Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

It had been nearly four months and Megohime had still not woken, but Kiyoaki absolutely refused to pull the plug on her daughter, renting a hotel room down the road. Her internal injuries were slow to heal but healed splendidly, leaving only her broken legs, broken ribs, and comatose state.
Kiyoaki didn't look up from Megohime, holding her frail looking hand, having lost quite a bit of weight whilst she was in her coma, her cheeks sunken in. "Hm..?" The mother grunted, looking almost as bad as Megohime.
Masamune pulled up a chair and sat by her, offering one of the dragon snaps, " for you and the rest for Mego...maybe the scent will wake her up so she can gripe at me about how much she hates them." He joked light-heartedly
Kiyoaki moved to grab a flower, but stopped, looking down at Megohime, her eyes widening. "Mego.." Megohime's eyes were open and she was staring at her mother, though she still looked out of it. "Mego!" Kiyoaki hugged Megohime tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Megohime groaned and Kiyoaki let go. "Sorry dear.." "What happened...?" Megohime croaked, closing her eyes from the harsh lights overhead. "I remember see Motochika, and you yelled something... But I can't remember.."
"After Motochika ran you over, I called the ambulance. They wouldn't let me ride with you so i had to run all the way here." He explained
Megohime frowned heavily, looking down at her broken legs. "I... Don't remember being run over.."
Kiyoaki pet Megohime's hair, holding her hand. "Can I have some water..?" Megohime asked, looking groggy.
"It hurts..." Megohime croaked, Kiyoaki standing. "I'll go get the nurse." She said, hurrying to find a nurse to up her meds.
The nurse came in and asked Megohime a couple questions about her pain before upping the dose of her morphine, "There...that should make her a little more comfortable.."
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