, usually...sometimes horror." She answered, "I could read to you sometime, if you like...or if it wouldn't offend you.."
"That'd be great! I can teach you how ta fight!" Ren offered, using the back of his hand as a napkin.
"I can just show you the basics so you can defend yerself!" He reassured, finishing off his food.

One of Motochika's own approached the Pirate King himself, a gash still open on his arm. "Aniki, Nana was supposed to close 'n dress my wound almost an hour ago, but she's not in the infirmary." He said.
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