The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Ganondorf smirked, hands trailing down her body openly as he bucked into her rough, now that her body had was easy to slam his length into her wet pussy. "Mm...don't I reward you for your indecent behavior, Lyre?" he smirked, face nuzzled into Chi's hair as his hips continued to mindlessly slam into the little bird. He quite liked her size...easy to hold onto, easy for his hands to roam all over her body. "Why should she be any different, mm?"
Lyre blinked and then looked away in irritation. She wanted to argue, but he had trained her better than that. She begrudgingly turned her back to them, but she dared not leave. The moment he was done with her, she'd get what she so rightfully deserved!

Chi groaned hotly against his ear, feeling her pussy accept him much easier than the first time. That was because she was more turned on than ever, knowing that she was being watched, even if Lyre had decided not to give her the pleasure. "Mnn...thank you...thank you so much! You fucking good!" She probably should have been more respectful, but right now she was too distracted with the wonderful feeling of him thrusting upwards into her. The angle made it feel so different! There was a puddle already starting to collect underneath their bodies.
"Mm, you like this, little bird?" Ganondorf purred hungrily, his hips starting to become a muscular blur of power and force, his fat balls smacking loudly against her soaked pussy as his arms slid around her body, leaning down to kiss her, his fat tongue forcing his way into her mouth.
A sudden ruffle of her wings were about as much of a response as she could give, considering she was a leaking, wailing mess right now in his arms. He would have no problem slipping his tongue in her open mouth as she groaned into the kiss. The more she tried to comprehend it, the less she could understand the pleasure he was giving her. Her pale skin has long since turned bright red from his violent, constant thrusting.

She didn't even hear the frustrated whines of arousal coming from his concubines as they all watched. Everyone but Lyre, anyway.
Ganondorf's hips were relentless, a constant piston of power and strength that bucked roughly into her as he broke the kiss to whisper hungrily in her ear. "I'm going to cum inside you," he purred. "I'm going to watch my whores flush with anger when you leave with my seed between your legs..." Lyre and the others would be satiated easily enough, this distraction was...perfect. He had forgotten what the fire in the eyes of women did to him.
If she was in her right mind, she would have objected. She knew how easy it was for Ganondorf to get his women pregnant. Instead, his words only served as a catalyst to her second orgasm. "Y-yes...yes...!" She wailed, her pussy clamping around his generous sex almost desperately as she got closer to orgasm.
Ganondorf growled in appreciation at her eagerness, his hands slipping down her body as he rocked into her with a pleased snarl. It didn't take long, really...not to feel that rush of pleasure slam down at the base of his spine as he rewarded the little bird with a thick, hungry orgasm, his hips bucking roughly into her wet cunt with a pleased groan, head lolling back. Mm...perfect. What better way to recover?
Chi couldn't stop herself from wailing loudly when she finally reached her climax. Her orgasm was much more intense the second go around. Maybe it was because she could feel his hot sperm empty inside of her sloppy, twitching cunt. Again, she nearly blacked out from the sensation. She could only hear the sound of her own heart beating as her head lolled back, body going limp in his arms. She needed a little time to recover from that one...and she had absolutely nothing to say. She couldn't even just felt so good. Too was way too good. She didn't like much she wanted more of it. It scared her.
Ganondorf slowly slid out of her with a hungry smirk, his cock rock solid and glistening with their combined orgasms as he leaned down to kiss her jawline with a hungry growl. "Come back anytime, little bird," he purred easily. "I'll remind you what real pleasure feels like..."
Come back any time. She didn't even want to leave. But something inside of her made her do it anyway.

Chi's mind was too hazy for her liking...if she were any other woman she would have never left. She would have been content to stay there forever if it meant she could experience such pleasure again. Pleasure she could not comprehend, pleasure that would twist any mind into being the wielders play thing. It was addicting. Being so close to Lord Ganondorf let Chi feel his power, rather than just seeing it. That feeling was something she just couldn't describe. Scary, but euphoric and alluring. She would never forget what she just felt. wasn't as good as the feeling of being with Pit. She loved him, more than she loved herself. That in itself was not strange, as she never had a very high opinion herself. However, she knew that Pit returned that love, and she would never, ever walk away from that. Even if she could take the place of the Dark Goddess herself. He had given her something that she had never had before. He was the first person who ever made her feel like something more than disposable, useless trash.

