The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Mitsunari glared murderously and was standing by her with his hand around her throat in a heartbeat, squeezing tight and closing her windpipe.
Nana struggled slightly, her heart monitor started to go off, the doctors looked nervous. "Lord Mitsunari... Th-The subject can't breathe.." Nana struggled to breathe, mouth wide as she tried to desperately pull air into her lungs.
Nana gasped for air when he released her, closing her eyes to try and stop the tears that came to her eyes. The poor woman would be tested on for hours and hours until finally she had to be removed from the IV so she wouldn't fall into a medically induced coma, but by then she could hardly move anyway.
The same process would be repeated for days, Nana being used to test the side affects of multiple different drugs, and almost every time after, she would have to be carried to her holding cell, unable to move much at all. One night after being dropped into her cage, she finally stirred, struggling to sit up. After minutes of resting against the cage bars, she slipped her hand outside the bars, using one of the thick needles she had snatched to try and pick the lock. Though utterly exhausted, she managed to get the lock open, and after stumbling to her feet, she made her way down the hall toward a low air vent, where she took refuge for a moment or two, resting before slowly making her way out of the building and dropping nearly an entire story onto the street of an alleyway below. Pushing herself up onto her feet, she stumbled down the street, barely able to keep herself upright and her eyes open, needle marks, about in the dozens marking her arms.

((Care to play the assholes~?))
((Masamune's jerks? Sure!))

A couple of Date's mn came walking down the sidewalk when they saw Nana. They blinked and looked at each other before grinning and moving over. "Free whore~ free whore~" They chanted.
The men came up to the strung out looking woman and one out his arm around her waist. "What are you doing out here all alone~?" "I need to find Motochika..." "Motochika ain't here right now, but we can take care of you real good~"
Nana stumbled into the club, but didn't fall, the men keeping a good grip on the cotton gown she had on, having to lean against one of the men so she wouldn't collapse. "Motochika..." She murmured, feeling like she was going to vomit.
"Boss!" Masamune looked up from playing with Megohime's hair at the men who brought a girl before him. "The fuck." "Can we keep her?" They asked. Masamune turned up his nose, "Where did you find her?" "In an alley." "That is disgusting, even for you guys."
Nana did her best to pick up her head and find the voice's body before her, her vision spinning and brightly lights flashing in her vision. "Chosokabe... You need to find him... Motochika.. He's a.. King.." She could barely get out her words, the collar around her neck blinking with a red light. "Kidnapped.... Toyotomi..."
"Ah, shit, she's Chosokabe's? Fuck." Masamune grumbled. He waved his hand, "Take her to a spare room - don't touch her - I'll send.word to Chosokabe." The men nodded and took Nana to a spare room while Masamune looked to Megohime, "Go grab my stationary, yeah?"
Megohime stood and swept her hair over her shoulder. "You know he's going to assume the worst either way. It'd be better to just to dump her out by the ocean." She said, going to get his papers before returning with the papers, pen, and stamp.
Megohime made a noise and sat back down at his feet, leaning against his legs as he wrote.
((Shall Chika come to get Nana~?))

Motochika and his crew made their way to Date's estate, the Pirate King having a raging fire in his eye. Akihime walked close to Ren, holding onto his arm.
Ren kept assuring Akihime that she'd be alright, keeping a ways behind Motochika just in case. Nana rested in a back room, an IV in her arm to keep her hydrated and help flush out the drugs. When the Pirate King entered the Dragon's lair, the noise slowly died down.
"Ryuu-oniisama." Motochika called gruffly, stepping into the estate. "You know where to go, Chosokabe." Masamune called back, giving the Pirate King permission. Motochika entered Masamune's lounge area and scowled. "Where is she?" He asked, "And tell me why you captured her." "I told you in my letter that we found her." Masamune said firmly, blue reptilian eye slitting to a thin line.
"Oh boy..." Megohime stood and moved away from Masamune. "I know where this is going, and I'm not going to be roasted." She said, moving a safe distance away from them both, scowling softly as she looked at the Pirates who had gathered in the lounge.
Masamune watched Motochika carefully, a low rumble of a growl rattling his ribcage. Motochika flicked a small iron ball at the Dragon Lord, who then caught it in his hand without breaking eye contact. "Rude." Masamune commented.
Megohime brushed a hand through her hair, leaning against the wall. "Just let him get the woman." She muttered, crossing her arms over her chest.
Nana was right where Masamune said she was, sleeping in a darkened room with a saline drop in her arm, bags under her eyes and skin clammy and pale.
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