Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

"I told you, I help as many as I can.." He replied, "You needed my help...I couldn't just ignore your plight any longer...I hoped that you would one day realize that what you were doing was wrong and you would stop on your own, but you didn't. I had to intervene."
Ren stared down at her lap for a long minute before speaking again. "Thank you." She said as quietly as she could.

"'N that's when he asked me ta join his crew'n I did." Ren grinned as they reached Nana's apartment door.
"Yeah." She rubbed the back of her head, opening the door to a crowded home. "Well, c'mon in, it smells like the food is almost ready!"
Nana's apartment was usually neat with a beach theme, but today it seemed overcrowded with the entire crew inside. "C'mon, they're probably in the kitchen." She said, heading inside to find Chosokabe and Nana.
Akihime nodded and followed her. Motochika was, in fact, in the kitchen with Nana. He was cooking the food as she instructed him, glaring when the men teased him about it out of good humor
"There's nothing wrong with a man cooking, especially when he does it for his injured Siren." Nana said affectionately, smiling softly. "Cap'n! This is Aki-chan! She came to tag along with the crew!" Ren called.
All attention landed on Akihime and she slowly hid behind Ren, face flushed, "O-Ohayo..." "Evenin', lass! Come to party with the Ogre and his crew?" "Aniki! Aniki!"
Ren pulled Akihime from behind her, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Don' worry, you're with me, they won' try nothin'!" She said, leading her to the kitchen.
She looked at Akihime and blinked. "Well, we're more like yer family! And we can always sit out on the balcony if ya'd like?"
She nodded and headed out to the balcony, sitting down in one of the chairs. "Would ya like something to drink?"
"Tall, big, scary idiots..." She added, "I'm always scared I'm going to do something to upset them when I see them at school; like staring too long or not giving them space when they walk down the hallways.."
"Nah! You're with me now! They wouldn' dare mess with ya!" She said, flashing her a cheery grin.
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