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Medieval Fun Time Land (the metagame!)

So Bluefoot, are you intending for Michon to stay dead or should we try and get him raised in a suitably irresponsible fashion?
I was thinking about having him raised, maybe as an undead or something. I don't know. What do you guys think?
Hmmm...Michon being raised as an undead would really break any sort of trust that Gale and the rest of them would have for Alex.
Well, Maddie could handle that if she was nearby. But in the mean time, Kay is just wondering why we've all stopped stabbing and throwing fireballs. Her spoon can only do so much.
So...should Aria (the newcomer) be some sort of temptation to Gale to be unfaithful to Erica? Yes or no?
I sense a plot point coming up. Perhaps not me, but a Lord of Darkness can definitely be female.
Definitely a possibility. And yes, a plot point is coming up. :) I mean, as of now, Squishy and I have taken the two characters who started this whole thing out of the picture (at least, kinda on my part).
Have to go into the hospital today, may be there for a couple days if it goes badly. So uh, carry on.
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