The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"One step at a time," Link murmured. "Revenge is a dark place, Lucina. That's not something you need to think about right now, alright? Let's focus on doing what we can."
It was a dark place but she couldn't help it. She got her temper from her father. She wanted to be angry, it was the only thing that kept her together. But she would listen to Link for now. She pulled away, wiping her tears from her eyes. "Right, I need to Caineghis."
"Right," Link smiled. "Don't lose faith, okay? Your Dad is the strongest willed person I know...he'll recover, but he needs time."
Waiting was something that Ganondorf was used to, really. Although, seeing his love so distressed was pleasing in a morbid way. Link was a tiring opponent over the many generations, a defeat was infuriating...but humbling. In truth, he somewhat welcomed the time to relax. But sadly, Medusa was a busy woman. But he had plenty to please himself with in the meantime, he had not forgotten about his concubines, but ah...running an empire was such busy work. He didn't often get to enjoy the fruits of his victories. But where else would he be at the moment? Reclined in comfortable pillows, his body allowed to rest as nature intended, surrounded by beautiful women.

Ah...what a wonderful way to heal.
Honestly...everything was so weird now. There was a threat, an actual threat going around and she was busier than ever. Between delivering messages to Ganessa from Medusa, and vice versa, she couldn't spend as much time with Pit as she wanted to...and he was stuck on guard duty anyway until Medusa found someone better suited to guard Ashera. She still didn't understand why he had to do it.

But now she finally had a break, and when she was lonely she'd find herself oggling concubines. Some of them found her cute, others simply ignored her because she wasn't their master. She could hide herself well enough when Master Ganondorf came and went...and he was coming a lot recently. Not that she was complaining, that meant she could watch more sex. If only Pit knew why she would come home some nights just wanting to gobble down his cock. This was why...seeing all the beautiful women serving such a powerful man was so arousing to her. She would study their technique, she would even study his technique, for whatever reason.

Sometimes she was curious...what was it like being with the most powerful man in the entire world? A man who could please a Goddess, who made her scream...Gods she loved listening to those two, she had risked her neck once or twice simply to hear them. Imagining Medusa like that was a fantasy she was sure she'd never, ever see. It was a shame...but she was too scrawny and small for a man such as he to take interest in her.

Not to mention, he scared her. Every time he looked at her, she was sure she'd pee her pants. But...from this far away, she was safe...and she had a very good view of Lyre's ass while she rode his cock. She was a hog...the other women were content to please him in other ways, but Lyre was always the one in his lap first.
Ganondorf slid his hands along Lyre's body, squeezing her breasts hungrily as he shifted up, the women around him let out needy whines as he slid his hands forward to squeeze Lyre's butt and nuzzle against her neck, rocking into her powerfully with hungry, primal snarls. Every so often, he would get the a familiar little pinprick against his neck, and he knew why. He just...chose not to actually notice it. Until now, when his dark, hungry eyes settled right on his little spying bird's hiding spot.

Not that it stopped him from rocking into Lyre, if anything, it made him move faster.
When he looked in her direction, Chi immediately slid back behind the beautiful chaise she was hiding behind. Her heart was racing, she could have sworn he had looked her right in the eye. But why? She was clear across the room, he had to just be glancing in her general direction. Crap. She heard Lyre still moaning, her tone becoming higher pitched. He was...still going, wasn't he? Did he notice her? Maybe she just needed to find another spot to hide...there were plenty of places. The curtains, behind a statue or one of the decorative plants, she always changed it up. But for some reason she was simply too scared to move.

And yet, those hungry squeals of Lyre were making her curious. She wanted to look, she wanted to see again. She simply crawled over to the other side of the chaise. The view wasn't as good from this angle but it was still enough for her to settle her nerves some and enjoy the scene before her. Her red eyes moved from Lethe's round cheeks that he was squeezing, to his cock that was starting to slam into her faster. She was leaking all over him, she could see her juices dripping all over his balls and...she couldn't help but lick her lips. She wondered what they tasted like...all of them. She wondered what it was like to lick all of their juices off his huge cock. She knew she was starting to become "a disgusting mess" as Pit liked to call it.
Ganondorf smirked in amusement, slowing his hips before promptly shoving Lyre off his glistening, erect cock and rising up without a word. Hm, his little bird was still flittering around, wasn't she? How very interesting...wasn't that Pit's woman? What in the world was she doing here?
When he pushed Lyre off his cock and stood, she went back to hiding behind the couch. Her back was pressed against it as she curled herself up to seem as small as possible. She wondered why he had just stopped...seriously, he didn't notice her did he? Fuck, she just hoped he got bored or something...

"M-master, did I do something wrong?" Lyre asked with great worry in her voice, picking herself up from where she had fallen on the bed. She wasn't sure why he had stopped. She had been so close to cuming, too...
"Be a good girl and wait, Lyre," Ganondorf purred behind him, padding closer and closer to her hiding spot. Now, he was curious...he didn't mind people walking into his chambers, as quite frankly...he cared little about it. But Chi was something of a little bird that always flew around without much regard, perhaps he found out why today. He didn't move the couch, he simply reached down until he found a head of hair and gripped, pulling up almost effortlessly.

"Well, well..." Ganondorf purred hungrily. "What do we have here...?"
Chi yelped when he grabbed her by her ponytail, her hands shooting upwards to his wrists when he forced her up. Oh Gods..she was dead. She was so dead! Her heart felt like it was going to burst from her chest from how fast it was beating. Talk, she needed to talk! She needed to explain herself and she needed to not seem guilty!