Thinking about him made her finally snap out of it. She was suddenly aware that she was aimlessly walking around the castle naked, her clothes balled up in her arms. She then felt the dirty mess between her legs that had trickled well passed her knees. A naked girl was not a strange sight, thankfully...but she still felt shame. She couldn't face Pit like this, she needed to clean up. Luckily she knew just the place, hopefully somewhere where she could be alone and wallow in her own misery and shame until she thought of a way to make this up to him. She didn't care if he slept with other girls, but her sense of loyalty was strong. He had already let her have sex with his double, that was enough for her.

The servants were all busy, so Chi thought for sure the common bath would be empty at this hour. The concubines had their own bathing quarters, so she didn't have to worry about them. Still, when she entered the room it was already filled with steam. She sighed inwardly, but she went in anyway. She needed to bathe, and going back to the tower wasn't an option because she was sure Pit was done with his guard duty by now.

She dumped off her clothes on the linen table and then sauntered into the bath. There was a single woman in there, with her back turned away. Long, blonde hair, dark skin, she looked nice from the back. Chi was barely in the mood to talk, but she decided to say something anyway. "Aren't you supposed to be working right now instead of bathing?" Maybe she'd leave if she felt like she was in trouble.

The woman turned, and Chi immediately recognized that forlorn, angry stare. Her red eyes met with her own before her expression softened a bit. "Chi..." She mumbled before leaning back in the water. "Nice to see you again."

Chi just stared at her for a moment incredulously. She had heard...lots of things. Mainly that Medusa had stolen Ragnell and reforged it, along with Sona's identity. Sona had then been reduced to Ganessa's play thing, which was a shame...but there was nothing she could do about it. But here she was, alone, taking a bath...and she seemingly remembered her. "Woah,'re the last person I expected to see. Is Ganessa around?" She asked awkwardly, though now that she could see her from the front it was hard for her eyes not to trail down to her chest that was shrouded in the steamy water.

"No. My master did not need me for her mission, and my punishment was to stay here until she returned." Sona replied with a shrug. "As for your earlier question, I'm done with my temporary duties for the evening."

Master. So her memories really had been rewritten, which would explain why she was allowed to wander off by herself unattended. "Oh, I see. Well, keep up the good work, I suppose." Chi smiled nervously, before moving closer to her in the bath. She was curious to see how she'd react. "Geese, you sure do look miserable though. What's wrong?"

"Lots of things...has Pit spoken to you about lately about me?" Sona asked as she watched Chi with passive interest.

"No, actually." Pit didn't really talk much about things unless she directly asked him. If it was anything about Sona, she wasn't surprised he kept it to himself. They had a..complicated relationship. "Have you spoken with him?"

"Yes. He gave me back my memories." Sona said flatly as she looked away.

"...Interesting. So I can see what's wrong now. Do you hate him forever?" Chi asked with a smirk. It wasn't very funny, but she couldn't help but remember what she told Pit after saving Sona.

"It's not that I hate him. It's complicated. He is not one of my problems. It is many other things, but not him."

"You're trapped here," Chi pointed out. "And you're forced to do things you don't want to do. Now with the pleasure of remembering who you are instead of being a little mindless puppet for Ganessa." Well, she was surprised to hear that Sona didn't hate him. He must have been relieved about that.

"Yes, but even more pressing at the moment is Ashera. She is here too, she is trapped and Medusa is hurting her. I have been thinking for days on what to do about that. I fear that she will kill her at some point eventually, and I don't want to see that." Sona grumbled as she sank more into the water. Sad, she kept obstructing a very nice view.

"Hmm, well there isn't much you can do about that. Medusa is uhh...she's very cruel unless you're one of her weaknesses." Chi stated before she started to focus on washing herself.

"Yes, I know. However, she enjoys power. I intend to offer her such, in exchange for Ashera's safety." Chi stopped what she was doing and just stared at her, tilting her head a bit. It would be obvious that she was greatly confused and needed further explanation. "When Pit unlocked my memories, he did more than he intended. I know who I am now, and I know what I'm capable of with the aid of a Goddess. I will offer my services to Medusa and Ganondorf, even if it means that I become corrupted. I am far more useful as Sona than I am as her daughters sword."

"Okay..." Chi could see the pain in her eyes as Sona spoke. She obviously did not want to do it, it was clear as day. But she had very little options. She wasn't the best person to talk about matters like this with. "Does Pit know?"

