The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

For a moment, Robin was silent as her thoughts slowly started coming back to her...the very thoughts that made her so vulnerable to him in the first place. Then, suddenly her eyes widened as the life slowly came back to them when she realized what she had done. What she was doing...

"M..make it stop..." Robin gasped as she pulled away from him. There was still that lingering of want...of need. She was still horny, she still craved to be with with this monster, why?! "L-Lucina..I'm so sorry...I's not going away..!"

"Mother, what's wrong?!" Lucina asked as she pulled her mother close to her body and then glared up at Grima. "What did you do to her now?! You said you would restore her!"
"I did," Grima smirked. "She is now fully functioning, I never said how I'd restore her, but you should feel happy," he said, shrugging. "You were a far better woman to feel than your slut mother, Lucina. As much as I would love to stay, I have much to do...I'll be back later, Robin," he purred. "Keep this little secret between us, mm?" he laughed, turning to leave as his body faded into a dark shadow. Now he had enough to keep his plans going...
Lucina was furious, although there wasn't much she could do with her mother crying in her arms like this. The only thing she could do was be strong.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Lucina..." Robin sobbed as she held onto her tightly. She was so easily manipulated. Now she had some kind of curse on her...she didn't know what to do! "Chrom..he'll be so devastated if we tell him...what do we do?"

"'s not your fault and we can't keep this a secret. That's what that monster wants us to do.." Lucina muttered as she helped her up. "We need to find you help. We need to keep you safe from him...." Robin looked up at her as she sat down on the bed. She tried to stop her tears, especially when Lucina was being so strong even after Grima had violated her.

"Y-you're right. I'm're so much stronger than I am, Lucina. I'm sorry for not being a better mother." Robin muttered as she wiped her tears away.

"No," Lucina began as she moved to get her dressed into something so they could leave. "You're a very good mother...and you've always been strong. It's okay to have a moment of weakness and I wish I could have been here to protect you." Lucina sighed as she helped her put on her coat. "I don't want you or father to suffer anymore. Just let me tell everyone, okay? You don't have to say anything. Now let's get dressed and get out of here, okay?" She wasn't sure how she felt right now...maybe she was still in shock. All she knew was that she wanted to comfort her mother and do what was best for her.

"Okay," Robin agreed softly as she got dressed. She felt dirty...she wanted to take a bath. But she knew they needed to tell someone. That was important. "Thank you, Lucina..."

When Zelda saw Robin and Lucina, she knew immediately something had gone wrong. Especially when Lucina asked to talk to her in private since Link was there with her. She shooed him off to stand outside of their room. Lucina was the one who did all the talking, and she was strangely calm for the events that had transpired. They had both been harmed by this Grima, the one responsible for all the undead terrorizing the land. For him to slip so easily inside of their defenses, that was a problem that needed to be addressed almost immediately. Lucina went into detail about what happened to Robin. Grima had raped her and in the process messed with her mind so that she would be cursed. Lucina claimed that he didn't do much to her, but there was something that she found odd about that. But she wouldn't press into it.

"I see," Zelda muttered as she moved over to the both of them and gave them each a hug. "I'm so sorry that no one was there for you both. Please, stay here. You've been through enough. I'll take it over from here." She told them before leaving the room so she could join Link. When she shut the door behind herself, she looked up at him. "I have some really bad news, Link. I need to get Chrom for me..."
"...What's going on?" Link said, his ears flicking subconsciously. "Is everything alright, Zelda?" The thought that Chrom had more bad news was...disheartening. Truthfully, he wasn't sure how Chrom would even take more bad news. He was still trying to recover from losing his home, something like that was hard to forget. Now, something with Robin and Lucina? He wasn't sure if the man could handle something like that.
"No," Zelda said with a sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair. "They were attacked, Link. By that thing...Grima. He just..appeared out of no where and attacked Robin. He raped her and cursed her. It had something to do with him needing her energy. When Lucina found her he attacked her too and then left. But he might still be here, there's no way of knowing. More importantly, Chrom needs to be with them right now. Robin is terrified and Lucina is too calm, I know she's hurting too. So please...can you get him?" This hit a little too close to home for her. She knew what Robin was going through and to be honest she was remembering the very thing that she had tried so hard to forget everyday. Especially when she had a son to love and make sure he didn't feel unwanted.

