Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

"I'm flattered, really..." He took her hands and held them, "But there is so much more for you out there than this, little clam. Don't surrender your pearl to the sailor who swears the loudest."
Ren scowled softly. "Fine, if you're not gonna help me get cash, get lost." She yanked her hands away, turning away and heading down the road to find someone else who would accept her offer, heels clicking as she walked away, hips swinging as she spotted another man sitting in his car, heading toward him.
Ren stopped and regarded Motochika with a cold, bored stare. "What? I'm busy and short on time, either pay for a trick or get lost."
"Why don't you come to my place, then?" It killed him a little to act this way; but he slapped on a seductive smirk and nudged his head to his crew, "My men would would love to have a taste of your fruits, as well." "A-Aniki, are you seriuous...!?"
She looked him up and down to see if he was lying, but she shrugged. "Fine, but just because you're cute doesn't mean you get a discount." She said, following him.
Motochika shook his head and brought her home with him and his men. He took her inside, spotting Nana and giving her the 'play along' kind of look, "Nana, I don't wish to be disturbed tonight."
Nana looked up from making dinner, blinked once and nodded. "Aye." She said, not having to worry one bit if Chosokabe would sleep with this young woman or not. Ren followed him into the bedroom, pulling off her coat. "Money first, sex second." She said, turning to face him.
"Yeah, about that." Motochika walked out of the room and shut the door, barring the door from opening, "This is for your own good! And don't think about jumping out the window, its quite the drop from here to the ground."
Ren's eyes widened and she hurried over to the door , ramming it hard. "What the hell!? Let me out of here, Chosokabe this isn't funny!" She slammed the door again, but it didn't budge.
"Fuck you! Let me out!" She hit the door again before turning to look at the room, looking for anything to help get the door down. "You know this is kidnapping right? As soon as I get out of here, I'm going straight to the cops!" She hissed, kicking the door.
Ren scowled and clenched her fists. "Why do you care anyway? It's not like we've ever been friends or had any classes together." She muttered, sitting on the bed and kicking her shoes off.
"I try to help as many as I can. Not a man in my crew came from humble beginnings. I like to give many a second chance. And you, little clam, are one of them." He told her
"So you kidnap me and hold me hostage, jee, thanks." She hissed. "And why do you care what happens to a crack whore anyway? Hoping you'll get some extra on the side?"
Eventually Ren fell asleep on the bed, sleeping in the small black dress well into the next morning, and by then, she was in the middle of coming down off her high. "Let. Me. Out!" She kicked the door with each word, panic in her voice. "I need to get out if this fucking room! Let me out motherfucker!" She screamed, trying to break the door down.
Nana looked to the bedroom door as more profanities were screamed at Motochika. "Poor girl... We should put a trash can and water in there once she falls asleep again." She said, continuing eating her meal, she had after all, been through this many times before.
"I have some clothes she can wear while she's detoxing, it won't be comfortable in that dress. "You're both lunatics!" Ren punched the door hard, already starting to sweat a bit. "And you're positive she lives alone with no living relatives?"
Nana nodded and finished her breakfast. When lunch rolled around, Ren had fallen asleep again, sleeping heavily and restlessly, pale and sweating. Nana entered and set down four water bottles on the night stand, a trash can beside the bed and some comfortable clothing on the bed before turning off the light and heading out, locking up behind her. "She's out cold again, and will probably be like that for quite a while." She told Motochika.
Motochika nodded, "She'll be right awful pissed when she comes out of this clean as a whistle, but I bet she'll be grateful none the less."
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