"Yes. I asked him to help me get an audience with Medusa tomorrow morning. I have been nervous about it since I thought of the plan." Sona ran her fingers through her wet hair before sitting up a little. "So that is why I look so miserable, Chi. I can't think of anything else. I am consciously making the decision to betray everyone I know for the greater good. Ashera is balance, Ashera is order, she cannot die. I will be hated, it will hurt. However, it is my duty to Tellius, and to the world. Even if the path I continue to walk is filled with nothing but pain...I owe this to everyone out there who is suffering. I no longer wish to see war, I want to see the world united. Through any means necessary."

"You're talking like you're responsible for this war. Your duty? You owe this? Not true. You are a single person, Sona. You should do only what you need to do, for yourself." Chi grumbled. What an idiot, seriously...Sona was always trying so hard to do for others when she should be focusing on herself!

"Chi, the last thing I did something for myself, I forgot who I was and I became something I was not intended to be. I became an object, something that wasn't real. Ashera immortalized me and gave me wondrous powers, but through my long lifetime I experienced a lot of death. I stopped changing into my human form to avoid grieving for loved ones and for those I had slain in the name of peace...and I stayed that way for so long that I forgot who I was. I need to make up for that." Chi noticed that Sona's eyes were watering before she turned away. "Anyways, I should go..."

Damn it...this was so unfair. This was too unfair. When Sona rose from the water, Chi didn't let her get any further than that. She flew out of the water and hugged her tightly, their naked bodies pressed firmly against one another. She didn't care that her face was mashed in between Sona's generous cleavage, she just needed her to stop looking like that. Like a miserable, abused animal that was still obedient to their neglectful owners. "Stop it." She muttered. "You're just so goddamn depressing."

"Chi..." Sona said softly, unable to stop the tears from running down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-."

"Let's go back to my place. Get dressed." Chi decided. She was going to make Sona feel better. She felt bad for manipulating her, for making her feel worse than she already had felt the last time they had seen each other. She had went off alone, she had gotten herself killed and resurrected thanks to the chains of the sword her soul was attached to. Now she was a slave, and she had forced herself to be a willing one. She would do her best to get her mind off of it, and she knew exactly how. Even if Pit was there...she didn't care. They would do something about this, together if that was the case. They'd be her only friends here.

Chi brought her back to the tower, and she realized that Pit hadn't come back yet. That was okay with her, Sona wouldn't be too comfortable around him anyway more than likely. She led her to their nest of blankets, and Sona looked confused.

"Why did you take me here?" It was obviously where her and Pit lived, their scent was all over the place. Chi didn't respond, she only turned to face her before her hand moved to the back of her head and she forced her down to kiss her before closing her eyes. She was about the same height as Pit, so it was easy.

At first, Sona seemed too stunned to react, so Chi took the opportunity to wrap her other hand around her neck while she kept started pecking at her lips. Her tongue licked gingerly at them as she did so, and Sona let her lips part for a moment before hesitating to continue. Then, she slowly returned the kiss and even let her tongue graze against Chi's before she tried to pull back, however Chi didn't let her go very far. Her face was flushed and her eyes were wide.

"I don't understand," She mumbled before looking away. "Why?"

"When was the last time someone kissed you? When was the last time someone touched you? When was the last time you experienced the best part of being real?" Chi asked asked her before kissing at her neck, causing goosebumps to appear on her dark skin as she flinched and gasped softly.

"I...I don't..." She didn't know, that figured.

"Then be quiet and just let me do this for you." Chi's lips found her jawline and she nibbled at it until Sona finally turned back towards her and let her kiss her again. This time it was more passionate, she actually kissed her back. Their tongues danced with each other as one of Chi's hands moved down to her amazing breasts, the very ones she had been admiring for so long. They felt just as amazing as they looked, and Chi felt her body start to flush with pleasure once more despite her two orgasms she had previously. She started pawing at it curiously through the rough fabric of whatever servant rags she was wearing until she found a hardening nipple. She might not have known what to do with a breast that big since her own were small, but she knew how nipples worked.

Sona moaned into the kiss as Chi began to use her thumb to circle the hardening numb. When it was hard enough she began to flick at it and tease it with two fingers. Sona was so sensitive, Chi could feel her beginning to wobble the more she played with her. And there was a growing scent of her arousal filling the air. That in turn just made Chi groan softly. Did she...actually do that to Sona?