Poor Chrom...they needed him but she could only hope he had enough strength left for another tragedy in his life.
There wasn't anything he could say when Zelda told him, Robin was so distraught and Lucina seemed so...stand-offish that Chrom was out of his mind with concern. Even more so...Grima had returned, there was no other explanation for it, and his blood ran cold at the thought alone. He dug his palm into his eye, gritting his teeth a moment as Link put a hand on his shoulder in silent comfort. What could anyone do about this?

But he took his breath, and moved into the room where Robin and Lucina were. He didn't say anything, he just hugged the both of them, arms around them protectively.

"We're going to be fine," Chrom promised. "You hear me? This changes nothing, we're going to be fine." Maybe if he said it enough, he'd believe it...what had he done to deserve this misfortune on everyone around him but him? Why wasn't it him who died in Ylisse instead of his people?
Robin wanted to be ashamed when she saw her husband, and for a brief second she was. Seeing his face, she could tell he was in pain, and yet, she could not control the throbbing in between her legs. She didn't want to feel it, so she tried to ignore it as best she could. "Yes...fine. We'll be fine...I...Chrom you feel so good. So comforting...yes, I feel safe..." She slipped closer to him, her face growing hot. Her mind was getting! This wasn't...this wasn't the time!

Lucina could feel her mother trembling, trying to control herself. Should she say something? No, she couldn't. How obvious would it be that something was wrong with her mother? "We won't let him get to you again, mother. I promise..." She muttered as she broke their embrace. She didn't know what else to say, she just needed to make sure her parents were okay.
Chrom nuzzled against her hair, arms tight around Robin. He was so...exhausted, it felt like every day was another way to drain his strength. "Lucina...are you okay?" Chrom murmured in concern, glancing at her. She was handling this remarkably well...
"I'm fine, I'm just worried about her." Lucina told her father as she stiffly sat at her bedside. "Please don't worry about me, father. Mother needs you..." She started to get up, she needed to leave. She didn't know why, maybe she was scared that this coldness was only temporary. She didn't know.

Robin was starting to breathe heavily against Chrom. What should she do? If he kept holding her like this...she was going to go insane! "Wait..! need to be with your father too. I...water. Please, can you both get me some water? I'm so thirsty...send Zelda in here, so I won't be alone. Chrom, talk to her..." She needed to be away from him to think...she didn't want to seem like she was pushing him away, though.
Chrom blinked a little in surprise, glancing down at Robin a moment before he looked at Lucina. "I...yes, if you wouldn't mind, Lucina?" What was going on? He looked at Robin in concern, hand on her forehead. She was burning up...

"Are...are you sick?" he said in concern. "Did Grima do something else?"
"I'm...I'm not sick." Robin huffed, but she certainly did appear so considering she was just getting all the more flustered. "Please go with her, Chrom...I'm begging you...I..."

"Mother, I'll be fine with myself. I and father need some alone time anyway. I'll get you some water." Lucina told her before walking out the door. She knew why she wanted him to leave, but...she needed him for whatever Grima did to her. How were they going to fix that? How were they going to fix any of this? What could she do? She was...useless. She didn't see any of this coming, the future was ever changing. How could they stop Grima, Medusa and Ganondorf? Two Gods and a mortal made God-like? She could only hope that Grima would be the selfish creature he had always been. If they remained separate forces, there would still be a chance...
It was after a long while of contemplation and thought that Link decided to slowly extend the olive branch to Lucina. He was familiar with that look in her eyes, was something that he had seen many times himself in the mirror. It was...hard being the 'Hero of Time', when you didn't really understand what that meant.

"Lucina," Link murmured, hand on her shoulder. "Zelda can keep an eye on Robin and Chrom, why don't you and I go outside and get some fresh air, alright?" he smiled.
Lucina tensed when she felt Link's hand on her shoulder. She didn't know why, but that empty feeling was immediately replaced with nervousness. Her and Link talked every so often, but it was small talk. She had always looked up to him, but he wouldn't know that because she usually kept her distance. She was fine with admiring him from afar, and fighting alongside him when they had to fight. Other than that, she never really thought much about actually...being around him.

She took a deep breath and nodded. If he was any other man, she might have declined...except for maybe Pit because of his innocent and sometimes...ignorant nature. Link just gave off this aura, because of he was a gentleman, because he was the embodiment of good and the only person that could influence him into anything indecent was Zelda. The problem was not that she was uncomfortable around him, it was just that she was nervous. What could they possibly talk about as they made their way outside?