"U-uhh...Hello, My Lord...just...I was just passing through." Lying terrified her, she remembered the last time she lied to someone who could obliterate her with a single thought. Whatever Ganondorf would do to her would be much, much worse than what Medusa would. Medusa liked to play with her, she always felt like Ganondorf would be way more ruthless when he was angry. Not that she had ever seen him like that, but she could only imagine...and her imagination was scary!
His dark eyes trailed down her body, slightly...unimpressive, but the growth of a nice figure was there. "Oh really?" he purred, letting his other hand shift down to press against the damp mess between her legs. "What's this then, girl? Were you spying on me?"
A frightened shrill escaped her mouth when his hands went between her legs, and then suddenly she was aware just how turned on she was when she was watching. Fuck, he had pretty much caught her. What was better...admitting that she was a peeping pervert or trying to cover up her embarrassment? Both would probably end in endless pain, misery, shame and possibly death. She was shaking, she could barely control her voice, but she answered him. "I-I was s-simply admiring the beauty of your collection, Sir...I meant no harm."
"Who were you really staring at, girl?" Ganondorf purred, dropping her on the couch. His other hand, however...was still pressed against her pussy, smirking all the while as he shifted closer, his fat, glistening cock pressed against her leg. "Me, or my women?"
Chi knew she wasn't much to look at, so when he dropped her on the chaise she was confused. Why was his hand still in between her legs? Either way, the question made her flush. She wasn't lying, only half lying and he had pretty much called her out. Besides, even if she wanted to lie about what she was looking at, her eyes going from his face to his cock the moment it pressed against her was answer enough. It was so hot...still covered in Lyre's fluids and she could feel his pulse from it. She swallowed hard and pulled her eyes away from it so she could look him in the eye. "Both." She answered truthfully.
"Good girl," Ganondorf smirked, pressing his fingers against her moist slit. "Good girls get rewards, do you know that? You watch me enough, little birdy." She was a cute little thing, wasn't she? All fire until she came across someone strong and powerful. She craved it, more than anything...the twitch of his cock was almost inviting her. Yes, he enjoyed the scent coming from her, perhaps he would have some different fun today...
Feeling his fingers right up against her slit made her whimper. "W-What?" Was all she could manage to say as she squirmed underneath his skilled touch. Her shorts were doing absolutely nothing to absorb any feeling she got from him stimulating her, but she still wasn't sure why he was doing it. He had all the women in the world he could ever want, including a Goddess, so why was he doing this to her? What was the catch?

If this was how she was going to die, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
"Pay attention, little birdy..." Ganondorf purred, fingers sinking into the fabric of her wet shorts to peel them down her legs. Mm, that was a wonderful scent... "I'm going to show you what it's like being a good girl, for a change." he said hungrily. He didn't lower himself, oh no...he lifted her up by her ankles, his massive arms pressing her legs against his chest as he dove between her legs, and ran his long tongue against her tasty slit.
Chi didn't even have a chance to process what he told her before his face was between her pale thighs. In fact, she was already a drooling, loud mess before she could even realize what he was doing. One stroke of his tongue and her entire body had exploded in heat. Seriously, it was just one stroke along her slit, his tongue was just that long. It didn't take long for her pussy to replace the wetness that he had stolen from it, but she herself was still confused. "M-my Lord...I have done nothing to deserve this, so why..?"

More like, why was she opening her big fat mouth instead of enjoying this...
"Is it not a duty of a ruler to see that his subjects are satisfied?" Ganondorf growled against her skin, letting his long tongue slowly rake over her again before kissing her swollen clit. Impressive, she was still coherent. She had more willpower than she acted.
Her wings tensed when she felt his tongue for a second time, and she could not control the pathetic noises that erupted from her mouth during the act. Her pussy was throbbing underneath the sensation of his mouth pressed against it. The worst part was that everyone was watching this, she could feel their eyes. Especially Lyre's, there was killing intent in those eyes. He was taking her in front of all these women who rarely ever got him to themselves, this was fucking hot...and scary.

Honestly the fear just made everything better, she wasn't sure why. "I..I'm not worthy my Lord." She admitted, but she did nothing to pull away. She was surprised herself that she was still running her mouth.
"You talk a lot, don't you?" Ganondorf smirked hungrily, sucking on her wet lips with a low growl. It was a fun challenge then, wasn't it? How much would it take for her to stop talking and start to truly savor his gift?
Chi could feel the soft skin of her pussy lips stretching ever so slightly as he suckled on her. The sensation was different, she had never felt that before! "Ahh...yes, I'm sorry, my Lord...I can stop..!" She cried out, feeling her head start to become heavy from being held upside down. She wouldn't dare complain though. Someone like her, he actually wanted to do this with someone like her...she wasn't sure if this was some crazy dream, but it sure felt like it. Especially since all the attention from his mouth was making her want to cum already. He experienced and she couldn't stop the tremors of pleasure that were beginning to plague her body. The closer she got, the more violent they became.
Ganondorf purred hungrily, letting his tongue roam over her lips one more time as he finally let go of her with a hungry smirk, his cock twitching. "It's rude to fuck another woman when my cock is dirty with someone else, wouldn't you agree, little birdy?" he said, shifting her legs off. "Why don't you be a good little girl and clean me?" She was very receptive...he could see why the boy liked her so much.
Chi wasn't expecting him to let her go so suddenly, but it's not like her landing had really hurt her. His request sort of caught her off guard, enough for her to just stare at him for a second before scrambling to her hands and knees. "Yes, my Lord..." She obediently muttered before opening her wide as she could. Then she began to sink her into her mouth. He was so big...feeling him slide in like that gave her an idea on how big he was and honestly it scared her. She was going to choke on it...and yet she still tried anyway to push him in as far as she could. He tasted..wonderful. Much more different than Pit...and Lyre tasted way different than she did.
"Mm, you're the perfect height..." Ganondorf purred, fingers lacing through her hair with a wide smirk as he started to work his hips in and out of her mouth. Tight, very tight...
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