Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

Jingu only did the same, fumbling with her coat as she buttoned up. "Ano... How's your hand?"
"Hm?" Kojurou looked at his hand that he had sprained when he punched Tenkai nit shook slightly from healing incorrectly but he shrugged it off, "Better now.."
Jingu didn't want to overstep her newly regained friendship, simply nodding and continuing on in silence.
When they returned to the apartment, Kojurou took her to the back to see his wilting and whithering garden. He sighed softly, "I've been neglecting it in my absense.."
"Then we should get started." She said, moving over to the garden and beginning to pull out the weeds.
Jingu made a soft noise and finished pulling out all the weeds, standing. "Where do you have the beer?"
Jingu nodded and headed inside, going to grab a can of beer and a bowl, opening the can and filling the bowl half way before putting the can back and heading back out to the garden, setting the bowl amongst the plants.
Jingu nodded. "Is there anything else to be done?" She asked, wanting to help him out with anything he needed.
((Idea time~))

Megohime ate her food slowly, learning the hard way what happens when you haven't eaten real food in months then scarfing down anything in sight. She looked when the door opened, expecting her mother, but instead seeing Nana. She was in a wheelchair still - and would remain so for quite some time - and behind her Motochika. When Megohime's eyes met Chosokabe's she stiffened hard and dropped her soup spoon, paler than a sheet.
Motochika frowned softly, "Listen, I wanted to apologize for nearly turnin' ya into a pancake...I was right awful mad and wasn't thinkin' clear enough to see past the raging storm brewing in my chest.."
None of his words reached Megohime, a cold sweat having broken out on her forehead. She eyed Motochika with terror in her eyes, before turning and quickly pressing the call nurse button, completely terrified out of her mind. "Mego-chan..." Nana frowned softly as Megohime curled into a ball and muttered quietly to herself, trembling hard. "Maybe we should come back later?" Nana said softly to Motochika, frowning at her friends mental break down. Tears fell down Megohime's face, chewing hard on her thumbnail as she waited for her nurse; seeing Motochika had triggered a floodgate of memories, the day she had been run over coming flooding back to her. She remembered every tiny detail down to the way her blood tasted as she choked on it.
Motochika frowned and nodded, "Aye...that would be best..." He replied and pulled Nana out just as the nurse rushed in to check on Megohime
"Masamune... Need Masamune..." She mumbled repeatedly, trembling hard. "C-Call Masamune.."

Nana placed a hand on Motochika's as he wheeled her out. "It'll take some time.. Don't worry, Captain." She said softly.
The nurse nodded and moved out to call Masamune

Motochika gave her hand a gentle squeeze, "I know...I traumatized her something fierce.."
Megohime stayed curled up, waiting for Masamune and chewing her fingernails down to the quick.
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