"Link...I'm okay." That was all she could think of...honestly. She wasn't even sure if she was telling the truth anymore. Was she really okay after what just happened to her?
"I believe it if you believe it," Link replied easily in turn. "...But I get the feeling you don't, to be honest." he murmured, contemplating his words a moment. "'re a brave girl, but that sort of thing isn't something that you need to fight yourself over," he said. "Zelda the same way. I don't know if she's come to accept what happened or not,'s okay to be afraid." he murmured. "What's important is how you handle that fear, and what you do with it."
Lucina wasn't sure what to say. That meant..a lot coming from him. A man who wasn't supposed to fear anything, because he was strong and everyone depended on him. That's what she wanted to be...strong for her mother and father. So many awful things had happened to them and she didn't want to be another worry or pain for either one of them. "I honestly...don't know, Link. I don't know what I'm feeling...for myself. I fear for my mother's safety. I fear for my father's well being. Me? I don't know how to feel about what happened to me." She knew that he knew...even if she insisted for everyone not to worry about her. Even if she skipped the details on what Grima did to her. He knew...because he had to go through this with Zelda. She couldn't hide it from him.
"Then don't feel anything," Link murmured. "Don't feel like you need to be feeling something for it to matter, Lucina. It does matter, but until you're ready to face it, nobody else can help you...just, you know...we're here," Link assured. "For whatever you need, you guys are family as far as I'm concerned. Don't act like you're doing this alone, alright?"
It seemed like a simple enough answer, but she wasn't sure if she was satisfied with it. "Alright. Thank you. Maybe when I figure things out, or if I do start feeling something...I'll talk to you or Zelda. Just promise me that you two won't tell my mother and father whatever I tell you? I really don't want to be a burden on them. They have enough to be upset about."
"I don't think that'll be a problem," Link murmured. "...I wish I knew what to tell you, but I'm learning as slowly as you are," he admitted. "The only thing I can do is keep moving forward."
"It's the only thing any of us can do," Lucina admitted with a sigh. "And it's what we've been doing for years. This thing with the barrier is going to be a problem...we aren't safe here. From Medusa or Grima, but...Grima isn't at full power. He's weak, we won't have to worry about him for a while as long as we keep mother safe from him. She's his source of energy from my understanding."
"One thing at a time," Link smiled. "Don't put all of that in your head, Lucina. We've got enough people worrying about it, we don't need anymore, trust me."
"I have to worry about it, Link...I've seen the damage Grima can do firsthand. I've thwarted it once with the help of my mother and father, but..." Lucina just sighed and folded her arms tightly. "My mother is in no condition to help the others with Grima, I'm planning on talking to King Caineghis and King Kurthnaga about this. They need to know about this."
"...What I mean is," Link murmured after a moment. "Finding something to fix, because you know you can't fix what's really bothering won't give you the satisfaction you're looking for, but you're right," he agreed. "This needs to be dealt with as soon as possible."
"I know it won't." Lucina sighed, feeling a stinging sensation in her eyes. "I just...want my parents to be happy, Link. And for a while, they were...then that monster had to come and do this to them. They've already been through enough, I...I just want to..." She just wanted to help. Even if she had to ignore her own feelings...about her second sexual experience. The first...wasn't normal even if she enjoyed it. She didn't know what sex was suppose to be. She didn't know what it was like to do it with someone who she loved, and she was hoping that the next person she had did it with did love her. Instead it was a monster and...Gods! Now that she was actually thinking about it, she couldn't stop the tears. This was so embarrassing...but she knew Link wouldn't judge her for crying.
Link slid an arm around her. "I know," he said easily. "And they will be, Lucina...but nothing you want is ever given, you have to earn it, and let me tell you, Chrom and Robin are earning every day and they're doing it with their heads up. Not because it's easy, but because they know it's worth it." he promised. "And I'm sure whoever you find is going to be worth it too, but you can't give up, if you give up, he wins."
When he slid his arm around her, she welcome the embrace and wrapped her own arms around him tightly. She still couldn't stop crying, but she felt a little better hearing that from him. He was right. There was someone out there who would give her what she wanted, and she would find him eventually. "I won't give up...I won't let him win. I'll get revenge for my mother and father, and for myself. I won't let him get away with this." Lucina's voice was full of determination despite her tears.
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