"You're a light weight..." Chi said after breaking their kiss and pushing her down to the blankets. "How took my boyfriend's virginity, you should be more experienced than this." She grinned as she placed herself between her legs, her hand now kneading at her breast. Sona was happy to spread her legs even further, causing more of her beautiful scent to hit her nostrils.

"Stop it," Sona gasped as she gazed into Chi's eyes. "It's just been a while, that's all." She didn't know what to do...should she touch her? She hadn't really...done much with other women before. She shivered as Chi's hand trailed down from her breast to her bare stomach, then to her inner thigh. Then it disappeared beneath her skirt, and she felt a finger run across her wet slit, causing her to cry out. Chi started to pet her eagerly, admiring how soft her pussy felt. It was also very warm, and she was already soaking wet.

"Mnn, you're telling me. You're so wet down here..." Chi's expression turned much more serious as she slowly slipped her index finger in her tight hole. Wait...this was...wrong. Was she feeling this right? Sona seemed to be enjoying her prodding, as her hips were bucking and her hole was clamping tight on her finger. However, Chi was only doing so because she felt something that shouldn't be there. "Sona...are you a virgin?"

"This body is, yes." Sona answered breathlessly. It wasn't the first time she had lost her human form and had to be given she had fully expected it.

"I see...then it must be extra sensitive to pleasure." Chi smirked, letting her finger continue to slide in and out of her. Her response was more moaning, which was strangely making her feel very proud of herself. Unfortunately, she was torturing herself while she played with her. The wetter she got, the more her mouth watered. She needed to taste her. She didn't even ask her to take her clothes off, she only pushed her skirt up and out of the way. Without her permission, she dove between her smooth legs and started attacking her wet pussy with her tongue.

Sona got..really loud after that. So much that she covered her mouth. That wasn't any fun, but Chi was far too busy memorizing every inch of her wonderful, tasty pussy. She ran over every fold, every crevice that her tongue was long enough to reach. Maybe she tried a little bit of what she remembered Pit and Ganondorf doing to her. Either way it seemed like Sona liked it. Her cries were just getting more and more muffled as she tried to stay quiet. If she kept that up, Pit wouldn't have any warning when he came back that they were doing this. She didn't care, though. Hopefully he would be brave enough to join them, at least.
There were a lot of strange things on a day to day when you were with someone like Chi, honestly. Some days she was a cuddler and wanted all the attention you could possibly find in a single person, other days they barely saw each other and he'd wake up with her attached to his side like some kind of growth. He had learned to accept her spontaneity, her was ultimately what was so attractive about her. Needless to say, when he neared his tower and landed with an arch of his brow to see Sona squirming as Chi hungrily attacked between her legs.

...Sometimes, he wondered if he was simply growing immune to being surprised with Chi around. But aside from that, he had a hundred questions that were being removed by the sight of...ultimately, two of the three women he felt any deeper connection for at all, and all of that wayward energy was slamming into his groin like the force of a thunderstorm.

"What in the hell?" Pit sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "Chi? Sona?" What was going on?
Sona glanced over to Pit and her faced flushed with embarrassment. "Chi...!" She squeaked, although to her dismay she simply kept going. Chi could tell by the trembling of her legs and the heaving in her chest that she was close, so she did not stop. Her hands kept her thighs pressed apart, and Pit watching only made her more enthusiastic as her tongue circled and flicked at her clitoris. It was hard holding her down, but surprisingly Chi was stronger than she looked.

Sona's back began to arch as her orgasm approached. She was ashamed that they were doing this in front of him, not that this wasn't anything he hadn't seen before. Chi suddenly sunk her tongue as deep as it could go inside of her, and she couldn't hold back anymore. She cried out as her love juices began to spill out of her, all which Chi happily lapped up.

"Mann, hey Pet. Just in time.." Chi said, giving him a happy smile.
"...Should I even ask?" Pit sighed heavily, scratching his head. He wouldn't lie, seeing Chi doing that to Sona was...incredibly erotic in a dizzying number of ways. He was wondering if he was asking such a simple question because he didn't want it to be a hard answer, even though...knowing Chi, there probably was one. It was good to see Sona more...emotional, however. And naked.

