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Vacation is Here (Grave and Wiki)

Brandon nodded at what she said she got.
"Ah, I see. Things like that are cheaper right now."
He heard her ask to go eat and he nodded.
"Sure, I'm starved."
He got up and walked with her into an attached Mexican restaurant, where they got a table and were looking at menus.

Scott nodded.
"Yeah, yukatas aren't very common here in the US."
They walked into the diner and took a seat to look at the menus. Scott smiled at her as she adjusted herself in her seat.
"You know, you're looking really cute tonight."
He gave her a wink and then turned back to the menu.
She slowly followed of course as they made it in, sitting down as she leaned back to look for what she wanted. “ hmmm wonder if they have those fries...” she wondered deciding to ask anyway as she didn’t really look at the whole menu and already knew what she would order anyway. With that she took her phone and started to have her music on but keep only one of her ears plugged.

Mika sighed at the fact feeling embarrassed as she sat up and looked at the menu, “ wonder how many you even said that already..” putting a hand under chin feeling awkward again as that was the only thing he seemed to say when he had nothing.
Brandon waited for the waiter to come by, ordering a Pepsi, four tacos, and two burritos. After Angel placed her order, the waiter took their menus and walked away. He turned to Angel, happy to be with her in a date setting like this.
"You look beautiful tonight, babe."
He took one of the free nacho chips and dipped it in salsa before eating it. The free chips and salsa was one of his favorite features of Mexican restaurants.

Scott chuckled.
"Yeesh, just take the compliment, would you?"
When the waiter came by, he ordered a burger, fries, and a root beer. After Mika placed her order, the waiter took their menus and walked away.
"You know, it's very rare to see women of Japanese descent with natural blonde hair. Whose side did it come from, your mom's or your dad's?"
“ jeez dude you don’t have to flirt like that...” she teased with a small smirk as she sat up and leaned back a bit, doing some things on her phone boredly. “ never thought though with the kind of person I am that I would be saying I love you a lot though it’s still weird dating like this for me but I don’t hate it...” giving a shrug as everything with her and Brandon was mostly a first time for her.

“ still Baka...” she said with a smirk as she went back to her nerdy ways of anime and stuff like that of course. “ meh it is pretty weird I have blonde, but I guess it’s because they both kind of have light hair colors though my moms is the same as mine maybe a little darker so it’s mostly from moms.” Mika ran a hand through her hair, “ this is a bit annoying but...nice even a bit...” as she calmed down, seeing that it was cool to have a little attention to herself away from the relationship things and get to know another person from everything growing up.
Brandon chuckled.
"I know, but I wanted to."
He listened as she talked, knowing that Angel was working on expressing herself more.
"Well, I know you love me, and I'm glad you're working on it."
Their food arrived, and Brandon picked up his knife and fork to cut apart his burrito. Using the fork to pop a piece into his mouth, he nodded at the delicious flavor.

Scott smirked when she used the Japanese on him.
"Hey, I heard that. I've spent some time in Asia and can speak some of their languages, so watch it."
He playfully pointed his fork at her, and nodded as she said it was nice.
"Yeah, I'm having fun."
Their food arrived and Scott began to eat on his burger.
She stuck out her tongue again as she got a bite from her good before having her hand under her chin and leaning forward casually a bit, " pat me cause I'm good..." Angel was now mostly in a relaxed mood so this was a very good time for both of them together right now.

" of course I would assume you know that from naturally learning it or from anime stuff...." leaning back as she started to eat herself and being casual. She actually like the kind of pace that was different from Valerie being all crazy and mostly overly excited about everything at least to her. Mika just continued to eat wondering quietly what she'll have to face in her life now in the future.
Brandon chuckled when Angel asked for him to pat her.
"Okay, babe."
He reached out and gently patted her on the head before letting his hand gently slide down her cheek. His hand rested under her hand on her chin, gently tilting her head up a bit. Brandon then leaned across the table and gave her a short but meaningful peck on the lips.
"I love you," he said when he was seated again, beginning to eat again.

Scott smirked as Mika said that she would expect him to know what she had said. They were quiet for a bit as they ate and relaxed within the cafe. When Scott was finished eating, he smiled gently at the waitress as she delivered the bill to the table.
"You okay to split the bill 50-50," he asked as he got out his wallet.
She slowly kissed him back, “ ily.” With that she soon finished her own food as she stood up with a sigh and went to the bathroom a bit before coming back and sitting down but next to him now as she went to using her phone.

“ jeez now I wish I didn’t accept dinner from this guy...” thinking that she would rather call to see if they would have good at home anyway than having to pay. “ I wish you told me that before, because I don’t think I still would have enough to pay for half?!” A bit pissed and surprised but trying to stay calm before blushing, “ then what...w-what about a d-deal if you pay for everything!?” Offering as she was full of blush with thinking about what she would be doing if he did.
Brandon smiled as Angel sat down next to him and finished eating while she played with her phone. When he was done, he gently put his arm around her waist and nodded as the check was brought to them. Taking out his wallet, he put down the money plus a little extra for the tip.
"Tonight's on me."
He looked toward the door, seeing that it was still a beautiful, clear night.
"So, where should we go now?"

