Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

Megohime didn't move from her fetal position. "H-He came back to kill me... He's going to kill me." She muttered, trembling. "I'm going to die.."
Megohime nodded, eyes darting back and forth. "He knows which room I'm staying in.. He's going to come back and kill me.."

((She's gonna have a smiiiidge of PTSD and depression, but can you blame her?))
((No, I cannot..))

Masamune made a face, "No, he won't, babe, I won't let him. I'll ask to have a guard posted outside your door, is that better?"
Megohime held his hand tightly, hand trembling as she did so, but she eventually calmed down. "When I get out... Do... Do you think I could stay with you for a while..? Kaa-sama wants me to move back home... But I'd feel safer with you.."
She nodded laying back against her pillow and closing her eyes again, still holding his hand.
Megohime twitched in her sleep, nuzzling closer to Masamune's hand with a soft whimper. She settled down again, only to errupt into a bloodcurdling scream mintues later, though still fully asleep.

((I remember my step mother used to scream in her sleep sometimes, it freaked me out hardcore.))

Masamune jumped and fell back in his chair, hitting his head on the floor. He hissed and rubbed the bump quickly growing on his head.
Megohime continued to scream, now starting to thrash in her bed slightly, tears falling down her cheeks, twisting in her bed.
The nurses came in, but all they did was wake Megohime up. Megohime looked confused, not sure why they were waking her up. "What's going on..?"
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