...and with Chi between her legs. "What's going on?"
"What? It's not obvious that I'm fucking her?" Chi asked with a smirk. Sona moved to cover herself up, but Chi would have none of that. She only moved on top of her and kissed her forehead before whispering something in her ear. Something that obviously flustered Sona even more so than she already was.

"No..I can't!" She protested, but then another whisper and a gentle glide of Chi's hand between her legs made her cry out softly. Whatever Chi was telling her made her eventually give in. "Fine...but only just this once."

"Good! I promise you'll feel even better..." Chi purred before glancing over to Pit. "Take off your clothes and help me make Sona feel good. You owe it to her." She then started to undress herself, but one hand was still teasing at Sona's messy, quivering pussy so she wouldn't have the time to feel uncomfortable.
"...What?" Pit blinked faintly, wings spread out in surprise. "How do I owe that to her!?" Not that...he needed a lot of pressing to actually do that, but...there was something going on here, and he didn't like not knowing! Especially since his cock was practically painted against his tunic.
Chi rolled her eyes. It was just like him to pretend like he didn't want it. She could see his erection though, he couldn't fool her. "Because you made her remember a lot of pain and suffering, and she can barely remember what makes her feel good. So hurry up and get undressed and make her remember!" After she was done undressing, she moved to Sona's side, revealing her soaking wet sex to him. Chi's finger grazed over her swollen clit, making Sona squirm even more.
"Alright, alright..." Pit grumbled, shifting out of his clothes to expose his throbbing erection, he wouldn't lie, his red eyes lit up at the sight of Sona's legs spread open, her pussy twitching and inviting. "Are you okay with this, Sona?" he said, moving closer. Why he asked, he didn't know...because now, he wanted to put it in someone. But he was still wondering...what the hell was going on?
Sona looked up at Pit for a moment, before her eyes glanced down to his cock. He looked like he wanted to do it, and that was all the convincing she truly needed. Chi was right, she needed to just forget her complicated feelings, if only just for the night. This was simple, something she could enjoy. "Yes...I want a this." She told him, making sure to look him in the eyes. "It's okay with me as long as it's okay with you."
"...Good enough for me," Pit grinned, shifting closer as his hands spread up her body to roughly squeeze her heavy breasts. He tried not to look too eager in front of Chi, but...she started this mess in the first place, so it wasn't too much of a moral qaundry to sink his cock into her with a pleased shiver, wings spreading out with a heavy breath.
Sona gasped as she felt the tip of his cock press into her tight, virgin pussy. She wasn't expecting him to be so eager, but it wasn't surprising to see that he had changed since the last time they were together some years ago. Her dark, erect nipples were happy to accept the rough attention of his hands as he penetrated her, and thanks to Chi he already had plenty enough lubrication for this.

Perhaps Chi would have been jealous had it not been for the fact that she had been with Lord Ganondorf earlier on in the evening. She pushed the thought out of her mind and focused on touching Sona everywhere except where he was. She'd have her time with those breasts she adored so much soon enough. Still, she was really starting to get soaked herself, watching her lover fuck another woman. One she was attracted to, no less.
He squeezed her breasts hungrily as he started to buck into her, he didn't hesitate one second. No, he plunged right in without hesitation as his balls smacked wetly against her swollen pussy lips. "Mm...this feels a little different," he breathed, shifting over Sona to mash his lips hungrily, bucking his hips in pleasure.
Sona only let out a muffled cry against his lips as he bucked inside of her. The pain was there but she would get used to him in a minute. Her cunt was squeezing him relentlessly nonetheless as she failed to relax. Her heart was racing as their tongues met, she wasn't sure why, but she was feeling so strange.

"Stop thinking, Sona. Your virgin pussy would appreciate it." Chi teased as she backed off somewhat. Something was happening here and she would just be content to watch it for now.
Pit slowed after a moment, but didn't stop as he broke the kiss, forehead resting against hers. "Hey," he breathed. "Remember...our first time together?" he asked slowly with a playful little grin. "C'mon, I know you remember that...don't you?"
Sona looked into his eyes for a moment, the memories easily flowing through her mind, enough for her pussy to throb pleasantly around his thickness. "Yes, I do was wonderful." She gasped softly. Even though she basically tried to blackmail him with it. "Why..?"
"So?" Pit purred, squirming his hips. "If Chi blackmailed you into doing this, I'm going to make sure you're enjoying it. So tell me, what can I do to make you less tense? Am I not good enough now?" he smirked, hands roaming over her breasts.
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