Scott was a bit surprised by her reaction, but realized that he might have been mistaken in how much money she had. When she offered him a deal, he arched an eyebrow, intrigued.
"Okay, we'll make a deal, then. If I pay for everything, what do I get in return?"
Scott didn't actually have a problem paying for everything, but what she said had him curious. Leaning back in his seat, he gave her a curious look.
Angel just ignored it, as she got up with a stretch, her busy giving a bounce as she leaned back a bit. “ wish we kinda had a plan, but I was wanting to go to the beach for fireworks, it should be coming soon anyway and I like making wishes in the end...” seeing tha It seemed that the season passed by at least a bit fast for her.

“. Jeez how rude...” as she gave a pout leaning across the table to look at him, “ well there isn’t anything I wanna do so I’m gonna go...but before that...” blushing while trying to keep her agressive face as she stood up, grabbed him by the shirt, and pulled him in so she could give a small kiss on the cheek..” before letting go and turning away with a blush before going.
Brandon turned to her.
"Huh, are they doing New Year's fireworks already? If you want to go to that, we can."
The nearest beach was a bit of a walk, but nothing they couldn't handle.

Scott was a bit sheepish as she said that was rude.
"Hey, you're the one that brought it up."
He smiled as she gave him a kiss on the cheek, a bit amused that this was what he got in return.
"Thanks, I guess. See you later."
After watching her leave, he left the payment and tip on the table, placed his hands in his pockets, and walked out of the restaurant into the night.
“ well when it’s there though..” giving a shrug as she would already go outside with him and look around, looking up at the blackness of the sky and just thinking about the shapes of the clouds as she waited.

Mika sighed as she calmed down a bit, at least it wasn’t really to awkward so it shouldn’t be bad for her. But now she would have some experience with a different kind of date now and knowing that for her to choose she would rather have someone that was more sensitive and fun but of course not telling her that she wanted Val more than the other person. Finally she would just go home already and see what there would be next now.
Brandon went outside with Angel and looked up at the sky, not seeing any fireworks. He wasn't really surprised, but he knew Angel looked forward to them.
"Well, did you have anywhere else you wanted to go? If not, we should head home. It's getting late."
His parents had mentioned wanting him to help with some Christmas decorations, so that was on his mind.

Mika's parents were sitting in the living room, relaxing and watching TV, when she arrived home.
"Hi, honey," Kushina said, "did you have a good night?"
Minato checked the weather on his phone.
"Kinda cold tonight. I'm glad you didn't stay out real late."
She shrugged and leaned on his shoulder, “ jeez I need a shower or something..” as she would follow him to the air and they would eventually head back as she did her own thing, wearing dark blue and black shorts with a tank top that seemed at least a little to small but was fine for her.

She simply just shrugged not really knowing how to really say if she really like going out or not without her or course. “ things werent really that good so I just left..” deciding to just say it like that as she took her shoes off and stretched then walking over to sit down.
Brandon went home with Angel and sat down on the couch while she went upstairs to take a shower. When she came down, he looked at her and smiled.
"You look hot in that outfit."
When she sat down, he put his arm around her waist. Leaning back, he relaxed as they watched TV.

Her parents nodded.
"Ah, okay."
Kushina smiled and hugged her daughter a bit after she sat down. It was a quiet relaxing time as they did their own thing.
" doesn't really look that casual or feel like it to me, unless I was wearing a different kind of color and wearing other things with it, probably wear this more during summer and I really want like a swim fest in the summer or something like the pool is pretty packed and like all the awesome water parks are there or something like that. I really do love that I can wear loose stuff like this and I'm wanting to see what they have for designs for the new two pieces..." Angel sighed as she fixed her bra in her shirt, starting to laugh as she looked at his chest. " wonder what kind of girl you would be and the struggle of having stupid big boobs. Wonder what its like daring a girl though..."

Mika laid back on the couch as she put her hand up to the ceiling as if trying to catch something but mostly just having those moments of long thinking, always going back to the times of those struggles between them to change into being less shy and let go at least a bit more. " is it really really bad to be shy too much of the time even if its the most smallest things. I feel like though it's bad a lot because I would get annoyed easily at things..I don't know how to even do anything like that."
Brandon listened to her talking about the awesome water parks.
"Yeah, I would like to visit one this summer."
He chuckled as she talked about what it would be like if he was a girl.
"Well, I don't know about that. It would be different if you were dating a girl, I'm not sure you would like it."
He laughed.
"We get onto the weirdest topics sometimes."

Kushina looked over at Mika.
"I don't think it's bad to be shy about things. I know you're afraid you'll make people mad, but anyone who truly cares about you will accept that."
The mother had a feeling that she was worried about Valerie, and decided to nudge her in that direction.
"Maybe you should talk with Valerie about it. It has been a while since you two talked, hasn't it?"
“Actually I would probably date a girl anyway, I actually don’t teally care...cause you damn boa don’t have a lot to worry about not getting stared at like that or something...” giving a sigh as she crossed her arms and shook her head. “ and I hate that I need to wear something when your swimming too, you don’t have to damn worry about the strings or anything...” angel really didn’t like much that she had to hide her body most of the time from every boy being a perv.

