Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

Jingu pulled his member from his pants, stroking it before giving it a slow lick, hand wrapping around the base of the shaft as she begain to move her hand to get him aroused.
Once he was fully aroused, Jingu took his manhood into her mouth, kneeling before him with one hand pushing his leg open more, her other hand fondeling his member.
Jingu continued to work his manhood, careful of her teeth as she bobbed her head, using her tongue to swirl around the head of his manhood, a soft moan sounding from her mouth.
The door opened and Kojurou stepped in, only to stop and stare with wide horrified eyes. Tenkai glanced at him from the corner of his eye, smirking even more. "Oh, dear~ we have an unexpected guest~"
Jingu's eyes shot open and she quickly moved away from Tenkai and wiping her mouth on the back of her hand, shame making her face burn red. "K-Kojurou-senpai..!" She was so humiliated, she felt like she was going to cry or throw up, probably both.
Tenkai pulled his coat to cover himself and Kojurou lowered his gaze, eyes full of hurt. "Gomen...I didn't mean to disturb you...." "Poor Katakura~ didn't get to enjoy the pleasures for himself~ must be a shame to see the woman he so covets is actually a lowly whore~" Tenkai stated. Kojurou ground his teeth and glared at him, "She is no such thing!"
Jingu flinched at the word, lowering her gaze and humbling herself by lowering her head in shame, tears welling in her eyes.
"She couldn't keep away from me, even after she was the one who left me high and dry. Filthy slut~" "SHUT UP!!" Kojurou rushed forward and clocked Tenkai hard in the jaw, sending him spiralling from his chair. Kojurou growled through his teeth as he gripped his sprained hand, glaring more at Tenkai.
"Kojurou!" Jingu moved over to stop him from hitting Tenkai again. "Y-You should go, you'll only get in more trouble..!" She pleaded, tears falling from her eyes.
"Don't touch me!" Kojurou jerked away from her, glaring death. Tenkai stood and fixed himself before stumbling off, "Yo' cahn hahv da whuh, the wa' thlohi'y ah' betht...~" He tried to speak with his broken jaw and Kojurou lost it, tackling Tenkai to the ground and punching him repeatedly in the face. "Kojurou!!" "Katakura!" Masamune and Sasuke rushed over and pulled the Right Eye of the school nurse, holding him against the wall as he struggled to get free
Jingu flinched away from Kojurou when he snapped at her, biting her lip hard, and once Masamune and Sasuke entered to restrain him, she bolted, leaving school campus completely.
Kojurou was sent to the principle and was given a weeks suspension for assulting school staff and was sent home. Kojurou stalked all the way to his apartment and sat in the living room, sitting in a pit of self loathing
Jingu was already home and was crying softly, staring at her phone and struggling on the thought of texting Kojurou, or leaving him be. She chose to leave him alone, going to her room and looking for her old bad habit, her pack of cigarettes.
When Masamune came home, Kojurou was laying on the couch flipping through tv channels. "I have never seen you flip your shit like that before." "Not now, Masamune." Kojurou muttered. Masamune crossed his arms, "What happened to make you jump the nurse?" "In your terms, I was friendzoned and found Jingu...servicing him." "Ouch." Masamune mumbled, "Sorry, man.."
Sasuke sat with Yukimura at lunch as he always did. They had been a little awkward with each other since Yukimura found out about Sasuke's job.
Yukimura ate his lunch in silence, glancing up at Sasuke every now and again. "Ano... Sasuke..?"
"I want to work with you to help make money!" He said, bowing his head and pressing his fist against the table.
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