Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

She grinned and scratched her cheek, waving her hand. "Don't mention it." She said, giving a small laugh.
Akihime finished her sushi and worked on eating a riceball next, "So, how long have you been in Motochika's crew, Ren-chan?" She asked.

((Ohmygosh, what if when Aki and Ren are kinda dating, Aki makes Ren a bento for school everyday? O//w//O ))

"Quite a while now, maybe a year 'er two, they picked me up an' straightened me out when I was on a bad path." She smiled.
(( (´∀`=) Wouldn't that be cute, though~?))

"A bad path? What do you mean?" She asked. She then shook her head quickly, "N-No, I'm sorry, its rude of me to pry!"
She shook her head, smiling. "It's not something I hide 'nymore." She took another bite of rice. "I used to, ah, in short, I was a drug dealer. I also did quite a few myself, sometimes I wouldn't have the money to get them and I'd have ta sell myself." She didn't seem bothered, continuing to eat. "Motochika found me and cleaned me up, making me a deal once I was sober." She grinned brightly. "Best decision of my life. I've been clean ever since."
"We still tease Ren about good deals he can offer us~" One of the crew said. "All in good fun! We know when to poke him and when to shut our traps!" "Aye! Shusuke lost a couple teeth takin' a joke too far once~!" The crew roared with laughter
"Yer damn right!" Ren said, slamming her fist down on the table. "And I'll do it again ya salty dogs!" But she was grinning, happy to joke.
The crew all laughed and joked around with Ren, making Akihime smile. She loved how comfotable everyone was, happy and full of affection for one another. Like a giant family. She wished she had something like that.
Akihime smiled a bit more, glad to have made such wonderful new friends. After school, she nervously texted Yoshitsugu telling him that she was going to be helping Yukimura and Sasuke with a project and wouldn't be back until some time after dinner. She fidgetted as she looked for Ren or the crew, hoping to leave before Mitsunari saw her
Ren pulled up in front of Akihime in her Sting Ray, waving. "Get in..! We're all heading to Lady Chosokabe's now!"
Ren blinked and made a face before heading off, driving toward Nana's house. "Why d'ya always run aroun' like you're being chased?"
"Aye, but if you ever need someone to talk to, just say so." She said with a smile, pulling into the parking center where Nana lived. "Alright, we're here."
"She could, but she likes Cap'n to pick her up." She said, putting the car in park and unbuckling her seatbelt. "Ready?"
Akihime unbuckled as well and nodded, "Hai...! Is Motochika going to be here as well?" She asked. She then frowned; that was the stupidest question she even dared utter. Of course Motochika was going to be there. "Baka..." She murmured.
Ren laughed softly, her laugh sounding quite clear, like bells. "Don't worry about!" She nudged her shoulder before getting out, waiting for Akihime.

((When should we do the flashback~? Perhaps Aki could as a little more into how she met Chosokabe~?))
"So..." Ren spoke as they walked. "I guess it'd be better if you knew exactly what I did before findin' Cap'n.. I mean, it'd be better than ya not knowin'." She cleared her throat. "Where to begin..?"

Ren was a first year in high school, and had been on the fast track to hell since middle school. Stumbling out of one of the many abandoned buildings, she wiped her mouth, glancing around with shifty eyes. After minute or two a middle aged man hurried out of the same building she had just been in, fixing his belt. The girl made her way down the street, dressed in a rather provocative dress, her long pink hair down to her waist. Her skin tight black dress was low-cut, short-skirted, and showed off her large chest rather nicely. She had dead eyes, which scanned over men like a wolfs, looking for prey. Then they fell on Motochika, who walked down the street with his crew, she had seen him a few times before that day, but had never approached him, but hey, she was getting low on cash. "Captain~ So nice ta see you~ You doing anythin' right now~?" Right then, she felt good, in fact, she felt amazing. She had just serviced someone and had gotten her fair pay of cocaine, pupils dilated and sinuses on fire.
Motochika stopped and frowned softly at this poor girl before him. A beautiful mermaid tainted by the toxic waste that floated through the area like oil polluting his beautiful sea. "You have nothing to offer me, girl...though I do feel pity for the state and situation you're in."
Ren moved closer and slid her hand up his inner thigh, groping his crotch and purring softly. "C'mon Cap'n~ You know I can treat ya real nice~" She said softly, batting her eyelashes at him, bending over slightly to show off her chest a bit more. "I can make you feel better than you've ever felt before~"
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