“ well not everyone is nice like that, I mean she really really actually has to hate those times when I’m not there’s like saying you have to hate dad sometimes for the things he does that you don’t like but you can’t show it when he’s there or you have to hate when I act stupid sometimes...” giving a small sigh. “ sometimes I feel like if Valerie ever actually said she hated me that I wouldn’t feel sad at all, I would just let the memory die then...I just feel like that I’ve become so numb to emotional pain now...I wouldnt hate her for that either though...I know this is something really negative but still I want to say it at least..”
Brandon shrugged his shoulders.
"It's true that we're not stared at as much as women, but there's not much that can be done about that."
He cocked his head to the side.
"You'd like skinny dipping? There is actually a nude beach at Black's Beach a mile south of us. Maybe we could go there sometime."

Kushina chuckled a bit.
"Oh, honey, I don't think it's that big a deal. Everybody does something that gets on other people's nerves sometimes, it's part of being human, but we deal with it because we care about that person. I'm certain Valerie doesn't hate you for any reason."
She was alarmed when she said she was numb to emotional pain, and gently took her daughter's hand.
"This must really be bothering you for you to be saying stuff like that."
“ jeez when the hell did I say that you perv, would never do that...” rolling her eyes as she mostly ignored it. “ I’ll just swim more when it’s summer..” with that she already dropped it, turning again to watch the tv.”

“ not really, I’m never had any friends before that, I really only cared about myself when I was in school well before seeing her, mostly hated everyone else around me cause I was ignored and didn’t care...I guess I am shy because I’m changing from the thing that I hated to not have before and it feels weird.” Mika looked up and sighed, “ I’m not gonna think much if she likes me a lot or not.”
Brandon shrugged.
"Okay, then."
He watched a show with Angel for a bit, then yawned and stretched his arms.
"I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow."
He kissed the top of Angel's head before going upstairs to his room, laying down and going to sleep.

Kushina nodded.
"You have a lot of feelings to sort out for yourself, and you should do that before you contact Valerie. She's not going to be able to help you with that."
She checked the time and yawned.
"I'm going to bed. Don't stay up too late, honey."
She kissed her daughter's cheek and headed upstairs, followed by Minato after he kissed Mika on the top of the head.
After a little while she would go up and sleep as well, laying down and closing her eyes, slowly though covering herself in the blanket when she could sense the sun coming when it was the morning of course not being anything weird for her.

“ whatever...” Mika would just forget it then and not try anything differently and be her normal and quiet self usually, going up for a shower and sleep.
Valerie waited anxiously for Mika to come over, having heard from her friend that she had come to terms with her feelings and was ready to talk with her. She promised her that they would always be friends no matter what, although she knew that she would be sad if their relationship did not blossom into what it could be. Sitting on her bed, she was dressed in blue jeans and a long-sleeved purple shirt, the cold December weather finally getting to her. She looked out the window and hoped it would go well. It had been difficult being around Brandon and Angel sometimes when her own love was not here, but she hoped that would soon change. They had not seen each other in person for two weeks, and no matter what happened, it would be good to see her again.

Brandon was downstairs with Angel, sitting on the couch and watching some Christmas movies. He was very relaxed, loving this time of year. They had gone swimming a couple times recently so that Angel could have her fix, and they picked times when it was lightly-packed to minimize the staring at her impressive figure in a bikini that she almost popped out of. His arm was around Angel, and he felt good that things were going well between them. The results of the tropical vacation contest would be announced soon on TV, and though he doubted they had won, he still wanted to know. Taking a drink of his soda, he happily watched Chevy Chase's comedic antics in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, one of his favorite Christmas movies and comedies.
Mika sighed already feeling weird after this long to see her, getting dropped off as she walked, not noticing the window as she would go for the door already, but just standing there wondering what to even do as she shook her head a few times with a blush not noticing if the other could see her standing there weirdly or not for a bit.

She sighed, at least having something to do mostly, eating and relaxing as she sat up and leaned back against him with crossed legs. At least it would be summer now and she would have to wear loose clothes when she was out and almost no clothes at all if she was home alone though with just a bra and panties. Angel mostly did not care but hated the fact that there would be more times she would be bored but for now it was fine.
Valerie saw Mika being dropped off by her parents and coming to the door, excitement causing her heart to pound. She rushed downstairs and opened the door, smiling at her friend.
"Hey, Mika-chan. It's good to see you again."
She invited her inside and walked upstairs with her, before taking a seat on the bed.
"So, I guess we have some things to talk about," her expression becoming more serious.

Brandon felt Angel leaning against him and looked over as Mika came in.
"Hi, Mika," he said with a bit of a wave as she passed by.
Since the movie was on commercial, he looked up a bit.
"Wouldn't it be crazy if we did win that tropical vacation? The warm weather would sure be nice right now."
He had always wanted to go to a tropical island, but had never had the chance so far.
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