The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

This made her sick, covering her mouth before rushing to her bathroom to throw up. This news made her regret ever thinking of running away to begin with; if she had stayed and dealt with it, Ren would not have been in a coma and Nana would not be carrying a bastard child. But if she had stayed, she would never have met them and seen how truly kind they were. Rinsing out her mouth, she wobbled back to her back and laid down, covering her eyes with her arm. She only hoped that they would do well enough without her.
((I don't really know what to do with her before she finds a way to get back to Ren and the Fugaku... *ushers in the birb mom*))

Over the passed few days, Amaya's window had been starting to fill up with random trinkets and shining objects before finally a medium sized bag of them was placed on her window with a note written in sloppy caligraphy that said 'You forgot these <3'
Amaya scowled and tossed the bag out the window, along with all of the other trinkets. "Stupid fucking bird." She growled, closing and locking the window.
The window flew open and Amaya stood there with a scowl on her face. "What?!" She hissed out through clenched teeth, looking rather tired and on edge.
She smacked the broken silver fork from his hand and rubbed her temples. "No, I do not. Why are you here? I'm busy, and I'm tired." She said, sounding a bit defeated and overwhelmed.
Sasuke frowned as he watched the broken fork drop before looking back up at her, "I wanted to see how you were's your eye?" He reached out gently, wanting to see if her missing eye had been treated.
Amaya moved away from his touch. "I haven't been able to make another one, I don't have the time.." She said softly, moving away from the window. "Things haven't been the best as of late - how did you get here anyway?"
"I meant how did you get onto the grounds - never mind, no, I'm fine." She rubbed her jaw. "It's just depth perception."
Amaya's cheeks flushed darkly. "I don't have a girlfriend!" She scoffed, turning to Sasuke.
"She's my master, I protect her and make sure that she's safe." She muttered, waving her hand.
"Well, yes, but I don't see how that matters." She waved her hand, but then stopped. "Why are you asking me this?"
Amaya's face flushed and she looked down. "Um, I-I don't know what to.." She turned away from him. "You've never even seen me fight; I barely even know you."
"I watched you go up against Chosokabe." He said flat out, "And I know we barely know each other...and that's fine. You don't have to return my affections yet...just accept my shinies..."

((much birb))
((very feathery))

Amaya shuffled her feet and looked over her shoulder at Sasuke. "You don't have to sit outside, you can come inside." She said, taking a seat at her desk. "Just, keep the gifts to a minimum, my boss doesn't like clutter."
((such affection xD))

Sasuke wiggled into the room and moved to sit on the bed, talons clacking against the floor, "Nice room.." He said in awe.
"Yes, it is." She noted, looking rather stiff as he entered. "You really shouldn't be here."
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